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Nations of Terra

For more information on the cultural background of the nations, please see the Cultural Protocols Index.

ColorFlag[?]Name[?]Population[?]Regions[?]Head of State[?]Active Parties
 FlagFederacijam Xalkii Ozodi Aldegor (Aldegar)99,589,0345President of the Aldegarian People's Free Federation, Президенти Федерациям халкии озоди Алдегар(Prezidenti Federacijam xalkii ozodi Aldegar) Siavash Dehghan ( URAD🦚🪷🕊🦁)1
 FlagÉtat d'Aldurie (Alduria)99,852,8525Président de l'État Aldurien (President of the Aldurian State) EMANUELLE MACRON ( CENTRUM Party)0
 FlagUndeb Dradaidd (Aloria)99,614,6345Ei Uchelder Brenhinol, Dafydd I, Uchel Frenin Alôr a'r Bobl Dradig, Brenin yr Alôriaid, yr Ultraniaid a'r Sildariaid, Goruchaf Gomander y Lluoedd Arfog, Gwarcheidwad y Ffydd Alôr // Eus ar Roue Aotrou, Dafydd I, Roue-Uhel Alor ha Pobloù an Dradic, Roue al Alorianed, ar Ultranianed hag ar Sildarianed, Kentañ-Komander ar Gouarnamantoù Armet, Gwardian ar Feiz Alorian // Y Mernans Uhel, Dafydd I, Arlodh Uhel Aloria ha Poblow Dradic, Arlodh an Alorians, an Ultranians ha an Sildarians, Penn Kemmyn an Luow, Gwithyas an Fydh Aloria // Seine Königliche Hoheit, Dafydd I., Hochkönig von Aloria und den Dradischen Völkern, König der Alorianer, der Ultranier und der Sildarianer, Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte, Hüter des alorianischen Glaubens (His Royal Highness, Dafydd I, High-King of Aloria and the Dradic Peoples, King of the Alorians, the Ultranians and the Sildarians, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Guardian of the Alorian Faith) .1
 FlagJumhuriat al-Badara (Badara)99,806,7285Rayiys (President) Maymunah Youssef ( Harakat al-Diymuqratiat al-Tanmia)1
 FlagUnited States of Baltusia (Baltusia)99,769,8905President Robert Johnson ( Baltusian Libertarian Party (BLP))6
 FlagDewleta nû ya Barmenia (Barmenistan)99,711,3875Shophet STERLING JOSH ( United Nations)0
 FlagMoledet Medinat (Beiteynu)99,670,0605His Royal Majesty Charles VII, Inheritor of the House of Elior by the Grace of Elyon and Guidance of Ariel, of the Houses of Orange-Villayn and Rothingren-Traugott; Yeudi Monarch, Meleh (King) of the Yeudi Homeland, Emperor of Luthori, King of Rutania, King of Mordusia, Mahzik (Holder) of the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems and the Throne of Yishelem, Magen (Defender) of the Holy Land and the Yeudi People .3
 FlagRepublic of Beluzia (Beluzia)99,511,4395President of the Republic William Bean ( New Conservative Party of Beluzia (NCPB))1
 FlagGran Prinċipat ta’ Kildanja (Cildania)99,449,3265Supreme Chancellor of the Great Cildanian Legislative Body Josh Abela ( All-Gziri Partit)0
 FlagYekobura Fēdērēshini (Cobura)99,708,8475Pirēzīdaniti (President) Markos Mekbib Paulos ( United Democratic Movement)0
 FlagKingdom of Great Bae (Dankuk)99,658,4935光幸居西干 (Her Excellency the Gwanghaeng Geoseogan of the Kingdom of Great Bae, Baek Chaeyŏn) '1
 FlagDovriges Republik (Davostag)99,805,4305Dovriges Republiks Rikspresident (President of the Davostag Republic) TOM VANGEIEKEN ( Vlaams belang)0
 FlagRepublika Deltarska (Deltaria)99,619,5275Predsjednik (President) Magdalena Igrec ( Deltarianska Narodna Strana (DNS))2
 FlagDolgavas Impērija / Dolgavan Empire (Dolgava)99,691,7435Viņas godīgākā un skaistākā karaliskā majestāte, Svena II no Rotingrena-Ludviga nama, ar Dieva žēlastību, Dolgavas Kaiserīns, brīvības un brīvības aizstāvis, Karzonas hercogiene, Noverskas grāfiene, Hutori princese un Midenholas hercogiene, Anais nama mantiniece, Hulstrijas princese, Austrumu teritoriju aizstāve, Petrovgradas hercogiene, Trigunijas princese, Veronas princese, Deltarijas princese, Rotingenas grāfiene Kēnigreihas protektore, Kerisas aizstāve, tautas aizstāve (Her Most Fair and Beautiful Royal Majesty, Svena II of the House of Rothingren-Ludwig, by the Grace of God, Kaiserin of Dolgava, Protecter of Freedom and Liberty, Duchess of Karzon, Countess of Noversk, Princess of Hutori and Duchess of Middenhall, Heir of the House of Anais, Princess of Hulstria, Protector of the Eastern Territories, Duchess of Petrovgrad, Princess of Trigunia, Princess of Verona, Princess of Deltaria, Countess of Rothingren Protector of the Königreich, Protector of Keris, Advocate for the People) .1
