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Nations of Terra

For more information on the cultural background of the nations, please see the Cultural Protocols Index.

ColorFlag[?]Name[?]Population[?]Regions[?]Head of State[?]Active Parties
 FlagFederacijam Xalkii Ozodi Aldegor (Aldegar)99,548,6765President of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation, Президенти Федерациям халкии озоди Алдегар(Prezidenti Federacijam xalkii ozodi Aldegar) Darya Golzar ( URAD🦚🪷🕊🦁)6
 FlagCommunauté d'Aldurie (Alduria)99,457,8955By the Grace of God, His Royal Majesty, of the House of Orléans-Vasser, Emperor of Canrille, Monarch of Lourenne, King of Kanjor, King of Alduria, King of the Rildanorians, Prince of Hutori and Kazulia, Grand Duke of Kreshar, Grand Duke of Silliers, Grand Duke of Roccato, Grand Duke of Yodukan, Duke of Weignad, Duke of Meriath, Duke of Audierne, Count of Valois, Count of Zanyal, Protector of the Orinco People, Leader of the Order of the Golden Kingdom, Knight of the Order of the Silver Rooster, Head of the Union of Canrille, Commander of the Royal Armed Forces, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm: Philippe IX .2
 FlagTeyrnas yr Alôr (Aloria)99,583,5065Ei Fawrhydi Siarl XIX Brenin yr Alôr / E Veurdez Charlez XIX Roue an Alor / Y Veuredh Charlys XIX Myghtern an Alor / Seine Majestät Karl XIX König von Alorien (His Majesty Siarl XIX King of Aloria) .1
 FlagJumhuriat al-Badara (Badara)99,719,1755Rayiys (President) Jubair al-Barak ( Hizb al-Dimuqratiya al-Horriya)1
 FlagSyndicalist Union of Autonomous States (Baltusia)99,932,2635The Syndicate Grace Faulkner ( United Workers Union 🛠️)8
 FlagDewleta nû ya Barmenia (Barmenistan)99,672,7175Jezknstaték yrzy Jezhrje'konak'aerzsrlji Konzsrljihikoék BUNJAMÍN orzy Jelb'koékaiék Jezkonz yrzy Jelbijékaiék Mrjkai yrzy Wrnukaék Konz yrzy Beíték Mlé yrzy Brmék Shá yrzy Drsmojrzataghék Krté Kshihiko yrzy Mitoék Mirz yrzy Jelbék H'ánknstaték trzy Pnték Konzknstaték grzy Abshrmojadhiko yrzy Kutsalkaié Lawrns-Wrntukai grzy Brnk yrzy Heijikaiék Ol'itá yrzy Jelb'koékaiék Frto yrzy Nrlzisrlji kaerajoza Nrlzinyrsrlji yrzy Prnznrdék trzy Hefaék trzy Merlkaitakék grzy Jezbék yrzy Ibthoék inDuna yrzy Skwoék Yukatchu yrzy Srnebrjohiko yrzy Banmek-Sntazedék Frtogad (His Imperial and Gracious Majesty BUNJAMÍN, Emperor of the Jelbic Peoples, Protector of the Jelbic Peoples, King of Vanuku, Meleh of Beiteynu, Shah of Barmenia, Heaven’s Wolf Child, Prince of the West, Sovereign of the Khanate of Jelbe and the Kingdom of Pontesi, Heir of Saint Laŭrenco, Sword of the Righteous, Father of all Jelbic nations, Enlightened among the Unenlightened, Duke of Prinsenaard, Hefa and Merlkaitak, InDuna of Ibutho, member of the Sekoan Yukatchu, Patriarch of the House of Banmek-Sntazed, and so on) Omr Ufné ( BRME!!!)1
 FlagMoledet Medinat (Beiteynu)99,768,5215His Royal and Imperial Majesty Bunjamín, Inheritor of Elior by the Grace of Elyon and Guidance of Ariel, of the House of Banmek-Sntazed; Emperor of the Jelbic Peoples, Yeudi Monarch, Meleh (King) of the Yeudi Homeland, King of Vanuku, Shah of Barmenia, Overlord of Pontesi and Jelbania, Mahzik (Holder) of the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems and the Throne of Yishelem, Magen (Defender) of the Holy Land and the Yeudi People, Protector of the Jelbic Peoples, Heaven's Wolf Child, Prince of the West, Heir of Saint Laŭrenco, Sword of the Righteous, Enlightened among the Unenlightened, Holder of Four Gems, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Beiteynu .8
