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User this is a test
Party: Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt
Nation: Federale Republiek Ikradon (Ikradon)
Joined on: 01:20:57, July 17, 2016 CET
Last activity: 13:40:09, July 06, 2023 CET
Last page visited: Viewing User
Random fact: RP laws follow the same passing rules as in-game variable laws. Laws that are not of a constitutional nature require a simple majority "Yes" vote from active parties currently holding seats. Laws that are of a constitutional nature require a 2/3 majority "Yes" vote from active parties currently holding seats. RP laws may be abolished a simple majority vote this applies to ANY RP law. |
Random quote: "Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites." - William Ruckelshaus |