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Bill: OOC: Ministries and Government Institutions [DO NOT DELETE]
Submitted by[?]: Demokratiese Unionistiese Alliansie
Status[?]: defeated
Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.
Voting deadline: May 4903
Kantoor van die Staatspresident: Office of the Staatspresident --Sekretariaat van die Staatspresident ---Ondersekretariaat van Regeringsake (Undersecretariat of Government Affairs): Keeps track of Presidential affairs with Volksraad, Ministries, and local governments. ---Ondersekretariaat van Buitelandsesake (Undersecretariat of Foreign Affairs): Manages details of State Visits, banquets, foreign trips, Presidential initiatives abroad. ---Staatsbehuisingsadministrasie (State Residence Administration): Manages the residences of the Staatspresident and Minister-President •Kantoor van die Minister-President --Kantoor van Wetgewende Hulp (Office of Legislative Aid): In charge of managing Minister-President's involvement in legislation, --Kantoor van Buitelandsesake (Office of Foreign Affairs): Schedules briefings, manages international involvement of Minister-President •Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken(Ministry of Foreign Affairs): Ministry of the Foreign Ministry --Afdeling van de Immigratie van Saridan(Department of Immigration of Saridan): Manages immigration ---Verdelen Burgerskap (Division of Citizenship): In charge of citizenship tests, processing citizenship by marriage, and providing certification of citizenship. ---Verdeling van Visaverordenings (Division of Visa Administration): In charge of Visas, processing paperwork for greencards, etc. --Toeristische Afdeling(Department of Tourism): Manages Tourism. ---Verdeling van Reisbevordering (Division of Travel Promotion): designs and implements campaigns to promote tourism. ---Verdeling van Inligting (Division of Information): Division that provides and makes travel information, advice, and resources to other countries available to Saridanis. --Afdeling van Konsulate un Ambassade (Department of Consulates and Embassies): Manages diplomatic stations abroad ---Verdeling van Instandhoulding (Division of Maintainence): Ensures good condition of embassies and consulates. ---Verdeling van Sekuriteit (Division of Security): ensures safety of embassies and consulates --Afdeling van Internasionale Aangeleenthede (Department of International Affairs): manages international involvement, treaty ratification and legality, and multi-nation negotiations. ---Verdragsbeleidinstituut (Treaty Policy Institute): Government-run think-tank which researches and gives policy suggestions on International Affairs. --Sekretariaat van Hoofdiplomat (Secretariat to the Chief Diplomat): Controls scheduling, conferences, and manages lines of communication. •Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken(Ministry of Internal Affairs): Manages internal affairs --Overheid Veiligheid Agentschap(Government Safety Agency): Manages safety of government property and officials. ---Presidensiële Beskermingsdiens Buro (Presidential Protective Service Bureau): Manages personal security for Staatspresident, Minister-President, and approved figures of note ---Volksraad Sekuriteitsburo (Volksraad Security Bureau): security and surveillance of parliamentary property, legislators, and legislative offices. ---Ministeriële Sekuriteitsburo (Ministerial Security Bureau): secures Ministry properties. --Interne Afdeling Veiligheid(Internal Safety Department) ---Interne Intelligensie Agentskap (Internal Intelligence Agency): Intelligence Agency defending against internal threats, domestic terrorism, et cetera ---Vervoer Sekuriteits Administrasie (Transportation Security Administration): secures airports, railways, roads, and ports •Ministerie van Financiën(Ministry of Finance) --Zakelijke Afdeling(Department of Business) --Zakelijke Subsidie Afdeling(Department of Business Subsidies) [To be created by the Pro-Business bill] --Nationale Munt van Sairdan(National Mint of Saridan) --Vakgroep Fiscaliteit(Department of Taxation) ---Belasting Uitoefening Buro (Taxation Enforcement Bureau) •Ministerie van Defensie(Ministry of Defense) --Seridjan Luchtmacht(Saridani Air Force) ---Serijdan Luchtmacht Intelligensie Afdeling (Air Force Intelligence Division): ---Luchmacht Akademie (Air Force Academy): School within National Defense University which trains officers. ----Gewilde Mans Opleidingsraad (Enlisted Men Training Council): develops curriculum for training of enlisted airmen. --Seridjan Inlichtingendienst(Saridani Intelligence Service): Conducts Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Abroad ---Verdeling van Kuberintelligensie (Division of Cyberintelligence): Conducts cyberintelligence research and operations. ---Anti-Terrorisme Eenheid (Anti-Terrorism Unit): focuses specifically on preventing terrorism abroad and coming from abroad. --Republikeinse Marine van Seridjan (Republican Navy of Saridan): Saridan's Navy ---Seridjan Marine Intelligensie Afdeling (Saridan Naval Intelligence Division) ---Marinerkorps (Mariner Corps): Naval combat soldiers ---Marine Akademie (Navy Academy): school of the National Defense University that trains naval officers ----Gewilde Mans Opleidingsraad (Enlisted mens training council): trains and designs curriculum for enlisted sailors and marines --Republiekeinse Landmacht van Seridjan (Republican Army of Saridan): Land Forces ---Seridjan Landmacht Intelligensie Afdeling (Saridan Army Intelligence Division): Oversees army intelligence. ---Militêre Akademie (Military Academy): school of the National Defense Universy responsible for educating army officers ----Gewilde Mans Opleidingsraad (Enlisted Men's Training Council): Responsible for training of enlisted men and curricula for this. --Hoë Militêre Tribunaal (High Military Tribunal): Responsible for Military justice. Prosecutes desertion, disobedience to officers, military treason, etc. ---Luchmachttribunaal (Air Force Tribunal): Tribunal for Air Force ----Kantoor van die Luchmacht Aanklaer (Office of the Air Force Prosecutors) ----Tribunaal van Appèlle en Prosedure (Tribunal of Appeals and Procedure): overseas Procedure and processes appeals. ---Marinertribunaal (Naval Tribunal) ----Kantoor van die Marine Aanklaer (Office of Naval Prosecutors) ----Tribunaal van Appèlle en Prosedure (Tribunal of Appeals and Procedure). ---Landmachttribunaal (Army Tribunal) ----Kantoor van die Landmacht Aanklaer (Office of Army Prosecutors) ----Tribunaal van Appèlr en Prosedure (Tribunal of Appeals and Procedure) ---Militêre Detensie Administrasie (Military Detention Administration): Maintains and administrates military brigs and prisons ----Marine en Luchmacht Brig, Goudkus: Naval and Airforce Detention Center in Goudkus ----Landmacht Tronk, Bokhoring: Army detention center --Afdeling van Verdediging Standaarde (Department of Defense Standards) ---Verdeling van Militêre Lugvaart (Division of Military Aviation) ----Onderverdeling van Militêre Lugverkeer (Subdivision of Military Air Traffic) ----Onderverdeling van Militêre Lugvaartveiligheid (Subdivision of Military Aviation Safety) ---Verdeling van Militêre Vervoer (Division of Military Transport) •Ministerie van Recht en Rechtvaardigheid(Ministry of Law and Justice) --Kantoor van de procureur-generaal(General Prosecutor's office) [Led by the Minister] --Justitie Afdeling (Department of Justice): ---Verdeling van Kriminele Ondersoek (Division of Crimninal Investigation) ---Verdeling van Kivele Ondersoek (Division of Civil Investigation) ---Veroordelingsstandaardeburo (Sentencing Standards Bureau) --Politiekorps van Seridjan (Saridan Police Korps) ---Policie Standaardesburo (Law Enforcement Standards Bureau) ---Internasionale Polisiewerkverband (International law Enforcement Cooperation Bureau): cooperates and works with foreign police forces to apprehend criminals. --Corruptie Uitroeiing Agentschap(Corruption Extermination Agency): ---Municipale Corruptieboro (Municipal Corruption Bureau): Investigates reports of corruption made against city, provincial, and other local government employees. ---Wetgewende Corruptieburo (Legislative Corruption Bureau): Investigates reports of Legislative Corruption ---Republiekense Corruptieburo (Republican Corruption Bureau): Investigates corruption in National Government --Hofseiendomsadministrasie (Court Properties Administration): Ensures maintenaince and upkeep of courts and ministry buildings, as well as hiring of court reporters, baillifs, and security •Ministrie van Verkeer en Infrastruuktur (Ministry of Transportation and --Afdeling van de Burgerluchtvaart(Department of Civil Aviation) ---Verdeling van Lugverkeersbeheer (Division of Air Traffic Control) ---Verdeling van Lugvaartveiligheid (Division of Aviation Safety) ----Vlieënier Lisensieraad (Pilot Licensing Board) ----Onderverdeling van Vliegtuiginspeksie (Subdivision of Aeroplane Inspection) ---Verdeling van Kommersiële Ruimtetransport (Division of Commercial Aerospace Transportation) --Wegvervoer Afdeling(Road Transportation Department) ---Munisipale Padadministrasie (Municipal Roads Administration) ---Nasionale Padadministrasie (National Roads Administration) ---Provinsiale Padadministrasie (Provincial Roads Administration) ---Motorreguleringsraad (Automobile Regulations Board) ----Kantoor van Burgerlike Voertuiglisensiëring (Office of Civilian Vehicle Licensing) ----Kantoor van Kommersiële Voertuiglisensiëring (Office of Commercial Vehicle Licensing) ----Kantoor van Emissies en Veiligheid (Office of Emissions and Safety) --Zeevervoer Afdeling(Maritime Transportation Department) ---Nasionale Hawe Owerheid (National Port Authority) ----Tasselstaat Hawe Owerheid (Tasselstaat Port Authority) ----Kaap Hawe Owerheid (Kaap Port Authority) ----Boerestaat Hawe Owerheid (Boerestaat Port Authority) [Note: Sint Peiterlaand's Port Authority is provincially run) ---Verdeling van Maritieme Veiligheid (Division of Maritime Safety) ----Maritieme Lisensiëringsraad (Maritime Licensing Board) ----Boot Inspeksieraad (Boat Inspection Board) --Afdeling van de Infrastructuur(Department of Infrastructure) ---Verdeling van Lughawe Konstruksie en Onderhoud (Division of Airport Construction and Maintenance) ---Verdeling van Seeport Uitbreiding en Vestiging (Division of Seaport Expansion and Establishment) ---Verdeling van Residensiële Eiendomsregulasie (Division of Residential Property Regulation) ---Verdeling van Strukturele Veiligheid (Structural Safety Division) ---Siviele Werke Administrasie (Civil Works Administration) --Afdeling van het Openbaar Vervoer(Department of Public Transportation) ---Seridjan Nasionale Spoorwegadministrasie (Saridan National Rail Administration) |
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Random quote: "For every action there is an equal and opposite government program." - Bob Wells |