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Game Time: May 5520
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Moledet Medinat (Beiteynu)[?]

Tov yoter lehoulam (greater good for all).

The Flag of the Moledet Medinat (Beiteynu)

Newspaper: Moledet Medinat (Beiteynu) Daily


Note: the region name colours may be badly readable. It will be fixed in the future.

The Moledet Medinat (Beiteynu)


Constitution[?]: view

Head of State[?]: His Royal Majesty Charles VII, Inheritor of the House of Elior by the Grace of Elyon and Guidance of Ariel, of the Houses of Orange-Villayn and Rothingren-Traugott; Yeudi Monarch, Meleh (King) of the Yeudi Homeland, Emperor of Luthori, King of Rutania, King of Mordusia, Mahzik (Holder) of the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems and the Throne of Yishelem, Magen (Defender) of the Holy Land and the Yeudi People .

Head of Government[?]: Rosh HaMemshala (Prime Minister) and Royal Ramatkal (Chief of Staff) Ephrem Montefiore ( Coalition of the Yeudi Homeland 🌻)

Cabinet: click here to view the cabinet.

Knesset (Parliament)[?]: currently 150 seats[?], will be 150 after next election

Last Election Results: click here

Next Election[?]: July 5522


Click here for a comparison of the party voting records.

Coalition of the Yeudi Homeland 🌻 (114 seats)
Coalition of the Yeudi Homeland 🍌 (36 seats)
Coalition of the Yeudi Homeland (0 seats)

For election history, click here.


View detailed political opinions.

DevolutionImportance: dominant
Civil Rights[?]Restrictive
PermissiveImportance: vital
EnvironmentalistImportance: dominant
Foreign Relations[?]Isolationalism
InternationalismImportance: dominant
Government Responsibilities[?]Small Government
Big GovernmentImportance: tiny
CapitalismImportance: tiny
AggressiveImportance: tiny
ProgressiveImportance: tiny
FanaticImportance: tiny


View diplomatic details.


Click here to inspect the national budget.


Capital City: Yishelem (Endild)

Cities: view here.

Population[?]: 99,670,060


National Sport: Football

National Animal: Ram (Male Sheep)

National Anthem:

Out of the great sea - מתוך הים הגדול,
to the Holy Land I am come - למולדת אני בא;
in this place I will abide - במקום הזה אשאר,
until my heirs - והיורשים שלי
will once again rise - שוב יעלה.



Mahoz/Mehozot (District/Districts) List

The subnational divisions, also referred to as regions[?], of the Moledet Medinat (Beiteynu) are each referred to as a Mahoz/Mehozot (District/Districts).


To view the laws currently in effect, click here.

To view the legislative history of this nation, click here.

Bills under debate

These bills are currently under debate[?].

Bill CreatedTitle
February 5423OOC: Cultural Protocol of Beiteynu
November 5516OOC: Information on Beiteynu
January 5520Coalition of the Yeudi Homeland Agenda

Bills being voted upon

These bills are currently being voted[?] upon.

Bill CreatedVote StartedTitle


Random fact: Don't vote yes on a cabinet coalition that doesn't give you the power that you deserve.

Random quote: "Poetry is about the grief; politics is about the grievance." - Robert Frost

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