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User Zati
Party: Zati Party
Nation: República de Egelion (Egelion)
Joined on: 17:18:33, December 10, 2021 CET
Last activity: 18:26:22, December 13, 2021 CET
Last page visited: Viewing User
Random fact: In Culturally Protected nations, special care must be taken to ensure realism is maintained when role-playing a government controlled by an ethnic and/or religious minority. If it is to be supposed that this government is supported by a majority of the population, then this should be plausibly and sufficiently role-played. The burden of proof is on the player or players role-playing such a regime to demonstrate that it is being done realistically |
Random quote: "The worst thing the bad guys can do is force us to doubt the good ones." - Viria Agelasta, former Selucian politician |