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Bill: Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088


Submitted by[?]: People's Party for Freedom and Democracy

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: February 2091


Recognising that the current laws regulating the sales and availabillity of alcoholic beverages and tobacco are harmfull to Deltarian society. The government resolves to regulate the sales and availabillity of alcoholic beverages and tobacco.

1. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco may only be purchased from licensed sales outlets.

2. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco may only be purchased and available to adults.

3. Smoking tobacco products is allowed in public places.

4. Youths of 12 or older may be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in the presence of an legal guardian and they aren't allowed any alcoholic beverages containing more then 14% alcohol.

5. Children shall be allowed to imbibe alcohol for religious purposes.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date06:02:31, July 31, 2005 CET
FromDeltarian Liberal Democracy Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageLiberal Democrats do not support this bill.

Article 1 is deeply flawed. It is our strong belief that the imposing of limits upon those not considered adults will not prevent our youth from drinking, it will only make it more appealling. Also, we must note that if in the presence of an adult (preferably an adult sibling or parent or other relative), persons as young as 12 should be allowed to drink. If this measure was added to the bill to ensure that teens are not encouraged to drink by laws that say that they cannot, we will support the bill. However, without this amendment, the Liberal Democrats will vote no.

However, we have no debate with Article 2. Smoking cigarettes has been proven to cause many diseases and cancers that are harmful to people. Alcohol-related diseases are dependent upon one's usage and level of consumption.

Thus, in order to protect people from drinking excessively and smoking, the government must fund an avid campaign to educate people on the harms of alcohol abuse and of smoking. Also, this must be added for Liberal Democrats to support this bill.

Date14:12:50, July 31, 2005 CET
FromDeltarian Labor Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageLabor supports both articles fully.

Date15:01:18, July 31, 2005 CET
FromSocial-Liberal Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageThe SLP does not, and will not, support this bill.

Date16:52:55, July 31, 2005 CET
FromPeople's Party for Freedom and Democracy
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageWould our esteemed colleagues of the Social-Liberal Party be so kind as to supply their arguments as to why they will not support this bill, and any possible ammendments that need to be made in order for them to support it?

Adressing the point raised by the Deltarian Liberal Democrat Party. We are aware that non-adults might be encouraged to drink alcoholic beverages. But as the proposal stands, the law only makes it impossible for non-adults to buy alcoholic beverages.
We agree that youths may be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in the presence of an adult (That is a relative) and they aren't allowed any alcoholic beverages containing more then 12% alcohol. This will allow them to drink beer, whine and such, but won't allow them rum, whiskey and other strong drinks.

Date18:35:57, July 31, 2005 CET
FromSocial-Liberal Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageWe do not endorse regulating alcohol in principle, we feel this is a responsibility of the families and individuals, for reasons mentioned by the Liberal Democrats. This law is unfairly prohibitive. Limiting sales to licensed sales outlets will present much undue bureaucracy for supermarkets, shops etc that sell alcoholic beverages even if one accepts the age limit as a useful measure (which we don't.) This proposal should be scrapped entirely for us to support your bill, and discussed seperately from the smoking proposal.

We oppose limiting the purchase of tobacco products to adults as an ineffective measure. Minors will always find ways to procure cigarettes, and this prohibition strategy will surely give rise to an illegal trading sector that feeds Deltarian criminal elements. We are willing to consider other measures, but oppose the current proposal.

Date19:41:07, July 31, 2005 CET
FromSocial-Liberal Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageWe do not endorse regulating alcohol in principle, we feel this is a responsibility of the families and individuals, for reasons mentioned by the Liberal Democrats. This law is unfairly prohibitive. Limiting sales to licensed sales outlets will present much undue bureaucracy for supermarkets, shops etc that sell alcoholic beverages even if one accepts the age limit as a useful measure (which we don't.) This proposal should be scrapped entirely for us to support your bill, and discussed seperately from the smoking proposal.

We oppose limiting the purchase of tobacco products to adults as an ineffective measure. Minors will always find ways to procure cigarettes, and this prohibition strategy will surely give rise to an illegal trading sector that feeds Deltarian criminal elements. We are willing to consider other measures, but oppose the current proposal.

