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Union of Rildanor (Rildanor)[?]

Unité, Stabilité, Sécurité (Unity, Stability, Security)

The Flag of the Union of Rildanor (Rildanor)

Newspaper: Union of Rildanor (Rildanor) Daily


Note: the region name colours may be badly readable. It will be fixed in the future.

The Union of Rildanor (Rildanor)


Constitution[?]: view

Head of State[?]: Chef de l'État Rildanorien (Head of the Rildanorian State) Martin Deniel ( Mouvement des Conservateurs)

Head of Government[?]: Premier ministre Geneva Joubert ( Mouvement des Conservateurs)

Cabinet: click here to view the cabinet.

Conseil de l'État Rildanorien (Council of the Rildanorian State)[?]: currently 75 seats[?], will be 75 after next election

Last Election Results: click here

Next Election[?]: February 5487


Click here for a comparison of the party voting records.

Mouvement des Conservateurs (75 seats)

For election history, click here.


View detailed political opinions.

DevolutionImportance: vital
Civil Rights[?]Restrictive
PermissiveImportance: dominant
EnvironmentalistImportance: tiny
Foreign Relations[?]Isolationalism
InternationalismImportance: tiny
Government Responsibilities[?]Small Government
Big GovernmentImportance: strong
CapitalismImportance: dominant
AggressiveImportance: tiny
ProgressiveImportance: dominant
FanaticImportance: tiny


View diplomatic details.


Click here to inspect the national budget.


Capital City: Tiralle (Tiralouse)

Cities: view here.

Population[?]: 99,598,306


National Sport: Hockey sur glace (Ice hockey)

National Animal: Coq Canrillaise (Canrillaise Rooster)

National Anthem:

Dans le pays de Rildanor, nous sommes unis,
Avec des cœurs enflammés pour la demande de liberté.
A travers les épreuves et les luttes, nous sommes arrivés jusqu'ici,
Ensemble, nous nous élevons, comme une étoile qui nous guide.

Oh, Rildanor, notre noble terre,
Avec force et espoir, nous nous tenons fermement debout.
Dans l'unité, nous prospérons, embrassant notre destin,
Pour un avenir meilleur, nous naviguons.

De Montpellier à Sirdour, nos esprits s'élèvent,
Une nation unie, pour toujours.
Avec justice et égalité, nous ouvrons la voie,
En quête de progrès, chaque jour.

À travers les tempêtes que nous avons traversées, nous avons fait preuve de résilience,
Une tapisserie tissée avec des rêves encore inconnus.
Avec courage et passion, nous façonnerons notre destin,
Pour l'avenir de Rildanor, nous ne nous arrêterons jamais.

Oh, Rildanor, notre noble terre,
Avec force et espoir, nous nous tenons fermement debout.
Dans l'unité, nous prospérons, embrassant notre destin,
Pour un avenir meilleur, nous naviguons.

Avec la flamme de la liberté, nos esprits s'enflamment,
Nous nous efforçons d'atteindre l'harmonie et de briller.
Main dans la main, nous construisons une nouvelle terre,
Une lueur d'espoir, pour moi et pour vous.

Que nos voix s'élèvent, dans le triomphe et la fierté,
Pour l'esprit de Rildanor, pour toujours.
Dans nos cœurs, nous portons les rêves que nous transmettons,
Pour un avenir uni, dans chaque cœur.

In the land of Rildanor, united we stand,
With hearts aflame for freedom's demand.
Through trials and struggles, we've come this far,
Together we rise, like a guiding star.

Oh, Rildanor, our noble land,
With strength and hope, we firmly stand.
In unity we thrive, embracing our fate,
For a brighter future, we navigate.

From Montpellier to Sirdour, our spirits soar,
A nation united, forevermore.
With justice and equality, we pave the way,
In pursuit of progress, every single day.

Through the storms we weathered, resilience we've shown,
A tapestry woven with dreams yet unknown.
With courage and passion, we'll shape our fate,
For Rildanor's future, we'll never abate.

Oh, Rildanor, our noble land,
With strength and hope, we firmly stand.
In unity we thrive, embracing our fate,
For a brighter future, we navigate.

With liberty's flame, our spirits ignite,
As we strive for harmony, shining bright.
Hand in hand, we build a land anew,
A beacon of hope, for me and for you.

So let our voices rise, in triumph and pride,
For Rildanor's spirit, forever beside.
In our hearts we hold, the dreams we impart,
For a future united, in every heart.

Préfecture (Prefecture) List

The subnational divisions, also referred to as regions[?], of the Union of Rildanor (Rildanor) are each referred to as a Préfecture (Prefecture).


To view the laws currently in effect, click here.

To view the legislative history of this nation, click here.

Bills under debate

These bills are currently under debate[?].

Bill CreatedTitle
April 4843OOC: Sticky – Cultural Protocols of Rildanor (APPROVED BY MODERATION)
June 5104Loi sur la Préservation de l'Unité Politique
February 5278RP: Rildanor Union Office Registry
May 5308RP: Constitution of Union of Rildanor
March 5369RP: Domestic Politics Of Rildanor
January 5372Call for early elections, January 5372
March 5425Cabinet Proposal of March 5425

Bills being voted upon

These bills are currently being voted[?] upon.

Bill CreatedVote StartedTitle


Random fact: Dorvik is a nation based on Germanic and old Prussian cultures, it is located on the far north of Artania, making it an almost arctic nation.

Random quote: "Those looking for ideology in the White House should consider this: for the men who rule our world, rules are for other people." - Naomi Klein

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