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User O Canada
Party: Front Canrillaise
Nation: Empire Canrillais - Confédération rildanorienne (Rildanor)
Joined on: 20:48:21, November 23, 2005 CET
Last activity: 06:48:29, May 10, 2016 CET
Last page visited: Bill Page
Random fact: Moderation will not accept Cultural Protocol updates which introduce, on a significant scale, cultures which are likely to be insufficiently accessible to players. In particular, for all significant cultures in Particracy, it should be easy for players to access and use online resources to assist with language translation and the generation of character names. Moderation reserves the right to amend Cultural Protocols which are deemed to have introduced significant cultures that are not sufficiently accessible and which are not being actively role-played with. |
Random quote: "Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education and free discussion are the antidotes of both." - Thomas Jefferson |