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Bill: Educational Reform Act
Submitted by[?]: Liberal Humanist Party
Status[?]: passed
Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.
Voting deadline: November 2448
Though the legislation permitting the use of corporal punishment in schools was recently passed in Lourenne, the LHP finds the practice to be utterly abhorrent and would urge all parties to reconsider this act. The idea that we need to beat children in order to make them behave is medieval and unnecessary when non-physical sanctions are equally effective. We would like to remind the Senate that if the beatings administered in our schools happened to an adult, they would rightfully be considered assault, and the perpetrators would soon find themselves in court. Additionally, we believe that all children need to recieve a clear, basic program of sex education, regardless of individual feelings. For the health and safety of our people all need to learn about the various kinds of contraception, sexual anatomy, reproduction, sexual intercourse and perhaps most importantly, the dangers of sexually transmitted disease. With this measure in place we hope to see a reduction in the teenage pregnancies that weigh heavily on our welfare programs and the incidences of sexually transmitted disease. Philippe Cotrelle Minister of Education and Culture |
Article 1
Proposal[?] to change Sexual education in schools.
Old value:: Schools have an obligation to give sexual education at some point in puberty, but individual students have an opt-out option.
Current: Schools have an obligation to give sexual education at some point in puberty.
Proposed: Schools have an obligation to give sexual education at some point in puberty.
Article 2
Proposal[?] to change The teacher's right to discipline children.
Old value:: Teachers may use corporal punishment at their discretion.
Current: Teachers are forbidden from striking children and may only use non-contact discipline (detention, expulsion etc).
Proposed: Teachers are forbidden from striking children and may only use non-contact discipline (detention, expulsion etc).
These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:
Date | 01:41:06, August 28, 2007 CET | From | National Orthodox Front | To | Debating the Educational Reform Act |
Message | Sometimes a kid needs to get smacked. That's the NOF's official position. |
Date | 17:00:36, August 28, 2007 CET | From | Monarchism Démocratique et Fédéral | To | Debating the Educational Reform Act |
Message | We agree with the usage of corporal punishment, but Article 1 is more important. |
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Vote | Seats | |||||||
yes |
Total Seats: 80 | |||||||
no | Total Seats: 20 | |||||||
abstain | Total Seats: 0 |
Random fact: "Spamming", or the indiscriminate posting of unsolicited messages, is not allowed. |
Random quote: "One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation." - Thomas B. Reed |
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