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Game Time: July 5619
Next month in: 03:09:59
Server time: 16:50:00, March 13, 2025 CET
Currently online (1): itsjustgav | Record: 63 on 23:13:00, July 26, 2019 CET

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Bill: Egelion Party Adulthood Bill


Submitted by[?]: National Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: June 2119


We propose loweing the age of adulthood to 16. This will give those between the age of 16 and 18 the vote, the right to buy alcohol, the right to join the Armed Forces, the right to engage in adult relationships etc etc.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 482


Total Seats: 147


Total Seats: 121

Random fact: By default the head of government is the ultimate authority within a national government. In general terms, heads of government are expected to consult with cabinet colleagues (including those from other parties) before making significant decisions but they remain responsible for government action.

Random quote: “Their cheap talk of the 'greater good' is a thinly concealed excuse for subordinating the people to the institutionalized violence that is the state.” - Margaret Woodhall, former Dranian politician

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