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Bill: The Protection of Aldegar's Industry Act


Submitted by[?]: Aldegar Freedom Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: September 2391


In light of recent, rather substantial inclines in the nationalist policies adopted by an increasing number of members of the TCP, and in accordance with a vote within the TCP over whether the party should endorse a slightly more nationalistic approach to trade which resulted in favour of the alteration (the details have been outlined in an official press release by Scott Newlan, leader of the party, and can be found on the Republic of Aldegar home page in the message board) the TCP has decided that, with the growing demands of globalization and multi-nationals, Aldegar must take action protecting our own national industries, within reason, and that the importance of allowing our national industries the ability to compete fairly against foreign competitors without being completely crushed, by imposing a slightly more protectionist policy in regards to import tarrifs. The TCP by no means supports TOO much interference in the market - we are not about to endorse an increase in government handouts or subsidies, but we do not perceive tarrifs as a way of interferance - we view it as giving our national industry a safety net within which they will be able to compete Indeed, globalization and the unilateral abolition of all tarrifs is an ideal that we should aim towards, but in the current global context, Aldegar's industry will be eclipsed by foreign transnational competitors, hurting our national identity and pride, and ultimately our economy. We cannot make the transition into the idealistic world of free trade too rashly and without proper proceedures, or virtually every single industry in the nation will implode. Again, the TCP reminds our fellow members of parliament that these measures are not about - they are about helping our country become a big fish in the pond before letting it into an entire ocean full of fish. If we were to throw our fish, relatively small in the global context as it currently is, into the ocean, it would be swallowed by the bigger fish in a matter of seconds. Yes, market competition is good - it is essential, but what of our nation's competitive capability? Yes, competition lifts the standards of all competing and eliminates any weaker businesses, pushing the strongest to the top, but what of our
If you know that your son isn't good enough at running to win a sprint race full of champion athletes, do you willingly enter him in the race anyway? No. You train him, you wait until he becomes faster and stronger, and then you let him compete in the race. We must do the same with our industries and our economy - by imposing tarrifs on foreign goods, we can allow our own nation's industries the protection they deserve and that they need to boost their performance to a state in which they CAN compete with international industries, and we will keep our pride and build a name for Aldegar in the global economy, instead of being lost in an endless see of foreign businesses and franchises and becoming just another faceless puree full of odds and ends.
We must also not allow foreign investors in our industries to own a majority share - again, this would hurt our national pride, damage our reputation, and allow foreign competitors to walk all over us, meanwhile injecting capital directly into their own nation's economy. The TCP doesn't want this, and neither should any other self-respecting party in this great nation.
In the face of globalization, we cannot forget our national identity and our national economy. We can't let the big fish swallow us - we must wait until we are an even bigger fish. We must allow our economy, through gradual changes in economic policy and freeing of our national market, to become one of this world's leading market forces. Then we can enter the ocean and take the whole world by storm.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date10:04:27, April 17, 2007 CET
FromCommunist Party of Aldegar
ToDebating the The Protection of Aldegar's Industry Act
MessageWe will vote for this bill as we agree with both articles.

Date11:55:53, April 17, 2007 CET
ToDebating the The Protection of Aldegar's Industry Act
MessageWe strongly support this bills.

Date23:20:29, April 17, 2007 CET
FromParty of Moderates
ToDebating the The Protection of Aldegar's Industry Act
MessageWe support article 1. As for article 2, we support since it doesn't repeal our access to any of our free trade zones which we've entered.

Date14:06:36, April 18, 2007 CET
FromAldegar Freedom Party
ToDebating the The Protection of Aldegar's Industry Act
MessageThis bill seems to have aquired enough popularity in the electorate for it to be moved to a vote. The TCP will now close debate and proceed to vote.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 463


Total Seats: 187


Total Seats: 0

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