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Bill: Anti Terror Law


Submitted by[?]: Liberal Conservative party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: October 2502


We the Liberal Conservative party have always been a strong opponent of the development of terror weapons within our great nation and will continue to oppose this approach despite certain facistic tendencies towards creating a terrorist state, and making us a international pariah.

Biological and chemical weapons have no role on a modern battlefield and in fact hasn't been succesfully implemented in a such since the first world war. the only remaining use for biological and chemical weapons in a modernized army is a terror weapon specifically targetting the civilian population.

Biological and chemical weapons serve no role as a detterent as it does not target the controlling powers nor the soldiers of our enemies. in fact they pose NO threat to the soldiers nor the government and general staff of our enemies and therefore are WORTHLESS as a detterent and a complete waste of time and money to produce not to mention the completely inhuman disrespect for civilian life the implementation of such weapons shows.

We will not rest until this TERROR movement is ended as we do not wish our great country succumb to TERRORISM

We DO however support development, production and implementation of NUCLEAR weapons as these weapons are cost effective, have strategic and tactical implementation, AND work as a detterent BOTH against nuclear threats and biological and chemical threats



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date13:16:18, December 14, 2007 CET
FromProgressive Party
ToDebating the Anti Terror Law
MessageUnfortunatly this favour will nbever be returned by our enemies and as such we must maintain these laws into effect.

Date21:49:19, December 14, 2007 CET
FromDemocratic & socialist Party (PDyS)
ToDebating the Anti Terror Law
MessageThe PDyS Aprove this bill in yout totally.

Sen. Iván Benítez

Date23:49:47, December 14, 2007 CET
FromLiberal Conservative party
ToDebating the Anti Terror Law
Messageit does not matter if it will be returned by our enemies as our nuclear policy is to counter any use of Biological or chemical weapons against us with retaliation by Nuclear weapons, so Nuclear weapons serve as our detterent from our enemies while at the same time letting us focus our money where it works rather than on ineffective means like chemical and biological weapons

Date03:10:05, December 15, 2007 CET
FromNational Atheist Party
ToDebating the Anti Terror Law
MessageThis bill will never have our support.

subscribe to this discussion - unsubscribe


Vote Seats

Total Seats: 63


Total Seats: 125


Total Seats: 12

Random fact: The players in a nation have a collective responsibility to prevent confusion by ensuring unofficial or outdated bills labelled as "Cultural Protocols" are removed from their nation page.

Random quote: "If you cannot convince a fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement." - Leon Trotsky

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