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Bill: Non-Christian Exclusion Act


Submitted by[?]: United Conservative Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: July 2117


This Bill proposes that any foreigner who is not a practising Christian be excluded from Luthori. This extends to Atheists as well as those practice non-Christian Doctrines.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date02:35:18, September 23, 2005 CET
FromSocial Calvinist Unionist Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act

By doing this, you will alienate over 1/5 of our population(the Muslims of Agathion and the Buddhists of Yodukan, to be precise). Sure, they will still be citizens, but this is becoming insane. This is wrong on SO many levels! Even the CPP should see this!

Date06:34:17, September 23, 2005 CET
FromLuthori Green Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageThis is not just wrong, this is ignorant.

Date09:02:54, September 23, 2005 CET
FromInternational Forwardist Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act

i'm kinda glad i bugged out of this mess early...

Date12:57:15, September 23, 2005 CET
FromLuthori Green Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageMaybe the NFP/IFP had the right idea.

Date14:10:06, September 23, 2005 CET
FromSocial Calvinist Unionist Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageHe may have had the right idea, but I'm gonna ride this thing out. As history shows, the DUP will not be able to maintain power for much longer, especially seeing the extreme measures he's taking.

Date15:08:21, September 23, 2005 CET
FromCatholic Peoples Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageLook, nfp ruled for ages...but a limited time. So does the current day, maybe soon maybe later, other parties will gain control again. Thats why I don't get why the nfp went off...its extremely weak, the say they won't return, but i bet they get back as soon as the times change again.

Date17:36:37, September 23, 2005 CET
FromCovenanters (IA)
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageThis gets my support, for obvious reasons. Why are you all talking as if I proposed it?

Date23:10:48, September 23, 2005 CET
FromSocial Calvinist Unionist Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageBut anyhoo, CPP, will you be voting yes? I mean, you may be the Catholic People's Party, but your are the Catholic PEOPLE's party. (I am a Catholic myself, btw. Well, formerly Catholic, but I know all the stuff). Catholics are not radical evangelical protestants who go around forcefull converting people, are you? If you vote for this bill, you might as well rename yourself the Catholic Party, because supporting this bill will prove that your sole purpose is to ENFORCE your religion upon OTHERS. Jesus preached reconcilliation, not forced conversion.

Date15:07:24, September 24, 2005 CET
FromSeosavists Republican party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageAlso remeber CPP DUP is anti-catholic both in RL (ok it some supporters of the RL Democratic Unionist Party supportes would disagree but they have no catholic members) and in this game (look back at his origninal bills) so who's to say that if he and this new United Conservative Party get into power without you they wouldn't ban citizenship to catholics.

Date15:16:08, September 24, 2005 CET
FromCovenanters (IA)
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageIRL the DUP does receive votes from Catholics, besides which this isn't the RL DUP and as such I realigned our politics from an anti-Catholic standpoint to an anti-secular one, very early after starting. This was beacuse of the international situation, not just the domestic one. As I leader of the Christian League and Alliance for the Recognition of Ecclesias I could never adopt anti-Catholic policies.

In this world I believe it's a straight fight between all the religions and the secularists, and will never turn away from our Catholic, Orthodox, Islamic and Jewish allies.

Date10:43:59, September 25, 2005 CET
FromCatholic Peoples Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessagePeople, I know all this...our DUP brothers may not be Catholic, but the basic priciple of living standards and moral values are the same. To answer the TRP, no, we won't vote in favor of this bill...on a sidenote I highly doubt that this fellow will even put it up to vote:p

Date02:14:28, September 27, 2005 CET
FromUnited Conservative Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageThis bill is totally necessary to the well-being of the nation. We must prevent Luthori being flooded by those who would wish our ancient traditions and values to be subsumed by theirs.

To vote against this bill will be tantamount to being a traitor and anti-Christian.

It will be put!

Traitors OUT!

Date14:03:00, September 27, 2005 CET
FromSocial Calvinist Unionist Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
Message(Actually, the first "civilized" tradition in Luthori was Buddhism :D)

Date00:35:33, September 28, 2005 CET
FromCatholic Peoples Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
Messageactually, we have several other laws in place to prevent what you fear, UCP.

Date11:53:34, September 30, 2005 CET
FromUnited Conservative Party
ToDebating the Non-Christian Exclusion Act
MessageOther than the DUP and RP, the rest will all need to gather your thoughts and vote properly next time I propose this bill.

Catholics are not radical evangelical ... who go around forcefully converting people ...

Hey, what? Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition? Or the Spanish Conquistadors?

Though, I don't wish to cause a rift within the Christian forces of Luthori .. we have enough to contend with.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 196


Total Seats: 554


Total Seats: 0

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