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Bill: Changing the National Sport


Submitted by[?]: Minimalist Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: June 2481


I think that we need our national sport to be different and more original than just football. We need more originality in our countries pastimes!



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date06:57:13, October 30, 2007 CET
FromRevolutionary Freedom Party -- KEG SLAM
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageNot skydiving

Date07:35:51, October 30, 2007 CET
FromLibertarian Democrats
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport

Date07:37:40, October 30, 2007 CET
FromLibertarian Democrats
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageCamel racing

Date20:02:01, October 30, 2007 CET
FromRevolutionary Freedom Party -- KEG SLAM
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageWe've never really established the amountof camels, I thought it was pretty low. (Zoos and stuff)

Date21:09:43, October 30, 2007 CET
FromSoviet Communists Party of Kalistan
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport

Date01:19:31, October 31, 2007 CET
FromMinimalist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageI am all for any suggestions, but football is too common for such a great nation. Camel racing sounds good...

Date06:44:23, October 31, 2007 CET
FromRevolutionary Freedom Party -- KEG SLAM
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageI wouldn't mind rallying.

What about demolition derby?

Or, how about this. Why don't we get some ideas together, and create a new sport?

Date06:55:56, October 31, 2007 CET
FromMinimalist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageCamel Ralleying?!?

Date07:03:33, October 31, 2007 CET
FromMinimalist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageThen again, there is always Watermelon Chucking...

Date07:49:00, October 31, 2007 CET
FromMinimalist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageThen again, there is always Watermelon Chucking...

Date10:51:04, October 31, 2007 CET
FromRevolutionary Freedom Party -- KEG SLAM
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageOkay, Minimalist, here' s the problem with Camel Ralleying. . .they'd have to go back and forth across Vrassa. Yes, most of Vrassa is desert, but Odufaray is humid plains in the north turning to swamp and wetlands on the south, Suldanor is grassy plains (and a small mountain desert) in the center, and on the east and south, swamp and wetlands in the north, and jungle in the south. Neveras is very mountainous, and it's very hot in the valleys (because Kalistan is tropical) but the mountains are high enough to be cold enough to have snow and skiiing. Ananto is a "Mediterranean climate," hot dry summers, cool, wet winters, and the northern part is north enough to get a little snow in winter.

So, while a camel race across Vrassa would be interesting, and certainly something to put in the background, it's too limited for a national sport.

Date08:06:42, November 01, 2007 CET
FromMinimalist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageWhat about Handstand Kick-Ball?

Date03:22:30, November 02, 2007 CET
FromLibertarian Democrats
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageMajor League Gaming?

Date04:01:07, November 02, 2007 CET
FromNuclear Militarist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageWow what about internatinal street fighting

Date06:18:15, November 02, 2007 CET
FromPansexual Peace Party -- FNORD
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageHow about Dwarf Tossing? It's fun and promotes diversity.

That, or lynching.

Date06:46:38, November 02, 2007 CET
FromMinimalist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport

Date23:11:35, November 02, 2007 CET
FromLibertarian Democrats
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageI second Dwarf Tossing!

Date06:24:19, November 03, 2007 CET
FromMinimalist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport

Date06:25:04, November 03, 2007 CET
FromMinimalist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
MessageI will start the voting process...unless anyone has any other objections...

Date05:17:21, November 04, 2007 CET
FromNuclear Militarist Party
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport
Messagei forth the action

Date07:45:03, November 04, 2007 CET
FromLibertarian Democrats
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport

Date07:45:44, November 04, 2007 CET
FromLibertarian Democrats
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport

Date07:46:20, November 04, 2007 CET
FromLibertarian Democrats
ToDebating the Changing the National Sport

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 499


Total Seats: 187


Total Seats: 64

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