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User VinceG
Party: Nuncpart Supreme Congress
Nation: Da Sahil Demokratik Jumhoriat (Solentia)
Joined on: 22:49:19, July 31, 2010 CET
Last activity: 17:51:35, April 02, 2012 CET
Last page visited: Nation Overview
Random fact: Any RP law granting extraordinary "emergency powers" or dictator-like powers to a government must be passed by at least a 2/3rds majority, but (like all RP laws) may always be overturned by a simple majority vote of the legislature. |
Random quote: "I worked at a factory owned by Germans, at coal pits owned by Frenchmen, and at a chemical plant owned by Belgians. There I discovered something about capitalists. They are all alike, whatever the nationality. All they wanted from me was the most work for the least money that kept me alive. So I became a communist." - Nikita Khrushchev |