 FlagDorvische Republik (Dorvik)99,808,4235Präsident/in der Dorvische Republik (President of the Dorvish Republic) Florian Hohenlohe ( Die Volksrepublikaner)9
 FlagBundesrepublik Dundorf (Dundorf)99,541,6635Bundespräsident/in Kristin Metz ( Dundorfs Sozialdemokratische Partei 🌹)8
 FlagRepública de Egelion (Egelion)99,513,0935Presidente de la República de Egelion Alejandro Uribe ( Partido Lariano Nacional)1
 FlagHarmadik Ndráloni Direktoriális Köztársaság (Endralon)99,761,2155Federal Council of Grand Directors General Ábrahám Izsák0
 FlagRepública Gaduridana (Gaduridos)99,858,4135Presidente de la República (President of the Republic) Teresa Abarquero ( Frente Nacional/Fronte Nazionale)0
 FlagHobratsuri Respublika (Hobrazia)99,758,3445Hobratsis Respublikis Prezidenti (President of the Hobrazian Republic) Petre Meliton ( Infinite Party)2
 FlagMikuni-Hulstria (Hulstria and Gao-Soto)99,752,4215Präsident/Shachō Mitsunari Shiro ( Gao-Soto Republican Party)1
 FlagKingdom of Hutori (Hutori)99,591,0135Her Imperial and Most Excellent Royal Majesty, Victoria II of House Steuart-Carmichael, Queen and Monarch of Hutori, High Chieftainess of the Mashacara People, Khatun of Estifíesti, Protector of the Northern Jelbek People, Princess of Orange-Vilyan, Vanuku, Dolgava, Lourenne, Kazullia & Dorvik, Grand Duchess of Geharon & Iztapalata, Duchess of Stormkapp, Karzon, Carolleux, Bellemont & Alcarie, Countess of Ackerly, Lady Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Lion, Peer of the Order of the Grey Smoke, Supreme Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces .3
 FlagIkradonian Union (Ikradon)99,552,5705Staatspresident (State President) Arielle Verlaaien ( De Radicale arbeiders partij)1
 FlagRepubblica Istaliana (Istalia)99,714,9885Presidente d'Istalia (President of Istaly) Paulo Grasandi ( Partito Conservatore Nationale)2
 FlagCakaniye Cumhuriyeti (Jakania)99,688,8145Cakaniye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı (President of the Republic of Jakania), elected by the Assembly of the Republic0
 FlagJelbék H'ánknstat (Jelbe)99,759,2975Hldjez'shprpzi Jebr II, wrzy Jelbék H'an, grzy hldjomek Jeztaghaék Kahegrm Abshrmojadhiko yrzy Nubajrkaék Bék (His Exalted Highness, elected by the Great Kurultai, Jebr II, Khan of Jelbe, Great Purple Wolf, Supreme Commander of the Great Jelbek Horde, Lord of the Great Perimor Steppe, Bek of the royal clan of Nubajrka) .0
 FlagJumhūrīyat Qalb al-ʻMajatranīyah (Majatran Republic of Kafuristan)99,774,0745Ra'is al-Jumhūrīyat al-ʻMajatranīyah (President of the Majatran Republic) Saadiq al-Abdelnour ( Hizb al-Tajdid al-Taqadumii)0
 FlagEmpire of Ananto and Kalistan (Kalistan)99,728,9485By the Consent of the People, Her Imperial Majesty, of the Ancient House of Ananto, Empress and Absolute Sovereign of The Empire of Ananto and Kalistan, Grand Duchess of Ananto, Duchess of Icehaven, Countess of Davon, Commander in Chief of the Regular Forces of Kalistan, Sovereign and Great Mistress of the Most Honorable Order of the Grey Smoke, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm, Head of the Anantonese State and Formal Head of Government, Embodiment of the Anantonese Nation, Guarantor of the Anantonese Ocean and Ananto Strait, Nicolette II Ananto .2
 FlagKalopikí Dimokratía (Kalopia)99,757,6815President of the Republic (Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας) Iphigenia Alexiou ( Anipotakti Aristera)2
