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Bill: Cabinet Proposal of June 2038


Submitted by[?]: Patriot Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This bill presents the formation of a cabinet. It requires more than half of the legislature to vote yes. Traditionally, parties in the proposal vote yes, others (the opposition) vote no. This bill will pass as soon as the required yes votes are in and all parties in the proposal have voted yes, or will be defeated if unsufficient votes are reached on the deadline.

Voting deadline: February 2039


Proposing a Cabinet



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI hope this is better

Datenot recorded
From Antiparticulates
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageWe would support this cabinet, despite not getting the department of Science.

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI'm sorry. I forgot about that! Ugh! But thanks for your support.

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageShall I move it to vote or wait?

Datenot recorded
From Freedom Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageLet's just vote on it so we can have a cabinet

Datenot recorded
From Inactive
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
Messagei think this is a good choice

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI'll move it to vote

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageIt is up for a vote!

Datenot recorded
From Inactive
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI urge everyone who has seats to support this. It will help majorly with the stability of the Nations government.

Datenot recorded
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageFirst, the cabinet should be made up of the parties which have enough seats to reach a majority. Secondly, the head of this government should be from a leading party, such as the SDP. The Moderates are against a cabinet which fails to recognize these concepts of coalition.

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageBut then you'll have a problem if the majority party is not the president. The President is the HEAD OF STATE!!!! Therefore, he/she is head of the government. Did you fail politics? I am trying to satisfy people by giving all parties a place in the cabinet! I believe I only gave myself one position and that as head of the Government because I am the President.

Datenot recorded
From Social Dynamist Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageSo we have a goverment with 100 seats, and an opposition of the hitherto inactive maayanster party? Moreover, I doubt that the natures of all the parties named in government will form even a remotely consistent set of policies. While the SDP has no opposition to parties taking responsibility for issues closer to their political ideology, the most efficient coalitions tend to be composed of fewer, larger, and politicaly more similar parties.

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageNow there you have a point Social Dynamist. I was trying to put a cabinet together though that ranges the political Spectrum. Makes it fresher to have ideas across the spectrum to debate! It can also lead to better bills considering all parties will have a say and everyone does have good ideas that can mesh together into a bill.

Datenot recorded
From Social Dynamist Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI'd like to point out that to secure a majority, any bill must have the support of the TMP, the RP, and the 3WA, or the SDP plus the TMP or 3WA (unless there is an absention). A TMP/3WA and SDP/RP split results in a hung parliament.

Datenot recorded
From Freedom Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
Messageok look guys.
we can debate this for ever. but if you haven't noticed, we have a new set of elections in 3 days. I personally believe that we need to decide whether or not the head of state (president, i.e. US) chooses the cabinet or the majority party in essence (i.e UK) chooses it by winning the head of state.

So let's pass this, decide how we want to run this nation, and then go with that method in the next election ok?

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageNIce of you to ignore my 15 votes. Thanks Dynamist

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI agree with the Freedom Party and I hope his party isn't based on the Freedom Party of Harry Turtledove's Alternate History set I could name.

Datenot recorded
From Social Dynamist Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageNow, what I reccommend is that the president chooses two or three main parties, and maybe one non-sitting party and forms a government with that. As to the choice of parties, I suggest that parties create or fill out their 'manifestos' in their party page under description, and the RP finds a government with enough common ground to function - or at least to divide up the areas of government so the policies are consistent.

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI could get behind that Social Dynamist. It can be instituted in the next election. However, we still have to decide this cabinet.

Datenot recorded
From Freedom Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI agree. The art of majority forming needs to be in play. But let's get one cabinet in play for now, and we go from there. first try we can live with a mistake or two

Datenot recorded
From Social Dynamist Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI know the RP has 15 votes. That's what I based the figures on. (excuse delayed response due to simulposting)

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
Messagesorry! My apologies! I should've taken that into account. I hope you accept.

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI forgot that RP=Republican Party. HEHE!! Must be more tired than I thought. :)

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
Messageagreed Freedom party

Datenot recorded
From Inactive
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI think we should institute this cabinet in the intrest of national stability.

Datenot recorded
From Social Dynamist Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageThe SDP will vote against until a representative and reasonable cabinet is formed.

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageIt was as representative and reasonable as I could make it.

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI'll try it again later.

Datenot recorded
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageRepublicans: By "representative and reasonable", we mean a government that reflects the makeup of parliament.

Datenot recorded
From Patriot Party
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI'll try it again later.

Datenot recorded
From Antiparticulates
ToDebating the Cabinet Proposal of June 2038
MessageI'm still thinking!

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 15


Total Seats: 56


    Total Seats: 0

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