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User Siggon_LOD
Party: Great National Republican Guard
Nation: Commonwealth of Lodamun (Lodamun)
Joined on: 17:43:47, May 18, 2013 CET
Last activity: 19:25:43, January 08, 2019 CET
Last page visited: Party Overview
Random fact: When it comes to creating a Cultural Protocol in a Culturally Open nation, players are not necessarily required to provide a plausible backstory for how the nation's cultural background developed. However, the provision of a plausible backstory may be a factor in whether Moderation approves the Cultural Protocol if players in surrounding nations question its appropriateness for their region of the game map. |
Random quote: "'The illusion of Pontesi nationhood'. The Serpent speaks. How can they say these things? How can they call our country an illusion? You can see it clear as day, these people won’t stop until they’ve destroyed us all." - Morgan Einar, former Pontesian general |