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Conservative Liberal Party[?]

This page contains information about the Conservative Liberal Party.

This party is inactive.


User[?]: Vordania

Nation[?]: Republic of Likatonia (Likatonia)

Seats[?] in Federal Congress of Likatonia[?]: 0




Foundation 2097-2116

The right-wing millionaire Jeff Davis founded the original Conservative Party in 2097. However initially the Party served as a pressure group and social network and was another seven years until the Party participated in its first general election as a united block.

Early election results proved dismal, the parties organisation was weak and membership fluctuated as the party had no core ideology, and it took a radical overhaul of the party in the first few months of 2107 before the party nearly 2.5million votes in the 2107 general election.

Despite its success, the party remained on the fringes of politics, largely sticking to anachronistic and somewhat repellent views that deterred alliances with other parties. It was not till 2114 that the first Conservative MP entered the government, when Marghite Jonssen took up the post of Interior Minister, a post she held for two years.

Disaster struck in 2110 as the party slumped, losing 7 seats. Within two months the founder Jeff Davis was ejected as leader, and replaced by John Davis. A Republican surge removed the monarchy, which further decimated the party as their casus belli was removed. Despite John Davies youthfulness and energy, the Conservatives failed to shift in the polls. The parties continued support for the monarchy led to John Davies suggesting a name change prior to the 2113 election. However even the this facelift failed to draw in former supporters, failing to make any ground in the 2113 elections, the first elections in twenty years to include a Presidential election.

Another renaming, readopting the Conservative name and a drop of the direct commitment to restore the monarchy led to the party gaining a solitary seat in 2116, the last election that the party was to contest as a unified body for fifty years.

Subversion Politics 2116-2130

The disbanding of the party was rapid. An MP’s sensationally defected to the Liberal Party for Equality, denouncing racism within the Conservative Party. At the end of 2116 the annual party convention ended in disaster as John Davis was forced out of the leadership position. Internal civil war continued between the nationalist and the progressive wings of the party, the progressive wing, containing four MP’s and a large proportion of the party membership decided it was time to go, joining the Radical Libertarians. Several scandals hit the new leader Marghite Jonssen, and the party was declared bankrupt in May 2118. The few thousand remaining party members voted upon dissolution, the remaining MP’s attaching themselves to the Catholic National Party.

However, although this was the end of the Conservative Party, a surprisingly large number of Tory Clubs, especially the Monday Club, continued to thrive, providing a nucleus of support that allowed the Conservative Party cause to continue to remain active in other parties, most controversially through Rector Lewisforths “Meria Doctrine”. Through this, the former Foreign Affairs spokesmen revealed a covert policy of infiltration, a policy that was to see many former Conservatives rise through the ranks of several parties, many ending up as MP’s.

The 2119 general election provides a good point to analyse the effects of this infiltration process. As expected several former Conservative MP’s found themselves re-elected, two within the RWL’s and three within the CNP. The former leader Marghite Jonssen, a Tory MP from 2107 until 2119, and was then a CNP MP from 2119 until 2122, then a RWL from 2122 till 2134, was perhaps the most famous example of an ex Tory continuing the cause in other parties, however, Mrs Jonssen was never a part of the Meria Doctrine and always stressed when questioned that she had been invited into both the RWL and CNP.

The Meria Doctrine had its most visible success with the shock rise and fall of the Nationalist Party in the late 2120’s. After the fall of the Conservative Party in 2118, several of its former members formed the National Club. Here they created pamphlets describing their views upon the creation of a large state based upon racial lines. The ideas were seized upon by many Likatonian commentators to bury the Conservative Party for good, destroying the efforts by some activists to re-launch the party.

However, with increasing immigration, and as a counter reaction to the rise of capitalist parties, the ideas of the National Club gained some support, and by 2126 a fully fledged new party was up and running, the Nationalist Party. Dividing public opinion, and receiving intense hostility from the establishment the party sensationally took 88 seats in the 2128 general election. However scandals hits the party hard. For the first time the Meria doctrine began to circulate in the media, destroying the credibility of the Nationalist Party, as week after week it was unveiled that another Nationalist MP was a former Conservative Party bigwig. Further financial abnormalities were unveiled, and the party, as with the Conservatives in 2118, collapsed, dragging many former Tories down with it, who now had little chance of re-entering politics with another party. The death of Rector Lewisforth in 2130 finally killed of the remnants of the Conservative Party, along with the Meria Doctrine

Wilderness 2130-2160

As the 2130’s progressed, key Conservatives from the Jeff Davis years passed away, and what was left of the party disappeared. In 2132 the Conservative Club Association was closed down. In the mid-twenties the CCA had boasted over 50,000 members, despite the Conservative Party no longer existing. Ironically the rise of the Nationalist Party almost destroyed the CCA, and the decline of the NP failed to raise membership of the CCA. Worryingly, a small but die-hard band of monarchist fanatics left Likatonia in 2131. Suspicious activities concerning the death of Anakah Anakrousis, and the appeal of other nations had encouraged their emigration. Their flight abroad effectively ruined the finances of the Clubs and led to their demise. These emigrants although perhaps not an integral part of the Conservative Party were to have an impact four decades down the line.