 FlagRepublic of Beluzia (Beluzia)99,486,7935President of the Republic Amy Aarhus ( New Conservative Party of Beluzia (NCPB))2
 FlagGran Prinċipat ta’ Kildanja (Cildania)99,484,7005Supreme Chancellor of the Great Cildanian Legislative Body Josh Abela ( All-Gziri Partit)1
 FlagYekobura Fēdērēshini (Cobura)99,636,1775Chief Executor and Principal Steward of the Union Tariq Yusuf Saleh ( Peoples' Commonwealth Party (PCP-PDLP))0
 FlagKingdom of Great Bae (Dankuk)99,520,8465花武麻立干陛下 (His Excellency the Hwamu Emperor of the Kingdom of Great Baeguk, Baek Seonghwa) '1
 FlagDovriges Republik (Davostag)99,622,1415Dovriges Republiks Rikspresident (President of the Davostag Republic) Sterling President canidate ( OFFICAL STERLING Party)1
 FlagRepublika Deltarska (Deltaria)99,710,4345Predsjednik (President) Božidar Đorđević ( Ujedinjena Deltarija)1
 FlagDolgavas Impērija / Dolgavan Empire (Dolgava)99,539,2025Viņas godīgākā un skaistākā karaliskā majestāte, Emerentiana no Rotingrena-Ludviga nama, ar Dieva žēlastību, Dolgavas Kaiserīns, brīvības un brīvības aizstāvis, Karzonas hercogiene, Noverskas grāfiene, Hutori princese un Midenholas hercogiene, Anais nama mantiniece, Hulstrijas princese, Austrumu teritoriju aizstāve, Petrovgradas hercogiene, Trigunijas princese, Veronas princese, Deltarijas princese, Rotingenas grāfiene Kēnigreihas protektore, Kerisas aizstāve, tautas aizstāve (Her Most Fair and Beautiful Royal Majesty, Emerentiana of the House of Rothingren-Ludwig, by the Grace of God, Kaiserin of Dolgava, Protecter of Freedom and Liberty, Duchess of Karzon, Countess of Noversk, Princess of Hutori and Duchess of Middenhall, Heir of the House of Anais, Princess of Hulstria, Protector of the Eastern Territories, Duchess of Petrovgrad, Princess of Trigunia, Princess of Verona, Princess of Deltaria, Countess of Rothingren Protector of the Königreich, Protector of Keris, Advocate for the People) .1
 FlagKönigreich Dorvik (Dorvik)99,659,7965Seine Majestätische Hoheit, Kurfürst des Dundorfisches Reich, Herzog von Vohrau, Beschützer von Dorvik, von Gottes Gnaden, Franz, König von Dorvik und Franz, Dundorfisches Kaiser (His Majestic Highness, Prince-Elector of the Dundorfian Reich, Duke of Vohrau, Protector of Dorvik, by the grace of God, Franz, the King of Dorvik and Franz, Dundorfian Kaiser) .1
 FlagBundesrepublik Dundorf (Dundorf)99,568,8905Bundespräsident/in Joachim-Adam Springer ( Bund der Landwirte 🌾)10
 FlagRepública de Egelion (Egelion)99,673,3775Presidente de la República de Egelion Sami Espinoza ( Alianza para el Progreso)2
 FlagHarmadik Ndráloni Direktoriális Köztársaság (Endralon)99,661,9355President of the Council of Grand Directors Szentmarjay Anzelm ( Hosian and Direct Democratic Party)0
 FlagRepública Gaduridana (Gaduridos)99,895,3815Presidente de la República (President of the Republic) Arnoldo Bertolini ( Partido de la Libertad Nacional)2
