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Bill: Mil.0004.2637


Submitted by[?]: 帝国公明党 (Teikoku Kōmeitō)

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: August 2638


As it stands Al'badara is set to pass legislation that would begin an illegal colonization effort of Dovani.

Now, as we're all aware not only is it illegal (via the DfD) for any non-Dovanian nation to colonize any
unclaimed portion of Dovani, their also happens to be no unclaimed portions of Dovani meaning
Al'badara will essentially be invading the integral (since they said Western Dovani) heart(s) of
Dovanian nations.

Therefore we call upon the Secretary of Defence to authorize a full military blockade against any and all
Al'badaran air or water craft that do not have explicit permission and purpose in entering Dovanian
airspace and waters.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date18:20:11, September 16, 2008 CET
From 帝国公明党 (Teikoku Kōmeitō)
ToDebating the Mil.0004.2637
This requires the parties that control the Department of Defence, Department of Foreign Affairs the Tenno vote yes as well a majority of the legislature.

Also, technically, if we don't convince them to stop, we'd automatically (as well as all the other DfD signatories) be at war with them anyways, so this really will just end up being useful preparation in and of itself.

Date18:39:07, September 16, 2008 CET
From Sekowan Independent Party
ToDebating the Mil.0004.2637
MessageAny attack upon Dovani is an attack upon Sekowo as well. We must stand as one in times of turmoil and conflict, to deter and would-be attackers.

So, I guess this sort of nullifies that whole "Friendship" bill we just passed...

Date18:41:44, September 16, 2008 CET
From 帝国公明党 (Teikoku Kōmeitō)
ToDebating the Mil.0004.2637
Pretty miuch, yeah.

If it continues I'll put a withdrawal from it up to vote I suppose.
I guess that's sort of the result though of dealing with a nation with only one party who can't make up their mind what they're doing.

Date05:56:32, September 17, 2008 CET
From Conservative Party
ToDebating the Mil.0004.2637
MessageFor those wondering, the bill causing this response is:

As Minister of Defense, all branches of the military have been put on alert. To note, as well, is the internal struggles of Al'badara as they seem to be trying to shrug off their swearing of allegiance to the Deltarians (

Date12:56:31, October 24, 2008 CET
FromLiberal Party
ToDebating the Mil.0004.2637
MessageWe are refering to your Squibble Colony\'s.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 562


Total Seats: 38


    Total Seats: 0

    Random fact: By default the head of government is the ultimate authority within a national government. In general terms, heads of government are expected to consult with cabinet colleagues (including those from other parties) before making significant decisions but they remain responsible for government action.

    Random quote: "Political correctness is just tyranny with manners." - Charlton Heston

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