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Game Time: July 5619
Next month in: 03:09:59
Server time: 16:50:00, March 13, 2025 CET
Currently online (1): itsjustgav | Record: 63 on 23:13:00, July 26, 2019 CET

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Bill: Liberalising the Media


Submitted by[?]: II / Newsnight Faction

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: March 2084


The voters have apparently forgotten what my party's about. So the leadership has taken the lesson and it's time to propose legislation again. Damned algorithm!



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date18:47:13, July 21, 2005 CET
From Class War Party
ToDebating the Liberalising the Media
MessageI support this as it retains publid media but allows others to put forward there views

Date18:54:42, July 21, 2005 CET
From II / Newsnight Faction
ToDebating the Liberalising the Media
MessageLike the BBC in Britain. But it's destined to lose as everyone else loves the idea of an Information Minister!

Date02:38:35, July 22, 2005 CET
From Movement for Liberation and Communism
ToDebating the Liberalising the Media
MessageCWP your not from old endralon so you don't know the deal but we all agreed that our state funded television/radio would be independantly run with complete autonomy from the state(except for funding) and with an alocation for free media(thats the buzz word for individuals running non-profit broadcasts). Private stations only ever represent the views of the rich corporations who control them by buying advertising and such.

Date14:45:24, July 22, 2005 CET
From Nihilist Fascist Collegiality
ToDebating the Liberalising the Media
MessageYes, I agree with the MLC as previously stated.

Though previously stated a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 152


Total Seats: 305


Total Seats: 0

Random fact: In Particracy players are only allowed to play as one party at a time. Want to swap nations? Inactivate your current party and make a new one! Want to return? Request Moderation to reactivate your party on the forum!

Random quote: "Because democracy is not a spectator sport." - 2004 Democratic campaign slogan

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