 FlagCommunauté de Kanjor (Kanjor)99,800,1285Proposed: By the Grace of God, Her Royal Majesty, from the House of Orléans-Vasser, Empress of Canrille, Monarch of Lourenne, Queen of Kanjor, Queen of Alduria, Queen of the Rildanorians, Princess of Hutori and Kazulia, Grand Duchess of Kreshar, Grand Duchess of Silliers, Grand Duchess of Roccato, Grand Duchess of Yodukan, Duchess of Weignad, Duchess of Meriath, Duchess of Audierne, Countess of Valois, Countess of Zanyal, Protector of the Orinco People, Leader of the Order of the Golden Kingdom, Head of the Union of Canrille, Commander of the Royal Armed Forces, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm: Catherine V, represented by the Governor-General: Mélissa Boudier “.”1
 FlagKongeriket av Kazulmark (Kazulia)99,552,0105Hennes Majestet Helga NORDHOLM-HENT, Kasulernes Dronning (Her Majesty Helga NORDHOLM-HENT, Queen of the Kazulians) .3
 FlagKonfederatioun vun de Vereente Communautéiten (Keymon)19,921,7351President vun der Konfederéiert Assemblée (President of the Confederal Assembly) Vincent Nilles ( Anarchistesch Revolutionär Partei (ARP))1
 FlagPoblacht na Choiarlabhan (Kirlawa)99,861,9175Uachtarán Eoin Ó Ciarran ( Tosaigh Coitianta na Choiarlabhan (KPF))2
 FlagRepublica Chizână (New Endralon and Kizenia)99,677,8545Președintele Republicii (Republic's President Virgil Kis ( Alianța Civică)1
 FlagKundrati Union (Kundrati)99,583,6975President of Kundrati Barhulianir Manusulsky ( Kundrati People's Party)1
 FlagRepublic of Likatonia (Likatonia)99,706,6205President of Likatonia Mathew Hawk ( Likatonian Right)4
 FlagCommonwealth of Lodamun (Lodamun)99,682,3615President of the Commonwealth Dr. Jane Whitmore ( Democratic Party of Lodamun)2
 FlagRoyaume Uni de Lourenne (Lourenne)99,617,3465By the Grace of God, His Royal Majesty, of the House of Orléans-Vasser, Emperor of Canrille, Monarch of Lourenne, King of Kanjor, King of Alduria, King of the Rildanorians, Prince of Hutori and Kazulia, Grand Duke of Kreshar, Grand Duke of Silliers, Grand Duke of Roccato, Grand Duke of Yodukan, Duke of Weignad, Duke of Meriath, Duke of Audierne, Count of Valois, Count of Zanyal, Protector of the Orinco People, Leader of the Order of the Golden Kingdom, Knight of the Order of the Silver Rooster, Head of the Union of Canrille, Commander of the Royal Armed Forces, Defender of the Constitution and the Realm: Leopold VI .1
 FlagHoly Luthorian Empire (Luthori)99,769,9425His Irrevocable Imperial Majesty, by the Almighty's Grace, Inheritor of the House of Elior, Inheritor of the House of Orange-Villayn, Inheritor of the House of Rothingren-Traugott, Charles VII, Emperor of Luthori, King of Mordusia, King of Rutania, Meleh (King) of the Yeudi Homeland, Head of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead, Duke of Alcarie, Duke of Canterwall, Holder of the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems, Supreme Governor of the Church, Defender of the Faith, Defender of the Holy Land.8
 FlagMāliva Janaparishadsanghah (Malivia)99,696,3185सङ्घस्य राष्ट्रपति (Saṅghasya Rāṣṭrápati - President of the Union) Dharmasarathi Malkani ( Svarāja Saṅghah)2
 FlagCommonwealth of Mordusia (Mordusia)99,645,0725The Excellent President of Mordusia Arthur McKenzie ( Mordusian People's Party (MHDU-MCP))2
 FlagDoppelrepublik Narikenland und Darnussien / Dubbele republiek Narikenland en Darnoessië (Narikaton and Darnussia)99,719,1395Staatspräsident/President (President) Gijsbert Stoffels ( Vereinigte Volkspartei (VVP))1
 FlagPontesi Hanrapetut’yun (Pontesi)99,867,8795Nakhagah (President) Mr. Pontesi ( Dictatorship of Pontesi Party)1
 FlagUnion of Rildanor (Rildanor)99,652,5755Chef de l'État Rildanorien (Head of the Rildanorian State) Martin Deniel ( Mouvement des Conservateurs)2
