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Game Time: October 5567
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Rìoghachd na Rutha (Rutania)[?]

Uaill, Onair, Sìth (Pride, Honesty, Peace)

The Flag of the Rìoghachd na Rutha (Rutania)

Newspaper: Rìoghachd na Rutha (Rutania) Daily


Note: the region name colours may be badly readable. It will be fixed in the future.

The Rìoghachd na Rutha (Rutania)


Constitution[?]: view

Head of State[?]: A Mhòrachd Rìoghail, Euan Chlann Asgaill, Righ na Rutha, Àrd Cheann-cinnidh na Caldonnach (His Royal Highness, Euan of Clan Asgaill, King of Rutania, High Chieftain of Caldorians) Duncan Mackintosh ( Pàrtaidh Adhartach Rutha)

Head of Government[?]: Morair Seansalair (Lord Chancellor) Graham Ó Dubháin ( Pàrtaidh Adhartach Rutha)

Cabinet: click here to view the cabinet.

Pàrlamaid (Parliament)[?]: currently 105 seats[?], will be 105 after next election

Last Election Results: click here

Next Election[?]: June 5572


Click here for a comparison of the party voting records.

Pàrtaidh Adhartach Rutha (105 seats)

For election history, click here.


View detailed political opinions.

DevolutionImportance: dominant
Civil Rights[?]Restrictive
PermissiveImportance: vital
EnvironmentalistImportance: dominant
Foreign Relations[?]Isolationalism
InternationalismImportance: tiny
Government Responsibilities[?]Small Government
Big GovernmentImportance: tiny
CapitalismImportance: tiny
AggressiveImportance: tiny
ProgressiveImportance: tiny
FanaticImportance: tiny


View diplomatic details.


Click here to inspect the national budget.


Capital City: St. Glasdoine (Barrymore)

Cities: view here.

Population[?]: 99,625,921


National Sport: Camanachd (Shinty)

National Animal: Wyvern

National Anthem:

"Rutania Mòr"

A Thighearna dìon sinn fir is boireannaich Rutania
Na leig le ni sam bith ar gèilleadh sìos mar a bha ar facal air a shuidheachadh air an latha an-diugh agus gun a bhith air a chuir oirnn
Gus ar saoradh uile o chumhachd an uilc
Nuair a chaidh sinn air seacharan
Airson Rutania Mòr agus crìoch air a h-uile tàmailt
Airson Rutania Mòr agus crìoch air a h-uile tàmailt

Bho raointean de
buachaillean agus cnuic ghobhar
agus rathaidean cumhang
gu aibhnichean nam bàtaichean
Bidh iad a
tìr aithnichte leis an ainm Rutania
Airson Rutania Mòr agus crìoch air a h-uile tàmailt
Airson Rutania Mòr agus crìoch air a h-uile tàmailt

(Luthorian) "Rutania the Great"

Lord protect us men and women of Rutania
Let nothing force us down as our word was set on this day and put upon no frown
To save us all from evils power
When we were gone astray
For Rutania the Great and an end to all dismay
For Rutania the Great and an end to all dismay

From fields of
shepherds and hills of goats
and narrow roads
to rivers of boats
Their shall be a
recognised land by the name of Rutania
For Rutania the Great and an end to all dismay
For Rutania the Great and an end to all dismay

Mòr-roinn (Province) List

The subnational divisions, also referred to as regions[?], of the Rìoghachd na Rutha (Rutania) are each referred to as a Mòr-roinn (Province).


To view the laws currently in effect, click here.

To view the legislative history of this nation, click here.

Bills under debate

These bills are currently under debate[?].

Bill CreatedTitle
August 5067OOC: Cultural Protocol of Rutania (IMPORTANT)
June 5517OOC (Roleplay): RP-Laws
June 5517OOC (Roleplay): Toísech and Provincial Governments
February 5519Rutanian Commercial Lending Authority Act, 5519
February 5519Rural Economic Development Authority Act, 5519
January 5528Miscellaneous Provisions (No.10) Act, 5528

Bills being voted upon

These bills are currently being voted[?] upon.

Bill CreatedVote StartedTitle
June 5567June 5567Rutanian Liberation Act, 5567
August 5567August 5567Electoral Reform Act 5567


Random fact: Periodically, it is a good idea to go through your nation's Treaties and arrange to withdraw from any that are unwanted.

Random quote: "It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion." - Joseph Goebbels

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