 FlagHobratsuri Respublika (Hobrazia)99,592,1895Hobratsis Respublikis Prezidenti (President of the Hobrazian Republic) Petre Meliton ( Infinite Party)2
 FlagMikuni-Hulstria (Hulstria and Gao-Soto)99,487,2275Präsident/Shachō Yōzefu Hāken ( Harusutorō-Mikan Ābētāpātī ⚒)0
 FlagKingdom of Hutori (Hutori)99,769,1855Her Imperial and Most Excellent Royal Majesty, Victoria II of House Steuart-Carmichael, Sovereign of the Royal Commonwealth, Queen and Monarch of Hutori & Mordusia, High Chieftainess of the Mashacara People, Khatun of Estifíesti, Protector of the Pylztryznyrék, Princess of Orange-Vilyan, Vanuku, Dolgava, Lourenne, Kazullia & Dorvik, Grand Duchess of Geharon & Iztapalata, Duchess of Stormkapp, Karzon, Carolleux, Bellemont & Alcarie, Countess of Ackerly, Lady Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Lion, Master of the Knightly Order of St. Michael, Peer of the Order of the Grey Smoke, Supreme Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth .3
 FlagFederale Republiek Ikradon (Ikradon)99,656,3075Staatspresident (State President), Leonie Hofkamp ( Nationale Democratische Partij 🦅)2
 FlagRepubblica Socialista d'Istalia (Istalia)99,717,4065Segretario Generale Auro Casella ( Lega Socialista d'Istalia)4
 FlagCakaniye Cumhuriyeti (Jakania)99,749,8095Cakaniye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı (President of the Republic of Jakania), elected by the Assembly of the Republic1
 FlagJelbék H'ánknstat (Jelbe)99,597,2315Hldjez'shprpzi Jebr V, wrzy Jelbék H'an, grzy hldjomek Jeztaghaék Kahegrm Abshrmojadhiko yrzy Nubajrkaék Bék (His Exalted Highness, elected by the Great Kurultai, Jebr V, Khan of Jelbe, Great Purple Wolf, Supreme Commander of the Great Jelbek Horde, Lord of the Great Perimor Steppe, Bek of the royal clan of Nubajrka) .0
 FlagMamlakat al-Majāliyya al-Qalb (Kafuristan)99,675,3175His Majesty, Bassam II, King of Kafuristan, Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques, Descendant of the Holy Prophet Ahmad, Servant of Akim, Defender of Ahmadism, Commander of the Faithful, Champion of Jihad, Sword of Justice,Lion of Majatra, Father of the Nation, The Most Merciful & etc. .1
 FlagEmpire of Ananto and Kalistan (Kalistan)99,612,7335By the Consent of the People, His Imperial Majesty, of the Ancient House of Ananto, Emperor and Absolute Co-Sovereign of The Empire of Ananto and Kalistan, King of Andalay, King of Vintalli, King of Karzon, King of Sekowo, Grand Duke of Ananto, Duke of Icehaven, Duke of Athosia, Duke of Outannais, Count of Davon, Count of Eveari, Commander in Chief of the Regular Forces of Kalistan, Sovereign and Great Master of the Most Honorable Order of the Grey Smoke, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm, Head of the Anantonese State and Formal Head of Government, Co-Embodiment of the Anantonese Nation, Co-Guarantor of the Anantonese Ocean and Ananto Strait, Fredrick II Ananto and Her Imperial Majesty, of the Ancient House of Ananto, Empress and Absolute Co-Sovereign of The Empire of Ananto and Kalistan, Duchess of Odufaray, Countess of Luxon, Great Mistress of the Most Honorable Order of the Grey Smoke, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm, Head of the Anantonese State, Co-Embodiment of the Anantonese Nation, Co-Guarantor of the Anantonese Ocean and Ananto Strait, Pavlina I Ananto .1
