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Libertäre-Grüne Bewegung[?]

This page contains information about the Libertäre-Grüne Bewegung.

This party is inactive.


User[?]: Freiheit

Nation[?]: Bundesrepublik Dundorf (Dundorf)

Seats[?] in Bundestag[?]: 0






The Libertäre-Grüne Bewegung (LGB) was founded in May 3227. The nucleus of the organization was a merger of dissident organizations that had been active during the period of communist rule (such as Demokratie Jetzt and the Initiative Frieden und Menschenrechte) and Die Grünen, which had been one of the pioneers of the Green movement in Terra. Ironically, a significant number of its supporters now come from those nostalgic for the Dundorf Democratische Republik but who cannot countenance a return to authoritarian communism. The LGB is seen as seeking to preserve and deepen the democratic process in Dundorf.

Our Ten Key Values:

1. Grassroots democracy
2. Social justice and equal opportunity
3. Ecological wisdom
4. Nonviolence
5. Decentralization
6. Community-based economics
7. Feminism and gender equality
8. Respect for diversity
9. Personal and global responsibility
10. Future focus and sustainability

We do not accept money from corporate donors.

Organizational Structure:

The LGB is the most decentralized political organization in Dundorf, a country notorious for its tendency towards centralization of power. In many ways, the organizational pattern of the LGB is a reaction to this tendency. Each Bundesland within the BRD has its own constituent section of the LGB, and each of these sections enjoys a significant degree of autonomy, to the point of electing its own leadership and determining its own stances on specific issues (so long as they do not contradict the Green Charter).

The LGB has no single Chairperson; instead, it has 5 Co-Chairs:

Alex Kerner - Leader of the Grüne Jugend (Green Youth); longtime student activist and anti-communist dissident
Dr. Moritz Seebach - Physician, President of the Bundesärztekammer (known in English as the Dundorfian Medical Association)
Reinhold Dutschke - Lawyer, advocate for legal reforms to make the justice system fair for poor minorities; now does mostly pro bono work
Ulrike Modrow - Former high official in the DDR government and SED member, became a dissident in final years of the DDR
Klement Fuchs - leading nuclear physicist, instrumental in the DDR's nuclear program; now a leading proponent of nuclear disarmament

Internal Factions:

The LGB is a multi-tendency party, allowing for internal groupings with different interests or agendas to coexist. Here is a list of the different tendencies and their respective leaders:

Grüne Jugend (Green Youth) - Alex Kerner

The Grüne Jugend is the autonomous youth wing of the LGB, led by Alex Kerner. Alex has a background as a leader of the student protest movement against the communist government of the DDR, despite the fact that his mother (Christiane Kerner) was a staunch supporter of the régime. In general, the GJ is more radical in certain ways than its parent organization, being advocates of drastically expanded civil liberties/personal freedoms and promoting a new, youth-inspired culture to displace what it calls the "cryptofascist conservative establishment".

Öko-Anarchisten (Eco-Anarchists) - Lara Khamatova

The Öko-Anarchisten are the most radical of the tendencies within the LGB, advocating the total abolishment of the State and the organization of the entire country into autonomous communities. They are opposed to State control of industries, favouring instead the running of all enterprises by democratic workers' councils. The EA has no official leader, but Lara Khamatova is one of their leading spokespeople given her long history as a community organizer and marijuana legalization activist.

Tiefenökologisten (Deep Ecologists) - Petra von Kleist

The Tiefenökologisten are the most strident proponents of environmentalism within the LGB. They put ecological harmony above human expansion and economic growth. Their emphasis is on humans as merely a part of nature, a part that has often excessively inflated its own importance. Many of the members of this tendency are members of the Erdeskirche, a neo-pagan religion of nature worship that sees all life as sacred and all things as a part of the living body of Mother Nature. This veneration of the mother goddess also translates into a strongly feminist point of view. The main leader of this tendency is Petra "Gaia" von Kleist. Von Kleist grew up in an aristocratic family whose patriarch was a Theosophist. She attended university and became a leading biologist. It was the attempted building of a new highway that would cut right through her hometown (and would require the cutting down of an ancient forest nearby( that turned her into an environmental activist. She called on the local people to chain themselves to the trees and, if need be, sacrifice themselves for the sake of Mother Nature. The protest was a great success, which brought von Kleist to the attention of the national media. Since that time, she became a spokesperson of the wider environmental movement and one of the founding members of Die Grünen, one of the constituent parties that merged to form the LGB.

