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Bill: Tukarali Monarchy


Submitted by[?]: Tukarali Graenix Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This bill asks for an amendement to the Constitution. It will require two-thirds of the legislature to vote in favor. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: March 2538


I see no reason for a HoS seeing as that and the HoG are essentially the same position. It would be great to have a cymbolic monarchy in Tukarali, but I would also support the merging of HoG and HoS



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date23:29:04, February 24, 2008 CET
FromTukarali Popular Party
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy
MessageWe would support a monarchy.

OOC: But I am a bit unsure of how it works, will the current HoS become monarch or will the next elected president become Monarch? - we will support this proposal in either case... Just want it cleared up.

Date23:36:01, February 24, 2008 CET
FromGreenish Liberal Democratic Socialists
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy
MessageWe don't support a monarchy, because it gives one player an unfair advantage of being able to boss people around, we're rather prefer a more democratic system in which the HoS is periodically elected, and made accountable for his actions.

Date01:08:39, February 25, 2008 CET
FromTukarali Popular Party
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy
MessageA monarch would be kept out of the political system of course, his role would, as stated in the proposal, be purely symbolic.

Date01:55:05, February 25, 2008 CET
FromJudicial Union Party
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy
MessageThe current Great Chieftain is the symbolic head of the nation, they are to be apolitical. They have little real power.

The head of the government is just that, the head of the executive government.

The two positions are very different.

Date03:19:39, February 25, 2008 CET
FromTukarali Graenix Party
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy
MessageIsn't a monarch apolitical? What is the point of electing someone when they do nothing. And I don't know about you but nobody is or ever will boss somethign around my way.

And JUP, would you support a merger between the two?

Date03:30:25, February 25, 2008 CET
FromJudicial Union Party
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy
MessageDefinitely not. That is even worse than having a monarch.

The head of government is a person who heads the executive government. They are where government policy comes from, and they are responsible for management and mismanagement of the state.

The head of state is a symbol of the people, a person who all citizens, regardless of their political views, should support. They are the nation. It is for this reason that they cannot be political.

The head of state should be elected, based on merit. Having a royal family, a monarchy, implies that these people are particularly suited to the role, and are better than the ordinary people.

A monarchy does not suit the history of our nation.

Date07:40:11, February 25, 2008 CET
FromJDW Tukarali Greens Party
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy

Date13:22:27, February 25, 2008 CET
FromRightist Party
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy

Date19:58:20, February 25, 2008 CET
FromGreenish Liberal Democratic Socialists
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy
Message"Isn't a monarch apolitical?"

It should be, but ultimately it will be a nominee of a party of a particular player which will be the de facto "leader of Tukurali". Establishing a power base only leads to dictatorial-like behavior, and will tear apart the social structure between the parties of our nation.

Date22:20:49, February 25, 2008 CET
FromJudicial Union Party
ToDebating the Tukarali Monarchy
MessageIndeed, the head of state should be based on merit and democracy, not on who their parents were.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 195


Total Seats: 262


Total Seats: 43

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