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Bill: FP-026: Hervorming van ministeries en instellings / Reform of Ministries and Institutions


Submitted by[?]: Federale Party (FP)

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: November 4639


Aimed at vastly overhauling the current standing government Ministries and Institutions, this bill seeks to update their naming conventions, as well as simplify their structures, to avoid unnecessary bureaucracy.

OOC: Refurbishing and reformatting the old list bill of the same name, as the format of it is really, really clunky.

•Kantoor van die President (Office of the President)
--Sekretaris van die President (Secretary of the President)

---Onder Sekretaris van Regeringsake (Under Secretary of Government Affairs): Keeps track of Presidential affairs with the Federale Vergadering, Ministries, and local governments.

---Onder Sekretaris van Buitelandsesake (Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs): Manages details of state visits, banquets, foreign trips, Presidential initiatives abroad.

---Staatsbehuisingsadministrasie (State Residence Administration): Manages the residences of the President and Eerste Minister.

•Kantoor van die Eerste Minister (Office of the Prime Minister)
--Kantoor van Wetgewende Hulp (Office of Legislative Aid): In charge of managing the Prime Minister's involvement in legislation, and interaction with the national legislature.

--Kantoor van Buitelandsesake (Office of Foreign Affairs): Schedules briefings, manages international involvement of the Prime Minister, as well as the President

•Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (Ministry of Foreign Affairs): Ministry of the Foreign Ministry
--Afdeling van de Immigratie van Saridan (Department of Immigration of Saridan): Manages immigration

---Verdelen Burgerskap (Division of Citizenship): In charge of citizenship tests, processing citizenship by marriage, and providing certification of citizenship.

---Verdeling van Visaverordenings (Division of Visa Administration): In charge of Visas, processing paperwork for residence cards, etc.

--Toeristische Afdeling (Department of Tourism): Manages Tourism.
---Verdeling van Reisbevordering (Division of Travel Promotion): Designs and implements campaigns to promote tourism.

---Verdeling van Inligting (Division of Information): Division that provides and makes travel information, advice, and resources to other countries available to Saridaners.

--Afdeling van Konsulate un Ambassade (Department of Consulates and Embassies): Manages diplomatic stations abroad.
---Verdeling van Instandhoulding (Division of Maintainence): Ensures good condition of embassies and consulates.

---Verdeling van Sekuriteit (Division of Security): Ensures safety of embassies and consulates, alongside providing government bodyguards for diplomats.

--Afdeling van Internasionale Aangeleenthede (Department of International Affairs): Manages international involvement, treaty ratification and legality, and multilateral negotiations.
---Verdragsbeleidinstituut (Treaty Policy Institute): Government-run think-tank which researches and gives policy suggestions on International Affairs.

--Sekretariaat van Hoofdiplomat (Secretariat to the Chief Diplomat): Controls scheduling, conferences, and manages lines of communication.

•Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken (Ministry of Internal Affairs): Manages Internal Affairs
--Overheid Veiligheid Agentschap (Government Safety Agency): Manages the safety of government property and officials.

---Presidensiële Beskermingsdiens Buro (Presidential Protective Service Bureau): Manages personal security for the President, Eerste Minister, and approved figures of note.

---Federale Vergadering Sekuriteitsburo (Federale Vergadering Security Bureau): Security and surveillance of parliamentary property, legislators, and legislative offices.

---Ministeriële Sekuriteitsburo (Ministerial Security Bureau): Secures Ministry properties.

--Interne Afdeling Veiligheid(Internal Safety Department)
---Interne Intelligensie Agentskap (Internal Intelligence Agency): Intelligence Agency defending against internal threats, domestic terrorism, etc.

---Vervoer Sekuriteits Administrasie (Transportation Security Administration): Secures airports, railways, roads, and ports.

•Ministerie van Financiën(Ministry of Finance)
--Zakelijke Afdeling (Department of Business)

--Zakelijke Subsidie Afdeling (Department of Business Subsidies): Regulatory body that oversees and approves government subsidies to both public and private institutions on a case-by-case basis.

--Nationale Munt van Sairdan (National Mint of Saridan)

--Vakgroep Fiscaliteit (Department of Taxation)
---Belasting Uitoefening Buro (Taxation Enforcement Bureau)

•Ministerie van Defensie (Ministry of Defense)
--Seridjan Luchtmacht (Saridani Air Force)

---Serijdan Luchtmacht Intelligensie Afdeling (Air Force Intelligence Division): Intelligence branch of the Air Force, oversees all surveillance and reconnaissance duties related to it.

