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Game Time: April 5520
Next month in: 01:25:53
Server time: 06:34:06, July 27, 2024 CET
Currently online (1): VonDerLyen | Record: 63 on 23:13:00, July 26, 2019 CET

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User Unden1755

Party: National People's Front (NPF)

Nation: Undeb Dradaidd (Aloria)

Joined on: 23:30:01, May 03, 2014 CET

Last activity: 21:33:10, December 11, 2018 CET

Last page visited: Party Overview

Random fact: Terra, the fictional world in which Particracy is set, consists of 8 continents: Artania, Dovani, Keris, Makon, Majatra, Seleya, Temania and Vascania.

Random quote: First and second class seats on public transport shall be BANNED! We are all FIRST CLASS people, regardless of whether we are rich or poor and can afford or not afford to pay for a more expensive seat. From now on, all seats on trains, buses, trams, planes and so on shall be the SAME. We will all travel in the SAME way, TOGETHER. ~ Friedrich Pfeiffer General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party

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