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Game Time: May 5520
Next month in: 01:13:38
Server time: 10:46:21, July 27, 2024 CET
Currently online (4): itsjustgav | Mord24 | Redneck24 | wdym-Dor | Record: 63 on 23:13:00, July 26, 2019 CET

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User SocDemDundorfian

Party: Dundorfs Sozialdemokratische Partei 🌹

Nation: Bundesrepublik Dundorf (Dundorf)

Joined on: 13:49:45, December 07, 2022 CET

Last activity: 21:03:54, July 26, 2024 CET

Last page visited: Nation Overview

Random fact: Party candidates for head of state elections are not visible to the public. This means that you cannot see who will run and who will not, which adds another strategic element to the elections.

Random quote: "It is vain to talk of the interest of the community, without understanding what is the interest of the individual" - Jeremy Bentham

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