Initiative Frieden und Menschenrechte (Initiative for Peace and Human Rights) - Walther Brandt

The IFM is the tendency within the LGB that is most concerned with peace and international human rights activism. It advocates working closely with NGOs to alleviate poverty and prevent war throughout Terra. Many of the members of this tendency gained experience through their participation in the anti-nuclear movement. Walther Brandt, the leader of the faction, is a longtime diplomat who worked steadfastly for world peace and better relations with Dundorf's neighbours.

Antifaschistische Aktion (Anti-Fascist Action) - Rainer Beyer

AFA is an organization with branches in multiple countries in Terra. Its stated goal is to "smash fascism in all its forms." Its leader, Rainer Beyer, is a former union leader.

Dundorfische Kulturbund (Dundorfian Culture Bund) - Gerhard Grass

The Dundorfische Kulturbund (KB) was originally the official cultural organization for promotion of the arts during the DDR period. Since that time, it has become democratized and expanded to include former dissident writers, poets, composers, musicians and others. The KB naturally supports patronage of the arts and the preservation of Dundorfian cultural heritage. Gerhard Grass is one of the most prominent writers of fiction in Dundorf. His style is significantly influenced by magic realism and existentialist Marxism. A longtime political commentator known for his social democratic sympathies, Grass joined the LGB when it became clear that the bulk of the former adherents of the social democratic parties were flocking to the LGB in the wake of their parties' disintegration.

The LGB has an official musical group known as the Hootenanny Club; its genre is eclectic, but mostly consists of folk and rock music. Some of its songs are overtly political, but others simply embody the ethos of the youth wing of the LGB. The lead singer is Konrad Gundermann, a former DDR citizen who has been accused of being an informer for the secret police. Gundermann has cultivated a straightedged image, being a strict vegetarian teetotaler and refraining from drugs (while not insisting that others do likewise).

Party Symbols:

The official party colour is green, representing its commitment to environmental values and the international Green Charter of the Green Organization Worldwide (GROW), with its Four Pillars: ecological wisdom, social justice, grassroots democracy and nonviolence.

The party's official symbol is the sunflower.

Official Anthem:

Das Bürgerlied

Ob wir rote, gelbe Kragen
Helme oder Hüte tragen
Stiefel tragen oder Schuh'
Oder ob wir Röcke nähen
Und zu Schuhen Drähte drehen
Das tut, das tut nichts dazu!

Ob wir können präsidieren
Oder müssen Akten schmieren
Ohne Rast und ohne Ruh'
Ob wir just Collegia lesen
Oder aber binden Besen
Das tut, das tut nichts dazu!

Ob wir stolz zu Rosse reiten
Oder ob zu Fuß wir schreiten
Immer unser'm Ziele zu
Ob uns Kreuze vorne schmücken
Oder Kreuze hinten drücken
Das tut, das tut nichts dazu!

Aber ob wir Neues bauen
Oder Altes nur verdauen
Wie das Gras verdaut die Kuh
Ob wir in der Welt was schaffen
Oder nur die Welt begaffen
Das tut, das tut was dazu!

Ob wir rüstig und geschäftig
Wo es gilt zu wirken kräftig
Immer tapfer greifen zu
Oder ob wir schläfrig denken:
„Gott wird's schon im Schlafe schenken.“
Das tut, das tut was dazu!

Drum ihr Bürger, drum ihr Brüder
Alle eines Bundes Glieder
Was auch jeder von uns tu'
Alle, die dies Lied gesungen
So die Alten, wie die Jungen
Tun wir, tun wir was dazu!
Alle, die dies Lied gesungen
So die Alten, wie die Jungen
Tun wir, tun wir was dazu!

Unofficial Anthems:

Alle oder keiner

Ich traf eine Frau, mit `m Kind an der Hand,
die hatte kein Haus, die hatte kein Land,
die hatte kein Stuhl sich auszuruhn`,
die hatte kein Bett, schlief in ihren Schuh `n,
und war kein Mensch mehr und war noch kein Tier,
und wollte doch auch nicht so leben wie wir.

Aber alle oder keiner.

Und dann traf ich einen Mann,
der hatte kein Job, kein Geld in der Hand,
aber `n Vogel im Kopp,
der war mein Bruder, wir sind uns gleich,
wie ein Ei dem andern, aber der ist noch weich,
und ich bin innen schon hart gekocht,
ich kann nicht mehr, aber der will immer noch.

