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International Monarchist League[?]



The International Monarchist League is an organisation dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the monarchical system of government and the principle of monarchy worldwide.

The League was founded with the following mission statement:

"Friends, several centuries ago the Endralonian Empire was the only hereditary Monarchy left in the world. It was founded, after the communists had lost control over Endralon. Endralon has been an example for all Monarchists around the world: it IS possible, and if we all work together, one day every worthy Nation shall have a Monarchy, an eternal and stable institute to believe in. Today, after a century of struggle, we have seen the rise and fall of many a Monarchy, including the oldest one. Still today there are monarchies on Terra. Our task will be difficult: to preserve what we have, and to expand the royalist ideas all over the globe. We will - eventually - win, for our idea is just and righteous."

Oath of the International Monarchist League:

I, the ___________________ of _________________, here by swear to the International Monarchist League to never attack, dethrone or destroy another monarchy, unless they attack my nation. I will uphold the international established laws of this organization in upholding monarchies, and promise that I will do all in my power to keep monarchies in power. As in the words of our founder, we will WIN for we are righteous.


Below are royal houses, monarchs or imperial electors which are recognised by the International Monarchist League as the legitimate rulers of the relevant nations (last update: July 4946).

[Undergoing revamp.]


1. Recognition of new royal houses;
----- 1.1. The installation of the new royal house must require the traditional 2/3 vote in the legislature;
----- 1.2. The proposed royal family must be in keeping with that nation's culture or history;
----- 1.3. The previous royal family (if any) must not have any advocates in the legislature;
----- 1.4. The previous royal family (if any) must be inactive for a reasonable amount of time;
----- 1.5. The previous royal family (if any) must not have had a significant history in the nation;
----- 1.6. The onus is on the player to prove that the above qualifications have been met

2. Players planning on inactivating should:
----- 2.1. Transfer control of their respective royal houses to another monarchist party in their nation;
----- 2.2. Inform the IML of your plans and seek a possible replacement

3. If you wish to restore a house without the transfer that the Moderation team requires, then:
----- 3.1. Inquire in the IML as to who might be the previous owner and seek transfer;
----- 3.2. Create a cadet branch;
----- 3.3. If in a nation without any significant history of monarchy, proceed to create a new royal house, in compliance with rule #1


This organization was founded by the NATIONAL UNION in November 2089.

Member List[?]

There are three levels of membership:

This organization has 69 member parties.

Active Members

  Suadja Alktmn GrundnyrLeadership
  Conservative PartyFull
  Dolgavas Konservatīvā Partei (DKP)Full
  Schwarze Adler VereinFull
  Vereinigte Volkspartei (VVP)Full
  Parti Unitié des RoyalistesCandidate

Inactive Members

  姬恩黨 (Jien Faction) 🌄Leadership
  Liberal Party of HutoriLeadership
  Parti de la Restauration NationalLeadership
  Aliança Real de Tukarali 👑Full
 Conservative Homeland Party 🔵Full
  自由民政党 - Jiyū MinseitōFull
  Factiō Nātiōnālis SelūciānaFull
 Liberal PartyFull
 Lutgorian Ordosocialist Party (LOSP)Full
 Luthorian People's RallyFull
 Monarchist Tory PartyFull
  Ndráloni LigaFull
  Non-Partisan MovementFull
 Partido MonárquicoFull
 Partit AxiaqistsFull
 Sentinel Party of MordusiaFull
  Velmegun TælmörksFull
  Vit sköld koalitionFull
 Akcja WalruzyjskaCandidate
  Aliança por Tukarali (ALIANÇA)Candidate
  Alianța CivicăCandidate
  Conservative Party of HutoriCandidate
 Country and Labour PartyCandidate
 Démocratie hosienneCandidate
  De Liberale KonservativeCandidate
  Dominion Party of HutoriCandidate
 Dorviks Nationale ParteiCandidate
 Dundorfnationale Volkspartei 🪖Candidate
 Forum Conservatore NazionaleCandidate
 Freie Königlich-Liberale ParteiCandidate
  Hulsterreichische ParteiCandidate
 Imperial Party of Baltusia (IPB)Candidate
  Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdtCandidate
 Jetzt anders! 🦅Candidate
 Kodav YehudCandidate
  Konservativnava Tsarskaya PartiyaCandidate
  Malvia People's PartyCandidate
 Monarchist Peoples PartyCandidate
 Monarcho Socialist PartyCandidate
 Mordusian-Luthorian AssociationCandidate
 National Dervikian PartyCandidate
 National PartyCandidate
 National People's Party of Dundorf(NPPD)Candidate
  Nationale UnieCandidate
 New Conservative People's PartyCandidate
 Partei für die FreiheitCandidate
  Partido Imperial SocialistaCandidate
 Partido Tecnocrático de Egelion (PTec)Candidate
 Partito del Re d'IstaliaCandidate
  Pàrtaidh an Aonaidh - Unionist PartyCandidate
  Poder PopularCandidate
 Progressive Conservative PartyCandidate
  PVPS (ПВПС)Candidate
 Sozialdemokratische Partei (SDP)Candidate
  The Party of the New Orderist FrontCandidate
 Trapstar PartyCandidate
  Verenigde Koninklijke PartijCandidate

National Distribution

Membership of this organization is divided over the following nations:

Commonwealth of Mordusia (Mordusia)7
Königreich Dorvik (Dorvik)6
Holy Luthorian Empire (Luthori)6
República Federativa Tukarense (Tukarali)4
Bundesrepublik Dundorf (Dundorf)3
Harmadik Ndráloni Direktoriális Köztársaság (Endralon)3
Kingdom of Hutori (Hutori)3
Doppelrepublik Narikenland und Darnussien / Dubbele republiek Narikenland en Darnoessië (Narikaton and Darnussia)3
Kingdom of Great Bae (Dankuk)2
Dovriges Republik (Davostag)2
República de Egelion (Egelion)2
Repubblica Socialista d'Istalia (Istalia)2
Res Publica Seluciae (Selucia)2
Tsarstvo Trigunii (Trigunia)2
Communauté d'Aldurie (Alduria)1
Teyrnas yr Alôr (Aloria)1
Syndicalist Union of Autonomous States (Baltusia)1
Moledet Medinat (Beiteynu)1
Gran Prinċipat ta’ Kildanja (Cildania)1
Dolgavas Impērija / Dolgavan Empire (Dolgava)1
República Gaduridana (Gaduridos)1
Mikuni-Hulstria (Hulstria and Gao-Soto)1
Federale Republiek Ikradon (Ikradon)1
Empire of Ananto and Kalistan (Kalistan)1
Communauté de Kanjor (Kanjor)1
Kongeriket av Kazulmark (Kazulia)1
Republica Chizână (New Endralon and Kizenia)1
Royaume Uni de Lourenne (Lourenne)1
Māliva Janaparishadsanghah (Malivia)1
Rìoghachd na Rutha (Rutania)1
Sekouo shū (Seko)1
Tælmörksríki / Kingdom of Telamon (Telamon)1
Rzeczpospolita Walruzyjska / Valruzian Republic (Valruzia)1
Wrnukaék Konzknstat (Vanuku)1
Voronan Federation (Vorona)1
Yingdala Lianhe Gongheguo (Yingdala)1

Random fact: It usually takes up to an hour for election results to generate. During this time, the "Next Election" date is put forward a month, which is confusing. Do not worry! In a short time, the election result will generate and the "Next Election" date will then correct itself.

Random quote: "An independent is someone who wants to take the politics out of politics." - Adlai Stevenson

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