---Luchmacht Akademie (Air Force Academy): School within National Defense University which trains officers.

----Gewilde Mans Opleidingsraad (Enlisted Men Training Council): Develops curriculum for training of enlisted airmen.

--Seridjan Inlichtingendienst (Saridani Intelligence Service): Conducts Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Abroad
---Verdeling van Kuberintelligensie (Division of Cyberintelligence): Conducts cyberintelligence research and operations.

---Anti-Terrorisme Eenheid (Anti-Terrorism Unit): Focuses specifically on preventing terrorism abroad and coming from abroad.

--Federale Vloot van Seridjan (Federal Navy of Saridan): Saridan's Navy
---Seridjan Marine Intelligensie Afdeling (Saridan Naval Intelligence Division)

---Marinerkorps (Mariner Corps): Naval combat soldiers

---Marine Akademie (Navy Academy): School of the National Defense University that trains naval officers.

----Gewilde Mans Opleidingsraad (Enlisted Men's Training Council): Trains and designs curriculum for enlisted sailors and marines.

--Federale Landmacht van Seridjan (Federal Army of Saridan): Land Forces
---Seridjan Landmacht Intelligensie Afdeling (Saridan Army Intelligence Division): Oversees army intelligence.

---Militêre Akademie (Military Academy): School of the National Defense University responsible for educating army officers.

----Gewilde Mans Opleidingsraad (Enlisted Men's Training Council): Responsible for training of enlisted men and curricula for this.

--Hoë Militêre Tribunaal (High Military Tribunal): Responsible for Military justice. Prosecutes desertion, disobedience to officers, military treason, etc.
---Luchmachttribunaal (Air Force Tribunal): Tribunal for Air Force

----Kantoor van die Luchmacht Aanklaer (Office of the Air Force Prosecutors)

----Tribunaal van Appèlle en Prosedure (Tribunal of Appeals and Procedure): overseas Procedure and processes appeals.

---Marinertribunaal (Naval Tribunal)

----Kantoor van die Marine Aanklaer (Office of Naval Prosecutors)

----Tribunaal van Appèlle en Prosedure (Tribunal of Appeals and Procedure).

---Landmachttribunaal (Army Tribunal)

----Kantoor van die Landmacht Aanklaer (Office of Army Prosecutors)

----Tribunaal van Appèlr en Prosedure (Tribunal of Appeals and Procedure)

---Militêre Detensie Administrasie (Military Detention Administration): Maintains and administrates military brigs and prisons.
----Marine en Luchmacht Brig, Goudkus: Naval and Airforce Detention Center in Goudkus.

----Landmacht Tronk, Bokhoring: Army detention center in Bokhoring.

--Afdeling van Verdediging Standaarde (Department of Defense Standards)
---Verdeling van Militêre Lugvaart (Division of Military Aviation)

----Onderverdeling van Militêre Lugverkeer (Subdivision of Military Air Traffic)

----Onderverdeling van Militêre Lugvaartveiligheid (Subdivision of Military Aviation Safety)

---Verdeling van Militêre Vervoer (Division of Military Transport)

•Ministerie van Recht en Rechtvaardigheid (Ministry of Law and Justice)
--Kantoor van de procureur-generaal (General Prosecutor's office): Led by the Minister of Justice.

--Justitie Afdeling (Department of Justice)
---Verdeling van Kriminele Ondersoek (Division of Crimninal Investigation)

---Verdeling van Kivele Ondersoek (Division of Civil Investigation)

---Veroordelingsstandaardeburo (Sentencing Standards Bureau)

--Politiekorps van Seridjan (Saridan Police Korps)
---Policie Standaardesburo (Law Enforcement Standards Bureau)

---Internasionale Polisiewerkverband (International law Enforcement Cooperation Bureau): Cooperates and works with foreign police forces to apprehend criminals.

--Corruptie Uitroeiing Agentschap (Corruption Extermination Agency): Oversees the investigation and trial of corruption within the government and economy.
---Municipale Corruptieboro (Municipal Corruption Bureau): Investigates reports of corruption made against city, provincial, and other local government employees.

---Wetgewende Corruptieburo (Legislative Corruption Bureau): Investigates reports of Legislative Corruption

---Republiekense Corruptieburo (Republican Corruption Bureau): Investigates corruption in National Government

--Hofseiendomsadministrasie (Court Properties Administration): Ensures maintenance and upkeep of courts and ministry buildings, as well as hiring of court reporters, bailiffs, and security.