But these émigrés were not idle. By 2134, the Meria Doctrine was back in full swing. However, rather than focusing their efforts upon the Right Wing Liberals, as had been done in the 2120’s (and even at this stage, Abel Hesson remained a RWL MP, and a member of an Independent Conservative Club). The émigrés directed the few thousand CP members in an underground ‘war’ aimed at the former enemies of the CP and the Monarchy. A meeting in a backroom in a Rakoon brothel was held launching Operation Houri. ‘Agents’ joined the Liberal Party for Equality, and under the protection of former Conservatives the AAS as well. However successes within the LPE were almost immediate, due to the promotion of Angel Delight to become the Chief PR Officer. Within weeks several embarrassing documents were leaked, questioning the ability of the LPE leader Tinned Peas. Other leaks hit the LPE hard, and at the election of 2137 the LPE lost over two fifths of their vote. Tinned Peas was forced out, and the party, in a similar fashion to the CPL twenty years earlier, went into self-destucting mode. The émigrés were able to raise a chuckle from their self-imposed exile.

Operation Houri took a different root with the AAS. In 2134 Finvarra Bean-Tighe a former Conservative youth member became leader of the Sacred Order Faction and heavily influenced a growing conservative/nationalist element within the AAS. Although their power was limited, they began to lay the foundations for what would eventually be a conservative revival, although currently no-one would have predicted such an event. With the rise of Absalom ben Adamah and the National Purity Faction in 2141, more CPL members were able to infiltrate the AAS, several becoming MP’s. These two men were able to get former CPL members into positions of power within the Civil and Military Service, bypassing an unofficial ban, which had seen CPL members refused work in the military, due to a belief after the fall of the monarchy that the CPL would launch an attempted coup. Adamah and Bean-Tighe also persued an agenda that effectively shifted the AAS to a position that not too long ago would have seemed like the CPL’s. This worked effectively for the next 15 years. However internal conflicts within the AAS (again, CPL infiltrators appeared to be behind these splits) led to Absalom ben Adamah leaving the AAS in 2157. Similarly Bean-Tighe position was weakened by mass defections from the SOF to the Progressive Social Strength, some argued it was time for the CPL Standard to be raised.

New Dawn 2159-2170

Then in 2159, Maria Woolsey (b2141), youngest daughter of the former Conservative and Nationalist MP Evans Woolsey, set up a Conservative Student Association at the University of Gokitan. Its creation started a new dawn for the party. Intellectuals flooded through the several University Clubs. Throughout much of Likatonia old Conservative Clubs sprung up and once more the message began to flow through the farming valleys that had once provided the core of Conservative support. The great Finvarra Bean-Tighe left the AAS, and became an honouree member of the University of Sorbanika, whose Conservative Association he had been the chairmen of in the early 2120’s.

However, this did not lead to anything directly politically. Conservatism within the AAS hadn’t fared too well in recent years, and the bizarre cult that was the PSS had forced out Protestant Conservatives activists that had infiltrated the party. The Clubs kept the flame of Conservatism alive, much as they had done through the 2120’s. Unfortunately wild-eyed Tories like Maria Woolsey and Rupert Bentley did not follow up the success of the University Clubs with a reformation of the party. Thus figures like Finvarra Bean-Tighe were left to advance their ideas and cause via think tanks and social clubs, but were unable to break into the mainstream.

It took the re-emergence of the Radical Libertarians in the late 60’s to provoke an angry response from the Conservative Clubs. Secret meetings between Woolsey, Bentley, Finvarra Bean-Tighe, who had by now left the AAS (after the split between the Sacred Order Faction and the defection of Absalom ben Adamah to the PSS) and several ‘foreigners’ led to the recreation of the Conservative Party in 2168. These foreigners turned out to be the former Conservative Party activists who had emigrated from Likatonia in the late 2110’s. Many of these émigrés had become fabulously wealthy in their foreign exploits, and were more than willing to provide the funds that were needed for the reformation of the Conservative Party. More importantly, the Meria Doctrine was finally laid to rest, and immediately six MP’s resigned from the RWL’s, AAS and PSS, shocking the leadership of those parties.

Throughout 2169 the Conservative Party initiated a series of policy proposals, espousing a style of progressive conservatism and big government economics. The success of the party in 2170 suggested the half-century absence had been a great betrayal of the Likatonian people.


The Republican Movement

The early 2170's were a massive perod of upheavel in Likatonia. Authoritarian and Royalist personalities within were able to overhaul the Tories and form the Imperial Republican Party, committed to the Big State, the Emperor, and Likatonia.



