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Bill: SUN.013.2772 Corporations Accorded Fair Taxation Act


Submitted by[?]: Mugenkai

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: April 2777


It makes no sense to exempt corporations from taxes entirely. SUN proposes asking corporate entities to pay their fair share of the costs for the government investments in roads, power, communications, research, and all the other vital infrastructure that makes their success possible.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date16:18:34, June 17, 2009 CET
From 帝国公明党 (Teikoku Kōmeitō)
ToDebating the SUN.013.2772 Corporations Accorded Fair Taxation Act
MessageWhile we view this as a move in the right direction, we generally support the historic 30%, as it is what companies have been used to and the amount that the government has worked with the longest.

I don't remember if this, like other taxes was supposed to be only done by whomever controls finances or not.

Date16:49:26, June 17, 2009 CET
From Mugenkai
ToDebating the SUN.013.2772 Corporations Accorded Fair Taxation Act
MessageOOC: I may be mistaken, but I thought that the tax had been eliminated by a party that did not control Finance. If there's a tacit understanding that only the Finiance Minister's party should make this proposal, I'll cancel it.

Date15:19:45, June 18, 2009 CET
From Central Union of Trade and Economy
ToDebating the SUN.013.2772 Corporations Accorded Fair Taxation Act
MessageOOC: Well, DSP, you changed it also from 0 to 30 back then when CUTE controlled the Finance (like it has done for the past century or so :) Then Conservatives Changed it back to 0.

IC: We Disagree. Why should some people pay double taxes? It is unfair. First, their company pays the taxes (your insane 35% of the profit), and then, from the money that is left over, they pay salary from it to the employees and the owners, who AGAIN have to pay taxes? There is no point in double taxes, and Coporal Tax will only reduce the amount of jobs.

This will especially hurt the small companies that employ only a handfull of people. I know socialist would like you to think that all companies are gigantic multinational exploiters, but in reality, most of the Sekowan companies are small business', like small family companies runing a small restaurant. Asking them to pay insane 35% tax from their small profit is thievery that has no justification.

Date05:00:02, June 19, 2009 CET
From Mugenkai
ToDebating the SUN.013.2772 Corporations Accorded Fair Taxation Act
MessageMost small businesses are not incorporated, so this would not be a problem for them. On the other hand, we should not create artificial incentives to incorporate.

A corporation is a legal person and should pay taxes just like all people within our Federation. The tax rate is set below the maximum income tax rate in recognition of the benefits corporations provide, but those benefits alone do not justify immunity from taxation.

Any small business that might be harmed by this bill is welcome to reorganize as a partnership.

Date12:52:05, June 19, 2009 CET
From Central Union of Trade and Economy
ToDebating the SUN.013.2772 Corporations Accorded Fair Taxation Act
MessageIt makes no sense to make people pay taxes twice. They already have to pay income taxes if they wish to trasnfer money to their personal use from the corporation.

Date18:20:20, June 19, 2009 CET
From 帝国公明党 (Teikoku Kōmeitō)
ToDebating the SUN.013.2772 Corporations Accorded Fair Taxation Act
True, I did, still saying though, I don't remember if it was meant to be left to financial ministry party or not, so if it was I screwed up, just saying I don't remember.

Date18:35:22, June 19, 2009 CET
From Mugenkai
ToDebating the SUN.013.2772 Corporations Accorded Fair Taxation Act
MessageOOC: Aside from that, the main intent of this bill is to raise my big-government visibility, so I set it high enough that I know it won't pass. But if it would be better to leave it to the Finance Minister, I'll convert this bill to a resolution saying that corporations ought to be taxed. What's the common practice here?

Date20:46:40, June 22, 2009 CET
From Mugenkai
ToDebating the SUN.013.2772 Corporations Accorded Fair Taxation Act
MessageOOC: If there's no clear response I'll be bringing this to vote after the elections.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 210


Total Seats: 328


Total Seats: 62

Random fact: In Culturally Protected nations, special care must be taken to ensure realism is maintained when role-playing a government controlled by an ethnic and/or religious minority. If it is to be supposed that this government is supported by a majority of the population, then this should be plausibly and sufficiently role-played. The burden of proof is on the player or players role-playing such a regime to demonstrate that it is being done realistically

Random quote: "Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." - Thomas A. Edison

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