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Bill: Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104


Submitted by[?]: Conservative Liberal Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: January 2106


Local governments may set curfews, but national government does not.

Anti-Social Behaviour Orders are to be given to individuals found guilty of anti-social behaviour, such as graffiti, spitting in public, intimidating old ladies. ASBO's will give an individual a curfew, with which the individual is not allowed out of their home between certain times. For example a known child sex offender could be given an ASBO by a local authority to prevent him leaving his house whilst the local school is opening/closing. ASBO's are handed out by local authorities.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date23:05:59, August 30, 2005 CET
FromConservative Liberal Party
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageLocal governments may set curfews, but national government does not.

Anti-Social Behaviour Orders are to be given to individuals found guilty of anti-social behaviour, such as graffiti, spitting in public, intimidating old ladies. ASBO's will give an individual a curfew, with which the individual is not allowed out of their home between certain times. ASBO's handed out by local authorities.

Date23:10:40, August 30, 2005 CET
FromConservative Liberal Party
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageLocal governments may set curfews, but national government does not.

Anti-Social Behaviour Orders are to be given to individuals found guilty of anti-social behaviour, such as graffiti, spitting in public, intimidating old ladies. ASBO's will give an individual a curfew, with which the individual is not allowed out of their home between certain times. ASBO's handed out by local authorities.

Date23:11:26, August 30, 2005 CET
FromConservative Liberal Party
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageOOC: Sorry put text in wrong area, not once but twice : )

Date00:05:22, August 31, 2005 CET
FromSöhne der Freiheit
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageThis bill has our full support.

Date23:05:31, August 31, 2005 CET
FromLiberal Party for Equality
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageCautiously supportive. How do you enforce it though?

Date01:39:20, September 02, 2005 CET
FromCommonwealth Workers Army
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageResponse to the CPL: The Anarch Anakrousite Party is not sure how they can support a bill that seems to infringe so heavily on the civil rights of so many.

We agree with the 'spirit' - as we see it - if you indeed intend to use curfews as nothing more than a form of humane community incarceration. But, the Proposal tabled, allows any local governemnt to, effectively, shut communities down at any time, on a whim.

Date16:46:57, September 03, 2005 CET
FromConservative Liberal Party
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageIt is left to local government. If a citizen is prosecuted under anti-social behaviour laws, they will be handed an ASBO, whic bestows upon them a curfew, if they break the curfew they go to jail.

Date18:56:51, September 03, 2005 CET
FromConservative Liberal Party
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageTo AAP: The inforation above shows ASBO's can only be handed out to individual for repeated anti-social behaviour. In order to protect our communities, some individuals will have to have their freedom restricted, for the benefit of the law abiding majority.

Date20:22:31, September 03, 2005 CET
FromLiberal Party for Equality
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageIt doesnt say ASBOs are the only curfews allowed - you need tighter wording to eliminate the ability of local governments to set a curfew on an entire community (I agree with AAP that this would not be acceptable)

Therefore I am going to vote against - this doesnt mean I would necessarily oppose if it was raised at a later date with better wording

Date22:47:29, September 03, 2005 CET
FromConservative Liberal Party
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageIt clearly says ASBO's are given to individuals.

Date22:47:55, September 03, 2005 CET
FromConservative Liberal Party
ToDebating the Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act, 2104
MessageThe bill is called Anti-Social Behaviour Orders Act

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 132


Total Seats: 6


Total Seats: 77

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