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Game Time: November 5556
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Repubblica Socialista d'Istalia (Istalia)[?]

"Per i lavoratori, per la liberazione"
(For workers, for liberation)

The Flag of the Repubblica Socialista d'Istalia (Istalia)

Newspaper: Repubblica Socialista d'Istalia (Istalia) Daily


Note: the region name colours may be badly readable. It will be fixed in the future.

The Repubblica Socialista d'Istalia (Istalia)


Constitution[?]: view

Head of State[?]: Segretario Generale Auro Casella ( Lega Socialista d'Istalia)

Head of Government[?]: Segretario del Congresso Generale Gabriele Coralli (Forum Liberale 🧭)

Cabinet: click here to view the cabinet.

Congresso Generale[?]: currently 450 seats[?], will be 450 after next election

Last Election Results: click here

Next Election[?]: February 5560


Click here for a comparison of the party voting records.

Lega Socialista d'Istalia (253 seats)
Forum Liberale 🧭 (197 seats)
Leoboobooo Party (0 seats)
Saffgu Party (0 seats)

For election history, click here.


View detailed political opinions.

DevolutionImportance: dominant
Civil Rights[?]Restrictive
PermissiveImportance: tiny
EnvironmentalistImportance: tiny
Foreign Relations[?]Isolationalism
InternationalismImportance: tiny
Government Responsibilities[?]Small Government
Big GovernmentImportance: vital
CapitalismImportance: dominant
AggressiveImportance: dominant
ProgressiveImportance: tiny
FanaticImportance: tiny


View diplomatic details.


Click here to inspect the national budget.


Capital City: Romula (Fidelia)

Cities: view here.

Population[?]: 99,717,406


National Sport: Calcio

National Animal: Lupa

National Anthem:


Fratelli d'Istalia
l'Istalia s'è desta,
dell'elmo di Scitio
s'è cinta la testa.
Dov'è la Vittoria?
Le porga la chioma,
ché schiava di Romula
Iddio la creò.
Stringiamci a coorte
siam pronti alla morte
l'Istalia chiamò.

Noi siamo da secoli
calpesti, derisi,
perché non siam popolo,
perché siam divisi.
Raccolgaci un'unica
bandiera, una speme:
di fonderci insieme
già l'ora suonò.
Stringiamci a coorte
siam pronti alla morte
l'Istalia chiamò.

Uniamoci, amiamoci,
l'Unione, e l'amore
rivelano ai Popoli
le vie del Signore;
Giuriamo far libero
il suolo natìo:
uniti per Dio
chi vincer ci può?
Stringiamci a coorte
siam pronti alla morte
l'Istalia chiamò.

Son giunchi che piegano
le spade vendute:
già il majatrano quanzaro
le fruste ha perdute.
Il sangue d'Istalia,
il sangue sì sacro,
bevé di un sol fiato,
ma il cor gli bruciò.
Stringiamci a coorte
siam pronti alla morte
l'Istalia chiamò.


Brothers of Istalia,
Istalia has awakened,
with Scipio's helmet
She has bound her head.
Where is Victory?
Let her bow down,
for God has made her
Romula's slave.
Let us join in cohort,
we are ready to die!
Istalia has called!

We have been for centuries
downtrodden and derided,
for we are not one people,
for we are divided.
Let one flag, one hope
gather us all:
for us to be unified
the hour has already struck.
Let us join in cohort,
we are ready to die!
Istalia has called!

Let us unite and love one another;
union and love
show the people
the way of the Lord;
Let us swear to free
our native soil:
united under God,
who can defeat us?
Let us join in cohort,
we are ready to die!
Istalia has called!

They're reeds that bend
mercenary swords:
the Quanzari Majatran
has already lost his wiskes.
The blood of Istalia,
the blood so sacred,
he drank fast
but it burned her heart.
Let us join in cohort,
we are ready to die!
Istalia has called!

Regione List

The subnational divisions, also referred to as regions[?], of the Repubblica Socialista d'Istalia (Istalia) are each referred to as a Regione.


To view the laws currently in effect, click here.

To view the legislative history of this nation, click here.

Bills under debate

These bills are currently under debate[?].

Bill CreatedTitle
April 4817OOC: Forze Armate e Servizi Segreti dell'Impero Istaliano - Armed Forces and Intelligence of the Istalian Empire (Update to 5103)
February 5134OOC: Electoral results history of the Third Istalian Empire (Up to 5241)
January 5141OOC: Roleplay: Progressive Istalianization and Hosianization of Majatran minority
January 5141OOC: current ongoing role plays in Istalia
December 5156(RP) Constitution of the Istalian Empire (5102) [OOC: PLEASE READING FOR REFERENCE]
February 5160OOC: Institutions, Organizations, Companies, Associations, Foundations, Media in Istalia (Updated on 5160)
November 5423OOC: Updating the Cultural Protocols of Istalia (5230)
March 5553Ratification of the Beiteynuese Framework of Trade & Commerce (Yeudish Neset)
March 5553Ratification of the Vamaj Oil & Gas Supply & Distribution Framework (Vamaj Network)
June 5553DdL 01/5553 Demilitarization Act

Bills being voted upon

These bills are currently being voted[?] upon.

Bill CreatedVote StartedTitle


Random fact: References to prominent real-life persons are not allowed. This includes references to philosophies featuring the name of a real-life person (eg. "Marxism", "Thatcherism", "Keynesianism").

Random quote: "And what is Aleppo?" - Gary Johnson

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