Date19:41:21, July 31, 2005 CET
FromSocial-Liberal Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
Message(OOC: ffs))

Date08:54:55, August 01, 2005 CET
FromDeltarian Liberal Democracy Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageIf the PPFD adds the suggested amendment, we will support the bill.

Date08:55:12, August 01, 2005 CET
FromDeltarian Liberal Democracy Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageOOC: The amendment that the PPFD proposed, that is..

Date17:36:04, August 01, 2005 CET
FromPeople's Party for Freedom and Democracy
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageThe suggested ammendment has been added.

The People's Party for Freedom and Democracy urge the other parties to take part and have their say in this debate.

Furthermore, we wish to ask what the Social-Liberal Party wants instead of regulated sales? Do they want children as young as six to be able to buy alcoholic beverages?

We of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy do not, and if we're only going to allow adults to buy alcoholic beverages, then the sales outlets should require a license, as with any potentially harmfull substance, so we can be assured that alcoholic beverages will be sold to minors.

Date22:28:15, August 01, 2005 CET
FromSocial-Liberal Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageWe feel that the parents have a responsibility. And if the Peoples Party is not going to propose less stringent regulations then we will vote against. The Peoples Party wishes to ban 17-year olds from buying a light beer, but allows 6 year olds to actually *drink* wodka if their parents allow it! This proposal attacks the wrong roots and will yield the wrong results.

Date01:20:30, August 02, 2005 CET
FromPeople's Party for Freedom and Democracy
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageThe Social-Liberal Party hasn't been listening it seems. We propose to not allow a seventeen year old to buy beer, and a six year old isn't allowed to drink a light beer. But twelve year olds are allowed to drink beer, wine and other low alcoholic drinks with the consent and supervision of an adult relative.

Date02:41:46, August 02, 2005 CET
FromDeltarian Labor Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageIn the absence of any comment at all from most of Deltaria's political parties, we can't be sure that as near a consensus approach as possible has been taken, however, Labor believes that the legislation as it stands should pass if put to the vote, and therefore we call for that vote.

Date03:24:23, August 02, 2005 CET
FromTraditional Progressives
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageThe TPP strongly beleives that a minor should be allowed to imbibe an acoholic beverage with the supervision and permission of their legal guardians as apointed by the courts or government. Parrenting is a hazardous ground for the government to tread, and we strongly hold that the parrents know best for their children. If a parent beleives that their child is mature enough to drink alcohol, then we see no reason why the parrent cannot give them permission and take full and complete legal responcibility for any actions or side effects that may occur as a result.

Date03:25:15, August 02, 2005 CET
FromTraditional Progressives
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageAs a postscript, we also agree that only adults should be able to pruchase alcohol.

Date01:39:47, August 03, 2005 CET
FromDeltarian Labor Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageWe believe article four should be amended such that the adult may be a relative or legal guardian. We also believe that a fifth article should be added, stating that children shall be allowed to imbibe alcohol for religious purposes (eg they should be allowed to drink communion wine at Mass).

Date09:37:51, August 03, 2005 CET
FromPeople's Party for Freedom and Democracy
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageThe People's Party for Freedom and Democracy agree with the Deltarian Labor Party's suggestions and shall ammend the law as suggested.

Date08:09:52, August 04, 2005 CET
FromDeltarian Labor Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageLabor thanks the PPFD. Before this is put to the vote, could you clarify whether "public places" means outdoors only, or both in and outside?

Date09:34:18, August 04, 2005 CET
FromImperial Freedom Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageWe would suggest that article 4 be amended to 14% rather than 12%. The reasoning behind this is that wine typically ranges from 9% to 13.5%, and it seems foolish to arbitrarily choose a limit that falls directly in the middle of a popular and widespread category of beverage.

Date11:20:06, August 04, 2005 CET
FromDeltarian Labor Party
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageWe agree with the IFP.

Date12:20:00, August 04, 2005 CET
FromPeople's Party for Freedom and Democracy
ToDebating the Alcohol & Tobacco Act of 2088
MessageThe bill has been ammended and shall be brought up to vote now, we believe we've debated this issue and found the best law possible for our people.

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