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Game Time: July 5619
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Bill: Homosexual Rights


Submitted by[?]: NWO Social Democratic Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: November 2570


Give me one good reason why we should discrimminate against homosexuals.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date17:16:26, April 30, 2008 CET
FromNWO Social Democratic Party
ToDebating the Homosexual Rights
MessageThe government should represent all voters, no matter there sexual prefrence.

Date21:36:28, April 30, 2008 CET
FromFascist-Communist Party
ToDebating the Homosexual Rights
MessageA homosexual relationship can not generate children. Thus it can not be considered to be normal.
And having children is not a right, it is a privilege.

Date17:12:39, May 01, 2008 CET
FromNWO Social Democratic Party
ToDebating the Homosexual Rights
MessageIf it is a privilege, then a person can freely abandon it if they wish.

Date21:47:18, May 01, 2008 CET
FromLeft Libertarian Party
ToDebating the Homosexual Rights
MessageWe will support.

Date22:58:23, May 01, 2008 CET
FromPantheism Capitalistic Party UCF
ToDebating the Homosexual Rights
MessageWhat would be the point of allowing such marriages? They do not benefit the country as a whole.

Date03:53:13, May 02, 2008 CET
FromPantheism Capitalistic Party UCF
ToDebating the Homosexual Rights
MessageWe support all rights save that of marriage.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 396


Total Seats: 354


    Total Seats: 0

    Random fact: Once approved, players should copy Cultural Protocols into a bill in the debate section of their nation page, under the title of "OOC: Cultural Protocols". This bill should include links to the passed Cultural Protocol bill and the Moderation approval.

    Random quote: "You will win, but you will not convince. You will win, because you possess more than enough brute force, but you will not convince, because to convince means to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need what you lack, reason and right in the struggle." - Miguel de Unamuno

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