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État d'Aldurie (Alduria)[?]

Peu importe l'intensité de la pluie, la liberté fleurira toujours
(No matter how hard the rain, freedom will always bloom)

The Flag of the État d'Aldurie (Alduria)

Newspaper: État d'Aldurie (Alduria) Daily


Note: the region name colours may be badly readable. It will be fixed in the future.

The État d'Aldurie (Alduria)


Constitution[?]: view

Head of State[?]: Président de l'État Aldurien (President of the Aldurian State) EMANUELLE MACRON ( CENTRUM Party)

Head of Government[?]: Président du Conseil des Ministres (President of the Council of Ministers) Ozanne Masson ( Union Démocratique)

Cabinet: click here to view the cabinet.

Assemblée Nationale[?]: currently 0 seats[?], will be 383 after next election

Last Election Results: click here

Next Election[?]: January 5522


Click here for a comparison of the party voting records.


For election history, click here.


View detailed political opinions.

DevolutionImportance: tiny
Civil Rights[?]Restrictive
PermissiveImportance: tiny
EnvironmentalistImportance: tiny
Foreign Relations[?]Isolationalism
InternationalismImportance: tiny
Government Responsibilities[?]Small Government
Big GovernmentImportance: tiny
CapitalismImportance: vital
AggressiveImportance: vital
ProgressiveImportance: tiny
FanaticImportance: dominant


View diplomatic details.


Click here to inspect the national budget.


Capital City: Bayonville (La Vallée)

Cities: view here.

Population[?]: 99,852,852


National Sport: Escrime (Fencing)

National Animal: Aldurian Rooster

National Anthem:


Canrillaise: L'espoir avance,
Et faire face à l'avenir.

Laissez-nous vous servir pour le plus grand bien,
Alduria, notre patrie unie.

Les vieilles difficultés doivent être surmontées,
Et nous les surmontons unis.

Parce que nous devons réussir,
Pour que le soleil soit toujours aussi beau,
Brille pour toujours sur Alduria !
Brille pour toujours sur Alduria !

Le bonheur et la liberté soient accordés,
En Alduria, notre patrie.

Le monde entier aspire à la paix,
Tendez la main pour espérer.

Si nous nous unissons,
Nous vaincrons l’ennemi du peuple.

Que la lumière de la paix brille,
Pour que le monde ne soit plus jamais,
Pleurez leur perte.
Pleurez leur perte.

Labourons, construisons,
Apprenez et créez comme jamais auparavant,
Et confiants dans leur propre émerveillement.
Une génération libre se lève.

Jeunesse aldurienne, tous les efforts possibles,
De notre peuple est uni en vous.
Vous deviendrez le nouvel espoir d'Alduria.
Et le soleil toujours aussi beau,
Brille pour toujours sur Alduria !
Brille pour toujours sur Alduria !

Luthorian: Hope marches onward,
And facing the future.

Let us serve you for the greater good,
Alduria, our united homeland.

Old hardships are to be overcome,
And we overcome them united.

Because we must succeed,,
So that the sun as beautiful as ever,
Shines forever more over Alduria!
Shines forever more over Alduria!

Happiness and freedom be granted,
To Alduria, our homeland.

All the world longs for peace,
Reach your hand out to hope.

If we unite ourselves,
We shall defeat the people's enemy.

Let the light of peace shine,
So that the world may never more,
Mourn their loss.
Mourn their loss.

Let us plough, let us build,
Learn and create like never before,
And, confident in their own wonder.
A free generation rises up.

Aldurian youth, the best efforts,
Of our people are united in you.
You will become Alduria's new hope.
And the sun as beautiful as ever,
Shines forever more over Alduria!
Shines forever more over Alduria!


Région List

The subnational divisions, also referred to as regions[?], of the État d'Aldurie (Alduria) are each referred to as a Région.


To view the laws currently in effect, click here.

To view the legislative history of this nation, click here.

Bills under debate

These bills are currently under debate[?].

Bill CreatedTitle
April 4878OOC: Cultural Protocols of Alduria (Mandatory, Please Read)
April 5035Call for early elections, April 5035
June 5058New Manifesto Part II
June 5058New Manifesto Part II
June 5241Income tax proposal of June 5241
January 5261Segregation bill
July 5271Introducing a new bill
February 5280RP: Government and Parliament of the Republic of Alduria information
August 5280RP: Administrative Reform Act
January 5290Bordeaux
September 5294Miscellaneous Provisions No.1 5494
January 5389Cabinet Proposal of January 5389
January 5389Call for early elections, January 5389
January 5389Call for early elections, January 5389
September 5394(OOC:) List of State Owned Corporations in Alduria
August 5425Taking Back Control
October 5462Policy - military
February 5483Cabinet Proposal of February 5483
November 5494Call for early elections, November 5494
November 5494Call for early elections, November 5494

Bills being voted upon

These bills are currently being voted[?] upon.

Bill CreatedVote StartedTitle


Random fact: Particracy does not allow real-life fictional references (eg. Gandalf, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker).

Random quote: Henceforth, the current system of first and second class stamps, where the rich can pay to have their mail delivered faster than the poor, shall be BANNED. There shall be only one class of mail delivery, and ALL mail shall travel at the SAME speed for EVERYBODY. There can be no class discrimination in the People's Post Office! There must be the SAME class of mail service FOR ALL! ~ Friedrich Pfeiffer General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party

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