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Bill: FGGP Bill: Protecting our Fauna


Submitted by[?]: Groene ArbeidersPartij

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: May 2590


Whaling is illegal. Why would whales be any different than other fish?
Why would they be any different than other animals, such as foxes, pheasants, deer, and so on?

We propose that we humans cannot kill animals. We are too strong and to many, and if we meddle with nature, everything will get out of balance.
There are of course always the peristent animals who are big in number, becoming a threat to farmers and the such;
why does man always think so much of himself to claim he is the only one who can control this?

We offer simple solutions, so that man does no longer have to kill any animals and yet man will be able to control animal population and even still eat meat:

<< We, the FGGP, have spent many years designing a special guide with specific information on how to control animal population. Some extracts:
=> if a species, for example a fly, would augment in population at an unimaginable rate, there are different ways to handle this. What you mustn't do in any way is kill them with a fly swatter or poison.
You could, for example, plant walnut trees. Flies hate the scent of this tree, and will automatically look for other homes. Of course, this only moves the problem to your neighbour's house.

Another good solution could be to attract birds and spiders. Both these animals love flies, and it is easy to lure them: build a little birdhouse in a strong tree or spare a warm corner in the living room. You will see; flies will no longer bug you!

=> For thousands of years, man hunted animals for food. And now, all of the sudden, the governement tells us not to! How could a non-vegetarian survive nowadays?
There are several solutions:
First of all, we urge you to stop eating meat. The Future Generation Green Party only wants the best for you and every other living being in this country. There are several veggie-camps and a lot of meetings held for meat-addicts. You should visit some.
Psychiatrists can help you if you face difficulties accepting that a cow or a horse is in no way a lesser being than you are. Maybe you could try hypnonis?
If you really persist on eating meat, there are of course more natural recourses. How about recycling? Did you know that feces is full of fibres and fat?
A great way to continue eating meat is by cultivating your own: you could start a compost heap in the garden. After only days you will notice your breeding: flies, worms, germs, and sometimes even big juicy cockroaches.
Killing them would of course be a crime, even if you raised them yourself. But for the real meat-addict, Stephany Truijens, minister of Food and Agriculture has come up with a solution: the OISAB-principle!
All you have to do is capture the little friends, put them on a plate, and before they run off you eat them and say "Oops! I Swallowed A Bug!" (OISAB). This way you will not be prosecuted and you still have the chance to eat animals! >>



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date17:01:06, June 10, 2008 CET
FromChristian Communist Front
ToDebating the FGGP Bill: Protecting our Fauna
MessageFrom a Christian point of view, God made some animals to be eaten. We are environmentalists, but this is too much.

Date20:04:48, June 10, 2008 CET
FromGroene ArbeidersPartij
ToDebating the FGGP Bill: Protecting our Fauna
MessageDo keep in mind that we own the ministry of food and agriculture at the moment..
Even when this bill doesn't pass, we will still actively promote vegetarianism and encoure people to stop eating meat or killing animals.

Date20:22:02, June 10, 2008 CET
FromLiberale Partij (L)
ToDebating the FGGP Bill: Protecting our Fauna
MessageWe're absolutely fine with that! We think the Greens are doing a -great- job at Food and Agri. We just think this bill could be better developed in terms of sustainable policies.

Date16:13:38, June 11, 2008 CET
FromChristian Communist Front
ToDebating the FGGP Bill: Protecting our Fauna

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 44


Total Seats: 112


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    Random fact: Particracy allows you to establish an unelected head of state like a monarch or a president-for-life, but doing this is a bit of a process. First elect a candidate with the name "." to the Head of State position. Then change your law on the "Structure of the executive branch" to "The head of state is hereditary and symbolic; the head of government chairs the cabinet" and change the "formal title of the head of state" to how you want the new head of state's title and name to appear (eg. King Percy XVI).

    Random quote: "You know what's interesting about Washington? It's the kind of place where second-guessing has become second nature." - George W. Bush

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