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Bill: Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act


Submitted by[?]: National Socialist Party of Deltaria

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: March 2125


Alle Selucians müssen von der Erde verschwinden, es ist für das große Deltarian Volk notwendig, die Vernichtung aller Selucian als vorrangige Aufgabe zu betrachten. Der Endlösung zielte also nicht nur auf die Quanzari ab, sondern auf alle Arabic Majatra.

Ich habe den Befehl gegeben – und ich lasse jeden füsilieren, der auch nur ein Wort der Kritik äußert – daß das Kriegsziel nicht im Erreichen von bestimmten Linien, sondern in der physischen Vernichtung des Gegners besteht. So habe ich, einstweilen nur im Osten, meine Totenkopfverbände bereitgestellt mit dem Befehl, unbarmherzig und mitleidslos Mann, Weib und Kind Quanzari/Selucian Abstammung und Sprache in den Tod zu schicken. Nur so gewinnen wir den Lebensraum, den wir brauchen. Wer redet heute noch von der Vernichtung der Armenier?



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date11:49:28, October 11, 2005 CET
From National Socialist Party of Deltaria
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageThis is fair.

Date13:32:18, October 11, 2005 CET
From Tokundski Nacionalisti
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageEin ausgezeichneter Vorschlag. Wir werden stoßen, diesen Vorschlag in unserer eigenen Nation zu unterstützen, obwohl die minderwertigen Araber von Cobura entgegensetzen kann.

Jedoch, schon innerhalb Deltarian Gemeinschaften in Cobura, fangen wir erhebend Männer für die Cobura Legion, unsere eigenen Stürmekavalleristen, vorbereiten an, Deltaria zu dienen.

Date16:36:15, October 11, 2005 CET
From National Socialist Party of Deltaria
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageDeltaria über alles!

Date19:03:35, October 11, 2005 CET
From Tokundski Nacionalisti
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
Messagehaha none of that makes any sense come to think of it, sorry

Date10:18:49, October 12, 2005 CET
From National Socialist Party of Deltaria
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageI had to get the TPD to translate it for me it was so bad, don't use online translators. Speak beaner instead.

Date10:54:58, October 12, 2005 CET
From Tokundski Nacionalisti
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageHey I worked very hard to produce that crap.

Date11:17:53, October 12, 2005 CET
From National Socialist Party of Deltaria
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageYour beaner is good, speak beaner.

Date11:23:30, October 12, 2005 CET
From Sedliacke Povstanie
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageSeriously, online translators are bad. Just bad. Because they spit out the most hardcore words (sometimes words in wrong context) and completely mess up the grammar.

Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Absolver.

Date14:28:15, October 12, 2005 CET
FromImperial Party of Selucian
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
Hat denn irgendeine andere Partei verstanden was geschrieben wurde?

Date15:08:27, October 12, 2005 CET
From Tokundski Nacionalisti
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageUna idea excelente. Empujaremos para Cobura para ayudar Deltaria.

Actualmente levantamos una legión de voluntarios para servir Deltaria en la guerra venidera.

(ooc a language I know, a little bit anyway, arrepentido para la basura alemana)

Date20:50:26, October 12, 2005 CET
From National Socialist Party of Deltaria
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageImperial Party, macht das was aus?

Date22:20:19, October 12, 2005 CET
FromImperial Party of Selucian
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
Nun ja, hinterher denken manche noch sie stimmen über den Weinachtsmann ab.
Wenigstens eine Übersetyung wäre hilfreich, zumindest für die MPD, die mit diesem Voting nicht moralisch ist.
Aber wofür Himmler so alles herhalten muß.....

Date22:49:46, October 12, 2005 CET
From National Socialist Party of Deltaria
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageDieses Spiel erlaubt einem nicht zu lügen und schwindeln und andere hintergehen so wie es die richtigen politiker tun. Ich muss improvisieren.

Date23:08:12, October 12, 2005 CET
FromImperial Party of Selucian
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageLOL ..........
Also kaufen alle anderen jetzt eine Waschmaschine :)

Date23:12:18, October 12, 2005 CET
FromAlderdath Lebrali Demkratti
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
Messagejust to let you all know.

this is what it says

All Selucians must disappear from the earth, it is necessary for the large Deltarian people to regard the destruction of all Selucian as priority task. Aimed to the final solution off thus not only at the Quanzari, but at all Arabic Majatra. I gave the instruction - and I let fuesilieren each, which expresses also only one word of the criticism - that the war goal exists not in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the opponent. So I, meanwhile only in the east, have my dead head federations made available with the instruction, mercilessly and compassionless man to send woman and child Quanzari/Selucian descent and language into death. We only in such a way win the habitat, which we need. Who today still talks about the destruction of the Armenians?

Date00:20:56, October 13, 2005 CET
From National Socialist Party of Deltaria
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageHahaha, you MUST have used an online translator for that.

Date11:18:24, October 13, 2005 CET
From Marchioness Party
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageI can't believe that you can all support this.

CPD, have you READ Marx. Nationalism is nothing compared to the rise of the proletariat!

Date11:41:59, October 13, 2005 CET
From National Socialist Party of Deltaria
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageThe proletariat cannot rise in the current economical clime of Deltaria. Nationalism will provide a leg-up for the needy and underpriveleged in our nation.

Date13:59:49, October 14, 2005 CET
From Marchioness Party
ToDebating the Equal Rights to Quanzaris and Selucians Act
MessageDeltaria faces a dark future should you remain with a shred of power...

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 77


Total Seats: 23


Total Seats: 0

Random fact: Party organizations are eligible for deletion if they are over 50 in-game years old, do not have at least 1 active member or are historically significant and possess historically significant information.

Random quote: "Politics is the art of the possible." - Otto von Bismarck

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