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Bill: Human Rights Act (2590)


Submitted by[?]: Selucian People's Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: February 2591


Resolved, that the Imperial Senate of the Selucian Empire recognises human rights.

1) The death penalty shall be abolished for ALL crimes, no exceptions.

2) A Human Rights Tribunal shall be established to examine human rights complaints.

3) No person shall be permitted to speak nor publish anything that marginalises, offends or disparages women, any racial or ethnic qroup, national origin, creed, sexual orientation or lifestyle choice, hereafter referred to collectively as "hate speech".

4) The Human Rights Tribunal shall search for, investigate and prosecute any and all violations of Section 3. Furthermore, individuals or victims rights groups may bring a private prosecution or lawsuit before the Human Rights Tribunal.

5) The person(s) accused of hate speech before the Human Rights Tribunal shall be presumed guilty unless the accused can exonerate himself or herself.

6) The Human Rights Tribunal shall dictate the criteria for exoneration and shall be permitted to refuse such evidence being put forward should it cause emotional distress on the victim(s).

7) This Act shall apply, in its entirety, to all non-profit and/or religious groups without exception.

8) The Human Rights Tribunal shall have the power to order prison sentences of three (3) years, or less, fines not exceeding 1,000,000 Selucian Nikan, psychiatric rehabilitation and a public apology and repudiation of beliefs by the offender.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date07:34:17, June 12, 2008 CET
FromConservative Reform Union
ToDebating the Human Rights Act (2590)
MessageI happen to agree with article 1, but the tribunal you are proposing is outrageous!

first of all, you apparently have it in your head that people have a right to go through life without being offended.

everyone gets offended, even in a small way, at things throughout life. its an emotion just like being angry, or scared, or happy, and its foolish to presume that we can help everyone to go through life without ever being offended at something. thats like making a law that says its illegal to make somebody unhappy!

some people get offended at you for doing perfectly reasonable things, and that's their problem. in the same way some people may get unhappy because you are talking about your spouse, and theirs died recently. that doesn't make it wrong that you were talking about your spouse. it is simply unreasonable to make a law saying that you can't offend ANYBODY.

second, having a guilty until proven innocent policy is also outrageous. if i don't like somebody i can just say that they insulted my ethnic group while we were in private, and their is no way for him to prove otherwise! having a guilty until proven innocent point of view invites a host of problems that the justice system does not need.

lastly, if evidence brought before the tribunal becomes exempt because it causes "emotional distress" then peoples feelings are considered more important then the truth and the livelihood and freedom of the accused.

this bill violates free speech, sets up unfair trials, and crafts our society to value peoples feelings above all else. it should be struck from the senate.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 105


Total Seats: 305


Total Seats: 90

Random fact: Players must never be asked for their Particracy password. This includes Moderation; a genuine Moderator will never ask for your password.

Random quote: "Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are like us." Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals are not like us." Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction." - Charles R. Magel

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