Aber alle oder keiner.

Schluss mit den Klagen, raus aus dem Traum,
runter vom Wagen und rauf auf `n Baum.
Fernseher aus, Sternschnuppen an,
rein in die Frau und raus aus `m Mann,
rein in `s Vergnügen und raus aus `m Krieg,
zurück in die Höhle da hinten ist Licht.

Aber alle oder keiner !

Was wollen wir trinken

Was wollen wir trinken, sieben Tage lang,
was wollen wir trinken, so ein Durst
Es wird genug für alle sein,
wir trinken zusammen, roll das Faß mal rein,
wir trinken zusammen, nicht allein

Dann wollen wir schaffen, sieben Tage lang,
dann wollen wir schaffen, komm faß an
Und das wird keine Plackerei,
wir schaffen zusammen, sieben Tage lang,
ja, schaffen zusammen, nicht allein

Jetzt müssen wir streiten, keiner weiß wie lang,
ja, für ein Leben ohne Zwang
Dann kriegt der Frust uns nicht mehr klein,
wir halten zusammen, keiner kämpft allein,
wir gehen zusammen, nicht allein

Party Achievements:

Eliminated the ban on religion, a holdover from communist rule
Established public primary and secondary schools
Created the National University System
Founded the Dundorfische Bundesbahn (DB), the national railway of Dundorf
Legalized democratic workers' councils
Banned GM crops and introduced labelling of pesticides


This party is not part of the national cabinet.

Political Positions

Centralizationmoderate federalistmoderateperfect
Civil Rightsmoderate permissivelimitedperfect
Foreign Relationsisolationist-leaninglimitedperfect
Government Responsibilitiesconvinced big governmentclose to noneperfect
Marketextreme regulatorlimitedperfect
Militarymoderate pacifistmoderateperfect
Moralityconvinced progressivemoderateperfect
Religionmoderate secularlimitedperfect


This party is a member of the following organizations:

Election Results

History Table

MonthVotesTotal VotesVotes (%)Votes (%) (+)SeatsTotal SeatsSeats (%)Seats (+)
October 32288,021,77166,063,20312.14+12.146150012.20+61
April 323116,582,91064,204,39525.83+13.6913150026.20+70
October 323310,322,00064,632,82915.97-9.868050016.00-51
April 323612,828,42564,412,57119.92+3.9510150020.20+21
October 32388,536,28764,745,80213.18-6.736750013.40-34
April 324110,076,66365,904,05115.29+2.117550015.00+8
September 324311,954,46264,193,37018.62+3.339450018.80+19
March 32468,259,91763,070,60313.10-5.536550013.00-29
September 324811,388,45362,696,22418.16+5.079150018.20+26
March 32516,344,47364,159,6319.89-8.28485009.60-43
September 32534,053,65464,884,8686.25-3.64315006.20-17

Relative Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election, relative to its maximum.

Election History

Absolute Graph

This graph shows the percentage of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature.

Election History

National Graph

This graph shows the share of seats the party achieved in each election in the entire legislature, together with the share of other parties.

Election History


You can view the party's proposed bills here.

Legislative Agenda

This party has to vote on the following bills:

Voting Record

This is the voting[?] record of the Libertäre-Grüne Bewegung.

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BillCreatedVoting startedVoteBill StatusResult
ProstitutionNovember 2072November 2072defeated
CloningNovember 2072November 2072defeated
EuthanasiaNovember 2072November 2072defeated
New flagNovember 2072November 2072defeated
Anti homosexualNovember 2072November 2072defeated
Call for early elections, September 2072September 2072September 2072defeated
Green Belt Municipal ActSeptember 2072September 2072passed
Urban Infastructure Replishment ActSeptember 2072September 2072defeated
Enviromental Initiative ActSeptember 2072September 2072passed
National Border Security ActSeptember 2072September 2072defeated
Death Penalty Revival ActSeptember 2072September 2072defeated
Privitization ActSeptember 2072September 2072defeated
Corporate Tax InitiativeSeptember 2072September 2072defeated
Aid actMay 2072May 2072defeated
Head of State BillApril 2072April 2072defeated
7ftMay 2071May 2071defeated
£1,000,000 fineMay 2071May 2071defeated
taxMay 2071May 2071defeated
advertsMay 2071May 2071passed
parrotsMay 2071May 2071defeated

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