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Cities in the Sekouo shū (Seko)

This is a list of the cities in the Sekouo shū (Seko).

古川市 (Furukawa)北山 (Hokuzan)
楢浜市 (Narahama)北山 (Hokuzan)
西京市 (Seikyo)北山 (Hokuzan)
那古市 (Nago)北山 (Hokuzan)
山島市 (Yamashima)南山 (Nanzan)
永和市 (Eiwa)南山 (Nanzan)
竹田市 (Takeda)南山 (Nanzan)
豊山市 (Toyoyama)南山 (Nanzan)
九鷹座市 (Kutakaza; Kuzacotl)山湖 (Sanko)
瑞穂市 (Mizuho)山湖 (Sanko)
盛倉市 (Morikura)山湖 (Sanko)
芹台市 (Seritei)山湖 (Sanko)
中村市 (Nakamura)東山 (Tōzan)
千松市 (Senmatsu)東山 (Tōzan)
石縄市 (Ishinawa)東山 (Tōzan)
菱河市 (Hishikawa)東山 (Tōzan)
平名京市 (Heimeikyo)神河原 (Kankawara)
梅岡市 (Umeoka)神河原 (Kankawara)
熊崎市 (Kumasaki)神河原 (Kankawara)
青木市 (Aoki)神河原 (Kankawara)

Random fact: Real life-life nationalities, cultures or ethnicities should not be referenced in Particracy (eg. "German").

Random quote: "To the youth of America, I say, beware of being trivialized by the commercial culture that tempts you daily. I hear you saying often that you're not turned on by politics. The lessons of history are clear and portentous. If you do not turn onto politics, politics will turn on you." - Ralph Nader

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