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Bill: Eastern Territories Reorganization Act


Submitted by[?]: Liberaldemokratische Allianz

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This bill is a resolution. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: May 2780


Be it enacted upon the Emperor's most Illustrious and Lutheran Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the representatives of the people of Greater Hulstria, in this present Imperial Diet assembled:

An Act to amend local government in the Eastern Territories

ARTICLE I - Short title and etc.

1) This Act may be cited as the Eastern Territories Reorganization Act, 2779.
2) This Act shall come into force immediately upon the approval of the Imperial Diet.
3) Unless otherwise stated "Colony", "Colonies", or "territories" refer to land administered by Greater Hulstria that are not directly represented in the Imperial Diet.
4) Unless otherwise stated "Colonial subject" refers to any inhabitant of a Colony of Greater Hulstria.
5) Unless otherwise stated "His Majesty's Government" refers to the constitutional government of the Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria.
6) Unless otherwise stated "Eastern Territories" shall mean all colonies and teritores administered by Greater Hulstrian that are not directly represented in the Imperial Diet.
7) Unless otherwise stated "Colonial Affairs Act" refers to the Colonial Affairs Act, 2694.

ARTICLE II - Priority of this Act
1) Article II, Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 of the Colonial Affairs Act shall be superceded by this Act.

ARTICLE III - Imperial Commissioner
1) There shall be an Imperial Commissioner of the Eastern Territories to administer the Colonies. The Imperial Commissioner shall serve at the pleasure of His Majesty and His Majesty's Government, though no individual may serve for a period longer than ten years.
2) The Governor-General and Staatsminister, shall nominate a candidate to serve as Imperial Commissioner to the Imperial Diet. The candidate shall only take office by majority vote of the Imperial Diet.
3) The Emperor may withhold royal assent of the designated Imperial Commissioner.
4) Should the Imperial Diet fail to approve two consecutive candidates, the Emperor may appoint an Imperial Commissioner. An Imperial Commissioner appointed in this way shall serve for no longer than five years.
5) The Imperial Diet may, by majority vote, reject an appointment made by the Emperor.
6) The Imperial Diet may, by 2/3rds vote, withdraw the commission of an Imperial Commissioner approved by the Imperial Diet.
7) The Imperial Diet may, by majority vote, withdraw the commission of an Imperial Commissioner appointed by the Emperor.
5) During any period when the Imperial Commissioner's office is vacant, or the Imperial Commissioner is prevented from performing the duties of office, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Imperial Superintendent of Police for the Eastern Territories shall jointly exercise all powers and authority of that office.

ARTICLE IV - Colonial Government
1) Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 of the Colonial Affairs Act shall be superceded by this Act.
2) The Colonies shall be divided into eight separate Districts to be titled Regierungsbezirk. Each of whom shall have a Chief Administrator appointed by the Imperial Commissioner to govern the affairs of that District.
3) The Chief Administrators shall take directives from the Imperial Commissioner and His Majesty's Government on how to exercise authority in the District.
4) There shall be a Representative Assembly to advise the Imperial Commissioner on the proper administration of the Colonies.
5) The Representative Assembly shall consist of forty members, five from each District, elected by those Colonial subjects entitled to vote, as provided for in this Act.
6) Elected Members of the Representative Assembly must make an oath swearing or affirming loyalty to His Imperial Majesty and His Majesty's Government before they may take up their seats in the Representative Assembly.
7) Only Colonial subjects who have attained the age of eighteen years and who have not been convicted of treason or serious felony may be entitled to vote.
8) There shall be Courts established in each District, headed by a Chief Magistrate appointed by the Imperial Commissioner, to ensure that justice is properly dispensed and that the laws are enforced.

ARTICLE V - Regierungsbezirks
1) The Ministry of Internal Affairs shall provide to the Imperial Diet, Emperor, and His Majesty's Government an official map of the Eastern Territories divided into eight Regierungsbezirks.
2) The names of the districts shall be - Heinrich der Große; Nord-Carina; Märtyrerland; Große Krähenfuß; Wildschweingebiet; Histap Längstal; Fernost Hulster; Ost-Berge
3) The Imperial Diet may, by majority vote, designate a capital city for each district.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date10:28:07, June 16, 2009 CET
FromKolonial Partei
ToDebating the Eastern Territories Reorganization Act

Date18:19:29, June 16, 2009 CET
FromKonstitutionelle Monarchie Partei
ToDebating the Eastern Territories Reorganization Act
MessageI won't vote for any re-districting without a change in how the Comissioner is appointed.

Date21:39:39, June 30, 2009 CET
FromKonstitutionelle Monarchie Partei
ToDebating the Eastern Territories Reorganization Act
MessageThis is completely opposite of what was argeed upon in the CAA bill; the Emperor proposed his candidate and if the candidate failed, the Governor-General would appoint one for five years.

Date21:41:10, June 30, 2009 CET
FromKonstitutionelle Monarchie Partei
ToDebating the Eastern Territories Reorganization Act
MessageI may be confusing that and the Internal Affairs Minister part; we did not come to a final argeement on that section.

Date21:43:28, June 30, 2009 CET
FromLiberaldemokratische Allianz
ToDebating the Eastern Territories Reorganization Act
MessageYou said at 08:30:14, June 30, 2009 CET "I'm seeing if there is anyone who opposes it, if not I'll put it to vote. I've heard that some parties may still have objections to this revised bill." This law is exactly what we agreed upon in previous threads.

Date21:54:57, June 30, 2009 CET
FromKonstitutionelle Monarchie Partei
ToDebating the Eastern Territories Reorganization Act
MessageI also said;
"The FAP proposes then that if a IC is removed before his term or dies (with ooc consensus), then the Internal Affairs Minister will assume emergency powers until a new IC is appointed. If the office is vacant because the Diet is voting on a new Comissioner, then the Superintendent will assume the job ceremonially."

The CLA didn't respond to that and we assumed you didn't have a problem with it thus the comment "i'll put it to vote if no one else has any problems"; the "jointly managed" section is still in this bill.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 353


Total Seats: 372


    Total Seats: 0

    Random fact: The people in your nation don't like inactive parties. When you often abstain from voting for a bill, they will dislike your party and your visibility to the electorate will decrease significantly. Low visibility will means you are likely to lose seats. So keep in mind: voting Yes or No is always better than Abstaining.

    Random quote: "Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others." - Ambrose Bierce

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