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Submitted by[?]: Dovani Resurrection Coalition

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: August 2510


As quoted from "Religion, DTM I:"

"We must abolish the scourge of humanity, organized religion. Organized religion was invented by man to gain control of his neighbors and substitute for the answers he cannot solve. Since then, he has used it to justify the immoral actions against and mistreatment of his peers, used it to control his peers through submission to fear, and perverted and twisted natural elements of humanity that were built into us for the survival of our race.

This very organized religion is drilled and indoctrinated into children, passed down through the generations, in such horrible ways as depicting and describing "eternal hellfire and gnashing of teeth." The human child is born to believe everything it is told by figures of authority for the first decade of its life, which is part of us due to evolution; it only makes sense for such a thing. The child cannot perform the scientific method to find out if there are alligators in the river, or if falling off of the cliff will kill it, it must listen to these figures of authority on these things because such experimentation would surely result in death.

However, religion exploits this biological concept by depicting hell and so forth, which are concepts that become very vivid, real, and terrifying to small children. Only sick, twisted, and perverted parents could possibly have the heart to tell their children such stories, and say things like "your Uncle will burn in eternal fire and be sodomized by Satan...forever, because he is an Atheist, and thus you must not become an Atheist as well." This sort of indoctrination occurs frequently throughout society, scars peoples' lives, and is a form of child abuse in its purest form.

And this such indoctrination creates an environment in which the child constantly lives in fear, and is afraid to question, be skeptical, or reason because of these horrifying visions ingrained into their heads.

Religious schools are an instrument to further torment these children and forcibly indoctrinate them, without giving them the liberty to choose their own future and destiny of their own life and their own religious beliefs. These religious schools, which, in the current system, would be funded by the state and shouldn't be, are just as horrifying, if not more horrifying, than overzealous parents.

Then, the public square is filled with this such religion, and makes this a very terrifying experience to anyone that does not follow the mainstream religion because of fear of persecution in all ways in life. And when one, not of the mainstream religion, or not of any religion at all, is surrounded by religious evangelism and "purifying" doctrines, one will live in constant fear, never speaking his or her mind about how he or she really feels.

And when public officials exercise their duties with religious symbols or clothing, this subconsciously plays a message to the audience that the government is endorsing a religion; this is precisely the same reason why, everywhere in the world, military officials cannot make political statements in front of the press while in uniform. The same rules should apply to religion.

All of this is then used to twist and warp society and exploit people through organized religion. These ministers publicly call over television and radio for "offertory," much of which is just exploitation in its purest form as many of these public ministers are very wealthy, taking a substantial amount of this money for themselves. These organized religions and their churches are no different from corporations, and thus should be treated and taxed just like them.

Thus, people, forced into a belief beyond their will or decision by their parents and their schools, buried beneath an overzealous society and government, are then exploited and their money taken from them so that these ministers can become very wealthy indeed.

Taking an objective look at such a society is very scary; in fact, it's sick, perverted, disgusting, and terrifying. It's like some sort of horror or tragedy film. And to think that we allow this to exist within our society only makes us look like pure evil. If evil exists, organized religion is the perfect example of it."

It is time we rid ourselves of the worst religious institution of all: the religious school. The most disgusting and terrifying aspect of religion is the methods in which it is passed on generation to generation. We must eliminate the torture chamber for the masses in our society: the religious school.

There is no excuse for the existence of religion, at all. None. We have heard thousands of arguments from millions of religious people, and have not once heard a valid excuse that outweighs all of religion's negatives.

Let's remove this shame of our society entirely. Let's destroy the religious school.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date04:46:18, January 02, 2008 CET
FromDranian Free Anarchist Faction

DRC, your mother would be ASHAMED of you!

Has anyone else noticed that DRC is... well.... chatty?

subscribe to this discussion - unsubscribe


Vote Seats

Total Seats: 176


Total Seats: 494


Total Seats: 80

Random fact: Moderation will not accept Cultural Protocol updates which introduce, on a significant scale, cultures which are likely to be insufficiently accessible to players. In particular, for all significant cultures in Particracy, it should be easy for players to access and use online resources to assist with language translation and the generation of character names. Moderation reserves the right to amend Cultural Protocols which are deemed to have introduced significant cultures that are not sufficiently accessible and which are not being actively role-played with.

Random quote: "Religion, like capitalism, will perish in the end. We estimate the complete Terra-wide extinction of Hosianism as a religious belief by the year 4409, and in Dorvik by 4398." - Friedrich Pfeiffer, former Dorvish politician

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