•Ministrie van Verkeer en Infrastruuktur (Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure)
--Afdeling van de Burgerluchtvaart (Department of Civil Aviation)
---Verdeling van Lugverkeersbeheer (Division of Air Traffic Control)

---Verdeling van Lugvaartveiligheid (Division of Aviation Safety)

----Vlieënier Lisensieraad (Pilot Licensing Board)

----Onderverdeling van Vliegtuiginspeksie (Subdivision of Airplane Inspection)

---Verdeling van Kommersiële Ruimtetransport (Division of Commercial Aerospace Transportation)

--Wegvervoer Afdeling (Road Transportation Department)
---Munisipale Padadministrasie (Municipal Roads Administration)

---Nasionale Padadministrasie (National Roads Administration)

---Provinsiale Padadministrasie (Provincial Roads Administration)

---Motorreguleringsraad (Automobile Regulations Board)
----Kantoor van Burgerlike Voertuiglisensiëring (Office of Civilian Vehicle Licensing)

----Kantoor van Kommersiële Voertuiglisensiëring (Office of Commercial Vehicle Licensing)

----Kantoor van Emissies en Veiligheid (Office of Emissions and Safety)

--Zeevervoer Afdeling (Maritime Transportation Department)
---Nasionale Hawe Owerheid (National Port Authority)
----Tasselstaat Hawe Owerheid (Tasselstaat Port Authority)

----Kaap Hawe Owerheid (Kaap Port Authority)

----Boerestaat Hawe Owerheid (Boerestaat Port Authority)

[Note: Sint Peiterlaand's Port Authority is provincially run)

---Verdeling van Maritieme Veiligheid (Division of Maritime Safety)
----Maritieme Lisensiëringsraad (Maritime Licensing Board)

----Boot Inspeksieraad (Boat Inspection Board)

--Afdeling van de Infrastruktuur (Department of Infrastructure)
---Verdeling van Lughawe Konstruksie en Onderhoud (Division of Airport Construction and Maintenance)

---Verdeling van Seeport Uitbreiding en Vestiging (Division of Seaport Expansion and Establishment)

---Verdeling van Residensiële Eiendomsregulasie (Division of Residential Property Regulation)

---Verdeling van Strukturele Veiligheid (Structural Safety Division)

---Siviele Werke Administrasie (Civil Works Administration)

--Afdeling van het Openbaar Vervoer(Department of Public Transportation)
---Seridjan Nasionale Spoorwegadministrasie (Saridan National Rail Administration)

----Kantoor van Vervoerder Kontrakterende (Office of Carrier Contracting)

----Kantoor van Spooronderhoud (Office of Railway Maintenance)

----Kantoor van Operateurlisensiëring (Office of Operator Licensing)

---Nasionale Openbare Vervoer Agentskap (National Public Transportation Agency)
----Verdeling van Buslyne (Division of Bus Lines)

----Verdeling van Munisipale Spoor (Division of Municipal Rail)

----Verdeling van Monorails en Ondergrondse Spoor (Division of Monorails and underground rail)

•Ministerie van Welzijn en Gezondheidszorg (Ministry of Welfare and Healthcare)
--Sociale Dienst(Department of Social Services)

---Verdeling van Gesinsdienste (Division of Family Services)

---Verdeling van Maatskaplike Welsyn (Division of Social Services)

--Afdeling van de Volksgezondheid(Department of Public Health)
---Sentrum vir Nasionale Gesondheidsbeleid (Center for National Health Policy): Government think tank focused on developing national health policy.

---Verdeling van Hospitaalstaandarde (Division of Hospital Standards)

--Afdeling van de Siektes Voorkoming (Department of Disease Prevention)
---Verdeling van Sanitasiebewustheid en-Belied (Division of Sanitation Awareness and Policy)

---Siektebeheer Eenheid (Disease Control Unit)

•Ministerie van Kulturele Erfgoed en Onderwys (Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Education)
--Afdeling van Opvoedkundige Administrasie (Department of Educational Administration)

---Subafdeling van Primêre Onderwysadministrasie (Sub-Department of Primary Education Administration)

---Verdeling van die Onderrig Subsidie ​​Toekenning (Division of Tuition Subsidy Allocation)

---Verdeling van Universiteitsadministrasie (Division of University Administration)

--Rijksmuseum Van Sairdan (National Museum of Saridan)

--Cultureel Erfgoed Afdeling (Cultural Heritage Preservation Department)



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Total Seats: 465


    Total Seats: 0


      Total Seats: 0

      Random fact: Terra, the fictional world in which Particracy is set, consists of 8 continents: Artania, Dovani, Keris, Makon, Majatra, Seleya, Temania and Vascania.

      Random quote: "The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people." - Noam Chomsky

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