During its foundation years, the Conservative Parties rather limited support base was concentrated amongst four key groups. Chiefs amongst these were landowners (aristocrats), who provided the financial support that kept the party going. Numerically speaking the yeomanry provided the backbone of the party. Yeomanry were the small farmers who made up a substantial part of rural society. Urban support for the party was based around two rather small groups, which substantially limited their appeal in urban areas. Foremost amongst these were ex-servicemen. The founder of the Conservatives, Jeff Davis, was an ex-Officer, and invested part of his fortunes in helping ex-servicemen. A string of Ex-Servicemen’s Clubs (EXC) were built up, and these eventually became the bedrock of Conservative support in the cities. Some political commentators described this as mere bribery, but it was interesting to note that with the demise of the Tories in 2118, and Jeff Davis’ family withdrawing the funding for the EXC’s, they remained solidly Tory. Nearly all of the EXC remained within the Conservative Clubs Associations, and they kept the spirit of Conservatism alive throughout the wilderness years. Most of the recruits for Operation Houri came from EXC’s. The fourth group, providing much ammunition for the anti-Conservative media, consisted of Nativist Organisations, who were vocally hostile to immigrants.. (McMills “Elections 2090-2113”)

Although the breakdown of the 2170 election is not quite complete yet, voting patterns seems to suggest that it is possible to breakdown Conservative-voting groups. All four of the groups identified in McMills remained strongly Conservative. However the Tories great achievement of 2170 was to tap into working class conservatism, especially in Gokitan and Sorbanika. A combination of big government, social conservatism and religious fervour swept many working class conservatives into the Conservative Party. However it is not sure if this is going to be a long-term trend, or a short term protest vote against the ‘establishment’ parties.


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Centralizationmoderate unitaristmoderateperfect
Civil Rightsmoderate restrictivemoderateperfect
Ecologymoderate skepticmoderateperfect
Foreign Relationsmoderate isolationistmoderateperfect
Government Responsibilitiesmoderate small governmenthighperfect
Militaryconvinced militaristlimitedperfect
Moralitymoderate conservativemoderateperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
March 2104347,44625,136,2981.38+1.3812150.47+1
December 21063,43124,276,4080.01-1.3702150.00-1
May 21072,497,16525,196,6109.91+9.90212159.77+21
May 21101,697,79528,218,0206.02-3.89142755.09-7
May 21131,731,05030,980,1255.59-0.43142755.09+0
May 21161,877,62931,798,7115.90+0.32152755.45+1
October 21705,584,36136,109,51915.47+9.567250014.40+57
October 21733,230,91841,999,8197.69-7.77375007.40-35
October 21765,950,46239,766,28414.96+7.277450014.80+37
October 21798,035,32542,207,49519.04+4.079650019.20+22
October 21827,847,35738,877,68320.18+1.1510150020.20+5
October 21857,072,17137,547,40518.84-1.359350018.60-8
October 21887,767,64238,587,77820.13+1.2910150120.16+8
October 21916,130,04238,617,66615.87-4.267950115.77-22
October 21944,534,02040,480,88711.20-4.675650111.18-23
October 21974,649,82539,238,14611.85+0.655950111.78+3
October 22004,477,86942,436,23310.55-1.305350110.58-6
October 22544,390,84447,891,3359.17-1.38435008.60-10
November 22554,884,08742,439,70011.51+2.345550011.00+12
December 292778,822,08378,822,083100.00+88.49500500100.00+445
January 2931235,656,545323,018,77672.95-27.0536350072.60-137
October 2935321,453,929322,672,36899.62+26.679999100.00-264
October 2941322,008,044326,092,20698.75-0.87989998.99-1

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the Conservative Liberal Party.

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
House Seats ReductionFebruary 5151February 5151defeated
Likatonian National Anthem ChangeDecember 5150December 5150defeated
National Cabinet ProposalDecember 5150December 5150defeated
Income Tax Cuts ProposalDecember 5150December 5150defeated
Federal Budget Cuts ProposalDecember 5150December 5150defeated
RP: President Muhlenberg Gets Another TermDecember 5150December 5150passed
Lawsuit Protection ActAugust 5150December 5150passed
National Action BillAugust 5150September 5150passed
Call for early elections, January 5150January 5150January 5150passed
RP: Likatonian CEOs Meet Muhlenberg Ahead Of Economic Data ReleaseMay 5149May 5149passed
Federal Budget ProposalMay 5149May 5149defeated
Wealth TaxMay 5149May 5149passed
Cabinet Proposal Special LegislationMay 5149May 5149defeated
Likatonia Humane Military StandardsOctober 5148January 5149passed
Cabinet Proposal of August 5148August 5148August 5148passed
Religious realignmentJuly 5148July 5148defeated
Ratification of the Crirrane Treaty on Basic Civil Rights (Redraft, Section 7 - Religion)April 5148August 5148defeated
Deregulation ActFebruary 5148July 5148passed
Cabinet Proposal of September 5147September 5147September 5147passed
Green Likatonian ActSeptember 5147September 5147passed

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