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User HutorianProletarian
Party: Scientian Enclave
Nation: Kingdom of Hutori (Hutori)
Joined on: 03:21:52, September 09, 2016 CET
Last activity: 05:22:55, September 17, 2018 CET
Last page visited: Nation Overview
Random fact: Players have a responsibility to differentiate between OOC (out-of-character) and IC (in-character) behaviour, and to make clear when they are communicating in OOC or IC terms. Since Particracy is a role-playing game, IC excesses are generally fine, but OOC attacks are not. However, players must not presume this convention permits them to harass a player with IC remarks that have a clear OOC context. |
Random quote: "Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." - Edward Abbey |