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Game Time: July 5619
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Bill: Right to Bear Arms Act!!!


Submitted by[?]: Capitalist Working Families

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: September 2437


This legislation affirms the rights of the people to keep and bear arms as their GOD-GIVEN RIGHT!!! Guns do NOT kill but rather PEOPLE kill people. In other words, criminals will not obey this law and therefore it will punish LAW-abiding citizens who obey it.

Thanks for your full support!!!



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date19:58:39, July 31, 2007 CET
From Vaguely-Remembered Party
ToDebating the Right to Bear Arms Act!!!
MessageSorry, i don't want any legal weapon to be concealable with or without license. Getting a license isn't that hard, therefore, I disagree.

Date21:02:35, July 31, 2007 CET
From Quellist Party
ToDebating the Right to Bear Arms Act!!!
MessageGuns may not kill people but they sure as hell make it a lot easier. Opposed.

Date23:43:07, July 31, 2007 CET
From Capitalist Working Families
ToDebating the Right to Bear Arms Act!!!
(1) If the Gov't requires the citizens to get a LICENSE to purchase a gun or weapon, then they can easily CONFISCATE those weapons. The original purpose of the "2nd Amendment" was to enable the populace to be ARMED so if your opposition party that was President (say if it was for me, for instance) declared himself KING, the people can override that tyrannical government. Now, how can the people do so if the Gov't confiscates their weapons???

(2) Yes, guns may make it "easier" to kill people, BUT the question "WHO will still disobey this law???" If criminals ALREADY show disregard for the law, they will just simply disregard THIS law. As result, it is only the LAW-ABIDING citizens that will not be armed thus making the people hostage to the criminals.

the abolition of guns will make guns disappear the way Prohibition made alcohol disappear!!!!

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 304


Total Seats: 366


Total Seats: 80

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