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Bill: ARCHIVE - UHD: 2.0 Four Year Economic Plan


Submitted by[?]: Union Hosienne-Démocrate (UHD)

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: June 4365


The UHD would like to implement these tasks during the legislative session starting in January 4360.

NOTE: ₭ = Kanjorien rupee sign; X = Carried out

Societal changes:
X Passage of the "Statement on the State Religion" - Formalized establishment of the State Church. Registration of the religion of all Kanjorien and citizens to establish and enact tithes ("Congregation tax" deducted from national/state income tax of for all recognized religions) for the Church's function. See "Statement" for further details.

Institutional creations:
2. Sinking fund from previous years' surpluses to initially finance the creation of the three major investment entities that will NOT regulate the economy but will GUIDE investment toward Government ends alongside a nonprofit foreign relations think tank:
X A. The creation of a "Chambre Nationale de Commerce" (National Chamber of Commerce) to explore investment opportunities and unite them with the interested parties. The CNC to serve as an industrial/commercial coordinating committee with both private and government entities. The CNC will have government sponsorship and the Minister of Finance will hold a seat in the Chamber; likewise, the President of the Republic will serve as the honorary President of the Chamber.
X B. "Société de Portefeuille Nationale" (National Holding Corporation) to explore investment opportunities and unite them with the interested parties. The SPN to serve as an investment holding corporation using government funds to control stock in major corporations to guide investment.This entity will be an independent state-owned investment holding company and reports directly to the Ministry of Finance. 
X C. "Groupe Bancaire Industriel et Commercial" (Industrial and Commercial Banking Group) to to explore investment opportunities and unite them with the interested parties. The GBIC to serve as an investment bank holding corporation using government funds to control stock in major banks to guide investment. This entity will be an independent state-owned commercial bank and reports directly to the Ministry of Finance.
- D. "Conseil des Relations Étrangères" (Council on Foreign Relations) is a nonprofit think tank specializing in foreign policy and international affairs to research our relationship with foreign nations, foster connections and understanding, and advise on trade deals between Kanjor and the rest of the world.

Economic initiatives:
3. Initiatives to fulfill the goals of the UHD. Initiatives may be combined with institutional or societal changes.
X 1.1 "Local Money, Local Control: Local Scholars Initiative" - Localizing both lower and higher educational services to the States and/or private entities. Shifting money from the national higher educational system and moving toward other much needed areas while keeping into place "parachute payments" until local governments/private entities can adjust their funding streams or organize service.
X 1.2 "Local Money, Local Control: Local Healthcare Initiative" - Localizing heathcare services to the States and/or private entities. Shifting money from the national healthcare system and moving toward other much needed areas while keeping into place "parachute payments" until local governments/private entities can adjust their funding streams or organize service.
- 1.3 "Job Creation Initiative" - Business tax reform on to encourage companies to produce jobs and reinvest capital in Kanjor.
X 1.4 "Small Is Beautiful Initiative" - Encourage Kanjoriens in the big cities to "return" to small towns through tax incentives, advertising, and grants to create better lives in rural areas.
X 1.5 "80.000 Communes, 80.000 Connections: Connect the Communes Initiative" - Investment/upgrades to Infrastructure and Transport (esp. railroads, highways, local roads, and merchant marine) from ₭15,000,000,000 to ₭100,000,000,000 over three years. Likewise, the gradual implementations of grants to distribute funds to local communities to fund local infrastructure fixes.
- 1.6 "Back-to-the-Land: 1 Million New Farms Initiative" - Encourage a "back to the land" movement by creating and disbursing grants to encourage small farms and agricultural growth. This will be funded by keeping the current agriculture funding as is although the current policy is one of local government implementing plans. Funding to be negotiated.
X 1.7 "Everyone an entrepreneur: 1 Million New Businesses Initiative" - Localizing as many aspects of the economy as possible while using grants to encourage the growth of MSMBs: micro- (<5 employees), small- (<25 employees) and medium-sized (<150 employees) shops, factories, businesses, and enterprises. Creation of the "Confédération Kanjorienne des Associations de Petites et Moyennes Entreprises" (CAA-PME) to represents the interests of its members towards the institutions of the the national Government and offers its members services in the field of public relations. Funding to be negotiated.
- 1.8 "Inviting Foreign Investment Initiative" - Encourage foreign investment through CNC & CRE connections and trade deals. To be negotiated.
X 1.9 "Technological Leadership" - Investment of funds to Science & Technology (research, development, efficiency) from ₭10,000,000,000 to ₭100,000,000,000 spread over NINE years; first installments implemented during this session.
X 1.10 "Military Rationalization" - Encourage changes in the military and Ministry of Defense funding.



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      Random fact: Cabinet ministers who disagree seriously with the head of government would usually be expected to resign. Parties within the cabinet may attempt to manoeuvre to replace the head of government though, for example by proposing a new cabinet bill or voting for an early election.

      Random quote: "The Lord is a man of war" - Exodus 15:3

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