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Game Time: July 5619
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Bill: Consolidation of National Security Act 2359


Submitted by[?]: Union of Public Employees

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: September 2362


As a result of the recent terrorist bombing in Langton, we propose the consolidation and merger of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Defence, and Justice into one monolithic organization equipped to counter and defend from all threats plaguing Dorvik, whether it be internal or external. In light of this tragic incident, one monolithic organization would be much more capable, with more resources and the capabilities to share intelligence without any possible mis-communications.

And so we propose to create the Ministry of Central Security, devoted to maintain security of our great nation.

OOC: This will work like this, each Ministry that has been consolidated with count as a third of the leadership in the Ministry of Central Security. The cabinet member you have as the former Minister of Justice would be considered a leader or bureaucrat in the MCS.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date17:11:29, February 14, 2007 CET
From Democratic Party of Dorvik
ToDebating the Consolidation of National Security Act 2359
MessageWe don't see that it's essential to mix up governmental responsibilities, we just have to consolidate cooperation & communication between these three departments.

Date19:13:24, February 14, 2007 CET
FromUnion of Public Employees
ToDebating the Consolidation of National Security Act 2359
MessageSeveral tragicincidents have occurred. Including the spread of Dundorfian bird flu. For the insterests of national security we believe that consolidation of these three ministries would be in the best interests of Dorvik.

Date13:36:33, February 16, 2007 CET
FromNational Movement
ToDebating the Consolidation of National Security Act 2359
MessageCreating a more limbersome, big dept. will not solve anything, but cause more porblems. I agree, communication needs to be looked at, but a huge dept. will be worse

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 61


Total Seats: 216


Total Seats: 22

Random fact: When it comes to creating a Cultural Protocol in a Culturally Open nation, players are not necessarily required to provide a plausible backstory for how the nation's cultural background developed. However, the provision of a plausible backstory may be a factor in whether Moderation approves the Cultural Protocol if players in surrounding nations question its appropriateness for their region of the game map.

Random quote: "I think the environment should be put in the category of our national security. Defense of our resources is just as important as defense abroad. Otherwise, what is there to defend?" - Robert Redford

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