 FlagRìoghachd na Rutha (Rutania)99,872,4625A Mhòrachd Rìoghail, Euan Chlann Asgaill, Righ na Rutha, Àrd Cheann-cinnidh na Caldonnach (His Royal Highness, Euan of Clan Asgaill, King of Rutania, High Chieftain of Caldorians) .0
 FlagFederale Republiek van Seridjan (Saridan)99,677,2245Staatspresident Jaco Abrahams ( Sociale liberale unie)1
 FlagDai Sekouokoku (Seko)99,469,0375惟忠、大靖高国天皇及び大元帥陸海空軍大将/惟忠、大靖髙國天皇及び大元帥陸海空軍大將 - Koretada, Dai Sekōkoku Tennō, Dai Gensui Rikukaikūgun Taishō (His Imperial Majesty, Koretada, Emperor of Seko, Grand Commander-in-chief of the Imperial Armed Forces) .2
 FlagPrincipatus Selucianus (Selucia)99,762,7825Princeps Marcus Valerius Valentinus .1
 FlagRepublic of Solentia (Solentia)99,750,6405President of the Republic Ekrem Konica David Mitchel5
 FlagDemocratic Republic of Talmoria (Talmoria)99,600,4045President of the Democratic Republic of Talmoria Jelani Mabika ( Workers' Party of Talmoria)1
 FlagTælmörksríki / Kingdom of Telamon (Telamon)99,827,3665Hennar Hátign Dagmar, DrottningTælmörks, Æðsti Gothi Tela, Yfirmaður Samveldisins og Verjandi Trúarbragðanna (Her Majesty Dagmar, Queen of Telamon, High Chiefess of the Tela, Head of the Commonwealths and Defender of Faiths) Vester Arinidi-Vunt-Nyberg1
 FlagTsarstvo Trigunii (Trigunia)99,650,8055His Northern Imperial Highness, Kazimir I, Great Prince and Tsar, Autocrat of all Trigunia, Kasier of Trigunian Hulstrians, Grand Protector of the Bear's Den, Sovereign of all Northern Territories, Emperor of Emperors, Sovereign of Sovereigns, Marshal of Trigunia, Conqueror of the Hulstrian Empire in Trigunia and in Keris, Highest Hussar of Radin, Guardian of the Holy Vatikan, Hetman of the Alazinder Cossacks, Patriarch of the House of Kharzin-Perezhogin, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth... .1
 FlagRepública Popular Tukarense (Tukarali)99,598,9695Presidente da República Popular Tukarense (President) Dr. Adriano Ferraz Damasceno ( Aliança de Reconstrução Nacional)1
 FlagRzeczpospolita Walruzyjska (Valruzian Republic)99,654,3485Prezydent Rzeczpospolitej Walruzyjskiej(President of Valruzian Republic) Lotar Bukowski ( Ruch Odbudowy Narodowej)0
 FlagWrnukaék Konzknstat (Vanuku)99,634,1525Jezhrje'konak'aerzsrlji Konzsrljihikoék WRNTUKAI XI orzy Jelbijékaiék Mrjkai yrzy Wrnukaék Konz yrzy Drsmojrzataghék Krté Kshihiko yrzy Mitoék Mirz yrzy Wrnukaék Knzknstaték trzy Jelbék H'ánknstaték wrzy Abshrmojadhiko yrzy Kutsalkaié Lawrns-Wrntukai I grzy Brnk yrzy Heijikaiék Ol'itá yrzy Jelb'koékaiék Frto yrzy Nrlzisrlji kaerajoza Nrlzinyrsrlji yrzy Prnznrdék trzy Hefaék trzy Merlkaitakék wrzy Jezbék yrzy Ibthoék inDuna yrzy Skwoék Yukatchu wrzy Srnebrjohiko yrzy Banmek-Sntazedék Frtogad (His Gracious Majesty WRNTUKAI XI, Protector of the Jelbic Peoples, King of Vanuku, Heaven's Wolf Child, Prince of the West, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Vanuku and of the Khanate of Jelbania, Heir of Saint Laŭrenco I, Sword of the Righteous, Father of all Jelbic nations, Enlightened among the Unenlightened, Duke of Prinsenaard, Hefa and Merlkaitak, InDuna of Ibutho, member of the Sekoan Yukatchu, Patriarch of the House of Banmek-Sntazed, and so on) .0
 FlagVoronan Federation (Vorona)39,996,0272President of the Federation Vernon Stobo ( Democratic Vanguard Alliance)3
 FlagYingdala Datong (Yingdala)99,779,7695人民政治组织秘书长 (General Secretary of People's Political Organisation) 无政府状态和人民 ( New Anarchocommunists of Yingdala Ⓐ☭)0
 FlagRespubliko de Zardujo (Zardugal)99,636,7295Ŝtatestro (Head of State) Urbano Ingomidano ( Zardio Federisma Partio)0

Random fact: For more information on Particracy's former colonial nations, check out

Random quote: "The whole uncivilized bunch on the opposite benches can get stuffed." - Craig Warwick, former Dranian politician

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