 FlagKalopikí Dimokratía (Kalopia)99,803,0505President of the Republic (Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας) Bardha Rashiti ( Libertarians)2
 FlagCommunauté de Kanjor (Kanjor)99,708,0695By the Grace of God, His Royal Majesty, of the House of Orléans-Vasser, Emperor of Canrille, Monarch of Lourenne, King of Kanjor, King of Alduria, King of the Rildanorians, Prince of Hutori and Kazulia, Grand Duke of Kreshar, Grand Duke of Silliers, Grand Duke of Roccato, Grand Duke of Yodukan, Duke of Weignad, Duke of Meriath, Duke of Audierne, Count of Valois, Count of Zanyal, Protector of the Orinco People, Leader of the Order of the Golden Kingdom, Knight of the Order of the Silver Rooster, Head of the Union of Canrille, Commander of the Royal Armed Forces, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm: Philippe IX, represented by the Governor-General: Gwenaël Bullion “.”2
 FlagKongeriket av Kazulmark (Kazulia)99,389,9125Hennes Majestet Helga Nordholm-Hent, Kasulernes Dronning (Her Majesty Helga Nordholm-Hent, Queen of the Kazulians) .0
 FlagKonfederatioun vun de Vereente Communautéiten (Keymon)19,831,7541President vun der Konfederéiert Assemblée (President of the Confederal Assembly) Cédric Fresez ( Anarchistesch Revolutionär Partei (ARP))1
 FlagPoblacht na Choiarlabhan (Kirlawa)99,634,0195Uachtarán Eoin Ó Ciarran ( Tosaigh Coitianta na Choiarlabhan (KPF))1
 FlagRepublica Chizână (New Endralon and Kizenia)99,640,3185Președintele Republicii (Republic's President Teodor Balcescu ( Labour Party)0
 FlagKundrati Union (Kundrati)99,743,5375President of Kundrati Andrelopa Arruzabarrena ( Kundrati People's Party)1
 FlagUnited Republic of Likatonia (Likatonia)99,688,9305President of Likatonia Owen Sanders ( National Democratic Party)2
 FlagCommonwealth of Lodamun (Lodamun)99,564,9815President of the Commonwealth Morgan Ross ( Democratic Party of Lodamun)3
 FlagRoyaume Uni de Lourenne (Lourenne)99,746,3205By the Grace of God, His Royal Majesty, of the House of Orléans-Vasser, Emperor of Canrille, Monarch of Lourenne, King of Kanjor, King of Alduria, King of the Rildanorians, Prince of Hutori and Kazulia, Grand Duke of Kreshar, Grand Duke of Silliers, Grand Duke of Roccato, Grand Duke of Yodukan, Duke of Weignad, Duke of Meriath, Duke of Audierne, Count of Valois, Count of Zanyal, Protector of the Orinco People, Leader of the Order of the Golden Kingdom, Knight of the Order of the Silver Rooster, Head of the Union of Canrille, Commander of the Royal Armed Forces, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm: Philippe IX .0
 FlagHoly Luthorian Empire (Luthori)99,575,9825Her Irrevocable Imperial Majesty, by the Grace of God and Country, Audrey, First of Her Name, Empress of Luthori, Queen of Mordusia, Magen (Queen) of the Yeudi Homeland, Princess of Hutori, Princess of New Endralon and Kizenia, Duchess of Canterwall, Duchess of Maron, Duchess of Stonewall, Duchess of Rolmary, Duchess of Stanburn, Defender of the Constitution, Holder of the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems, Defender of the Faith, Lady Keeper of the Order of the Purple Pearl, Knight Marshal of the Order of the Golden Lion, Supreme Governor of the Church1
