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Game Time: July 5619
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Bill: Cabinet Proposal of February 3704


Submitted by[?]: Partei der Arbeiter von Dorvik

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill presents the formation of a cabinet. It requires more than half of the legislature to vote yes. Traditionally, parties in the proposal vote yes, others (the opposition) vote no. This bill will pass as soon as the required yes votes are in and all parties in the proposal have voted yes, or will be defeated if unsufficient votes are reached on the deadline.

Voting deadline: October 3704


Due to the self-removal of the Liberals from our coalition, we feel that their seats in the cabinet should be filled. We are sorry that they chose to leave us, but we can't control our situations, only do the best we can with them.



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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 373


    Total Seats: 0


    Total Seats: 110

    Random fact: Cabinet ministers who disagree seriously with the head of government would usually be expected to resign. Parties within the cabinet may attempt to manoeuvre to replace the head of government though, for example by proposing a new cabinet bill or voting for an early election.

    Random quote: "A good politician is quite as unthinkable as an honest burglar." - H. L. Mencken

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