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Game Time: October 5567
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Tsarstvo Trigunii (Trigunia)[?]

Слава Тригунии; tr. Slava Trigunii (Glory to Trigunia)

The Flag of the Tsarstvo Trigunii (Trigunia)

Newspaper: Tsarstvo Trigunii (Trigunia) Daily


Note: the region name colours may be badly readable. It will be fixed in the future.

The Tsarstvo Trigunii (Trigunia)


Constitution[?]: view

Head of State[?]: His Northern Imperial Highness, Kazimir I, Great Prince and Tsar, Autocrat of all Trigunia, Kasier of Trigunian Hulstrians, Grand Protector of the Bear's Den, Sovereign of all Northern Territories, Emperor of Emperors, Sovereign of Sovereigns, Marshal of Trigunia, Conqueror of the Hulstrian Empire in Trigunia and in Keris, Highest Hussar of Radin, Guardian of the Holy Vatikan, Hetman of the Alazinder Cossacks, Patriarch of the House of Kharzin-Perezhogin, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth... .

Head of Government[?]: Predsedatel' Soveta Ministrov i namestnik tsarya (Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Viceroy of the Tsar) Vadym Eduardovych Myronyuk (17 Marta Komitet (17MK))

Cabinet: click here to view the cabinet.

Gosudarstvennaya Duma (State Duma)[?]: currently 600 seats[?], will be 600 after next election

Last Election Results: click here

Next Election[?]: April 5569


Click here for a comparison of the party voting records.

Ob"yedinennaya Triguniya budushcheg (600 seats)

For election history, click here.


View detailed political opinions.

DevolutionImportance: tiny
Civil Rights[?]Restrictive
PermissiveImportance: small
EnvironmentalistImportance: tiny
Foreign Relations[?]Isolationalism
InternationalismImportance: small
Government Responsibilities[?]Small Government
Big GovernmentImportance: vital
CapitalismImportance: moderate
AggressiveImportance: tiny
ProgressiveImportance: vital
FanaticImportance: dominant


View diplomatic details.


Click here to inspect the national budget.


Capital City: Rodshyadam (Родшядам) (Radin (Chadanyia))

Cities: view here.

Population[?]: 99,768,138


National Sport: Тригунский хоккей; tr. Trigunsky Khokkey (Trigunian Hockey)

National Animal: Бурый медведь; tr. Bury Medved (Brown Bear)

National Anthem:

Rodshyan (Russian):

My, tryguny – mirnyye lyudi,
Serdtsem predannyye rodnoy zemle.
Iskrenne druzhim, sily zakalyayem,
My v trudolyubivoy, svobodnoy sem'ye.

Slav'sya, zemli nashey svetloye imya,
Slav'sya, narodov bratskiy soyuz!
Nasha lyubimaya mat'-Otchizna,
Vechno zhivi i tsveti, Tryguniya!

Vmeste s brat'yami khrabro vekami
My zashchishchali rodnoy porog,
V bitvakh za volyu, bitvakh za dolyu
Svoye dobyvali znamya pobed!


Druzhba narodov – sila narodov –
Nash zavetnyy, solnechnyy put'.
Gordo zh vozveysya v yasnyye vysi,
Znamya pobednoye – radosti flag!


Luthorian (English):

We, Trigunians, are peaceful people,
Wholeheartedly devoted to our Motherland.
We are faithful friends, growing up
Living in a hardworking and independent family.

Glory to the blessed name of our land,
Glory to the brotherly union of peoples!
Our dearly beloved Motherland,
May you live long and prosper, Trigunia!

Together with our brothers, we for centuries
Courageously defended our home's threshold.
In battles for freedom, and battles for our lot
We have won our banners of victory!


Friendship of peoples is the strength of peoples
And it is our sacred sunlit path.
Proudly we fly in the clear blue skies,
The banner of victory, the sunshine's flag!


Imperskiy poddannyy (Imperial Subject) List

The subnational divisions, also referred to as regions[?], of the Tsarstvo Trigunii (Trigunia) are each referred to as a Imperskiy poddannyy (Imperial Subject).


To view the laws currently in effect, click here.

To view the legislative history of this nation, click here.

Bills under debate

These bills are currently under debate[?].

Bill CreatedTitle
January 4752OOC: Information of Trigunia (DO NOT DELETE! PLEASE READ)
January 5367RP: Sovereign Wealth Funds of Trigunia
July 5432⚠️ OOC: Cultural Protocol of Trigunia (Updated: January 2024)
February 5528PVPS-02: Manifesto, Part 2 | February 5528
November 5555Call for early elections, November 5555

Bills being voted upon

These bills are currently being voted[?] upon.

Bill CreatedVote StartedTitle


Random fact: Don't vote yes on a cabinet coalition that doesn't give you the power that you deserve.

Random quote: "The true destiny of America is religious, not political: it is spiritual, not physical." - Alvin R. Dyer

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