 FlagMāliva Janaparishadsanghah (Malivia)99,588,1315सङ्घस्य राष्ट्रपति (Saṅghasya Rāṣṭrápati - President of the Union) / Adhinayak Sanghasya Dr. Anoop Bhattacharya ( Malvia People's Party)1
 FlagCommonwealth of Mordusia (Mordusia)99,518,0925Her Most Excellent & Irrevocable Imperial & Royal Majesty, Audrey the First, of the House of Orange-Villayn-Armstead, by the Almighty’s Grace, Empress of Luthori, Queen of Mordusia, Queen of Yishelem, Princess of Orange-Villayn, Princess of Hutori, Princess of New Endralon & Kizenia, Duchess of Canterwall, Duchess of New Orange, Duchess of Maron, Duchess of Stonewall, Duchess of Rolmary, Duchess of Stanburn, Defender of the Faith & Supreme Governor of the Church, etc. etc. etc. represented by Her Most Loyal Governor-General Michael Handerson ( Mordusian National Party)1
 FlagDoppelrepublik Narikenland und Darnussien / Dubbele republiek Narikenland en Darnoessië (Narikaton and Darnussia)99,625,9195Staatspräsident/President (President) Marlijn Bromhaar ( Sociaal-Democratische Partij (SPD))1
 FlagPontesiatsi Hamazandutyun vetsi (Pontesi)99,773,5625Protector of the Pontesiatsi Hamazandutyun vetsi (Pontesian concord of the six), Leader of the Bazmuyut, recognised by the houses of Pntek, Rajutti, Sigurkai, Mazdadar and Aridian, his royal majesty, Kache Aris Arevyan of the house of Arev .1
 FlagEmpire Canrillais - Confédération rildanorienne (Rildanor)99,710,2025By the Grace of God, His Royal Majesty, of the House of Orléans-Vasser, Emperor of Canrille, Monarch of Lourenne, King of Kanjor, King of Alduria, King of the Rildanorians, Prince of Hutori and Kazulia, Grand Duke of Kreshar, Grand Duke of Silliers, Grand Duke of Roccato, Grand Duke of Yodukan, Duke of Weignad, Duke of Meriath, Duke of Audierne, Count of Valois, Count of Zanyal, Protector of the Orinco People, Leader of the Order of the Golden Kingdom, Knight of the Order of the Silver Rooster, Head of the Union of Canrille, Commander of the Royal Armed Forces, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm: Philippe IX, represented by the Federal Council . ( Front Nouveau Canrillais)0
 FlagRìoghachd na Rutha (Rutania)99,665,5205A Mhòrachd Rìoghail, Euan Chlann Asgaill, Righ na Rutha, Àrd Cheann-cinnidh na Caldonnach (His Royal Highness, Euan of Clan Asgaill, King of Rutania, High Chieftain of Caldorians) .0
 FlagFederale Republiek van Seridjan (Saridan)99,741,0915Staatspresident (State President) Phillippus Oosthuizen ( Seridjan Arbeidersparty)0
 FlagSekouo shū (Seko)99,792,5325セコウォの天皇陛下, 期待-Sekouo no ten'nōheika, Kitai (His Majesty, the Emperor of Seko) .1
 FlagRes Publica Seluciae (Selucia)99,836,5935Cōnsul Kanye ( Schwestyfortheleft Party)1
 FlagDa Sahil Demokratik Jumhoriat (Solentia)99,724,9235President of the Democratic Republic of Solentia (Da Sahil Demokratik Jumhoriat Rais) Khalid ibn Faisal al-Majatri ( Majatran Crown Restorationists)2
 FlagDemocratic Republic of Talmoria (Talmoria)99,671,5995President of the Democratic Republic of Talmoria Bukayo Nimar ( Socialist Party of Talmoria)0
 FlagTælmörksríki / Kingdom of Telamon (Telamon)99,687,8225Hennar Hátign Halldóra , DrottningTælmörks, Æðsti Gothi Tela, Yfirmaður Samveldisins og Verjandi Trúarbragðanna (Her Majesty Halldóra , Queen of Telamon, High Chiefess of the Tela, Head of the Commonwealths and Defender of Faiths) Vester Arinidi-Vunt-Nyberg3
 FlagTsarstvo Trigunii (Trigunia)99,370,8915His Northern Imperial Highness, Kazimir I, Great Prince and Tsar, Autocrat of all Trigunia, Kasier of Trigunian Hulstrians, Grand Protector of the Bear's Den, Sovereign of all Northern Territories, Emperor of Emperors, Sovereign of Sovereigns, Marshal of Trigunia, Conqueror of the Hulstrian Empire in Trigunia and in Keris, Highest Hussar of Radin, Guardian of the Holy Vatikan, Hetman of the Alazinder Cossacks, Patriarch of the House of Kharzin-Perezhogin, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth... .0
 FlagRepública Federativa Tukarense (Tukarali)99,686,8345Presidente da República Federativa (President of the Federal Republic) Maria Salazar ( Frente Patriótica de Esquerda)1
 FlagRzeczpospolita Walruzyjska / Valruzian Republic (Valruzia)99,753,0725Prezydent Rzeczpospolitej Walruzyjskiej(President of Valruzian Republic) Zofia Nowak ( Selejańska Socjaldemokratyczna Partia)2
 FlagWrnukaék Konzknstat (Vanuku)99,877,4195Jezknstaték yrzy Jezhrje'konak'aerzsrlji Konzsrljihikoék BUNJAMÍN orzy Jelb'koékaiék Jezkonz yrzy Jelbijékaiék Mrjkai yrzy Wrnukaék Konz yrzy Beíték Mlé yrzy Brmék Shá yrzy Drsmojrzataghék Krté Kshihiko yrzy Mitoék Mirz yrzy Jelbék H'ánknstaték trzy Pnték Konzknstaték grzy Abshrmojadhiko yrzy Kutsalkaié Lawrns-Wrntukai grzy Brnk yrzy Heijikaiék Ol'itá yrzy Jelb'koékaiék Frto yrzy Nrlzisrlji kaerajoza Nrlzinyrsrlji yrzy Prnznrdék trzy Hefaék trzy Merlkaitakék grzy Jezbék yrzy Ibthoék inDuna yrzy Skwoék Yukatchu yrzy Srnebrjohiko yrzy Banmek-Sntazedék Frtogad (His Imperial and Gracious Majesty BUNJAMÍN, Emperor of the Jelbic Peoples, Protector of the Jelbic Peoples, King of Vanuku, Meleh of Beiteynu, Shah of Barmenia, Heaven’s Wolf Child, Prince of the West, Sovereign of the Khanate of Jelbe and the Kingdom of Pontesi, Heir of Saint Laŭrenco, Sword of the Righteous, Father of all Jelbic nations, Enlightened among the Unenlightened, Duke of Prinsenaard, Hefa and Merlkaitak, InDuna of Ibutho, member of the Sekoan Yukatchu, Patriarch of the House of Banmek-Sntazed, and so on) .1
 FlagVoronan Federation (Vorona)39,840,9642President Rt. Hon. Issac Winthrope ( Voronan Labour Party)1
 FlagYingdala Lianhe Gongheguo (Yingdala)99,609,9725总统 (President) Lang Yi ( 英达兰临时行政当局 (YPAG))1
 FlagRespubliko de Zardujo (Zardugal)99,670,3425Ŝtatestro (Head of State) Desiranda Polido ( Listo de CK-LK)1

Random fact: Characters are considered to be "owned" by the player who first mentioned or created them. In practice, players may share responsibility for role-playing a character, but ultimate authority rests with the owner.

Random quote: "Most politicians hold their fingers to the wind, and if we win we'll be showing them a lot of wind." - Ralph Nader

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