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Bill: Foreign Relations Reform Act


Submitted by[?]: United Republics Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill proposes the withdrawal from a treaty. It will require half of the legislature to vote in favor[?]. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: June 2781


The UNT and NATO have produced no positive results for Lodamun or its people. The United Nations of Terra refused to hear complaints of anti-democratic activity in Lodamun. NATO has not aided in the defense of Lodamun during past conflicts.

Upon passage:
The UNT and NATO will be required to remove headquarters/ offices and cease all activity in Lodamun.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date03:31:15, July 03, 2009 CET
FromThe Liberal Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageDoes any party voting in favor of this proposal even know how either organization work or has done for us? Or are they simply claiming sovereignty just to give a reason? Maybe it is a vendetta by the URP. We could go on and on on how not too many of you know how either organization work but it's going to waste our time.

Do not come asking for our help when we get invaded or when we isolate ourselves into destruction. The Liberal Party will conduct its own foreign policy to protect those who support us and to protect ourselves. We know for a fact that all of you voting in favor of this proposal will drive our country into destruction but we'll see. Time will prove it.

Date08:09:31, July 03, 2009 CET
FromUnited Republics Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageThe Liberals will conduct its own foreign policy? Not sure that's exactly proper or legal. Once again instead of addressing my specific claims that no benefit has come from our participation in these organizations, the Liberals have decided to issue broad claims with no supporting evidence. This lack of rational debate, inability to maintain cordial relations with parties even in its own nation, unending pitiful pouting when it doesn't get its way, and continued issuing of idle threats makes it clear that the end of LP foreign policy will only accrue benefits for the Lodamese people.

Date10:43:41, July 03, 2009 CET
FromThe Liberal Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessagePlease, ask for a transcript of our statements. It is clear that your members do not pay proper attention in this chamber.

Yes, we will conduct our own foreign policy to "protect those who support us and to protect ourselves."

The problems with your "claims" is that you offer no evidence to back it up. Why should we be the ones to prove anything? It is your responsibility to prove to us that those organizations have done nothing. But as always, the URP has none or it makes them up as they go along.

Date11:29:43, July 03, 2009 CET
FromUnited Republics Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageI have offered specific proof namely the inability of the UNT to perform any basic tasks including the inability to produce DIC reports and NATO's inaction when Likatonia invaded Lodamun. As for offering proof that these organization do nothing... how am I supposed to offer proof that these organizations do nothing? If they do nothing, they do nothing so there is nothing to point to. That's the exact argument I am making. If the LP is unwilling to offer constructive debate, there is no point in discussing further issues with it.

Date12:14:56, July 03, 2009 CET
FromThe Liberal Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageWell, we encourage the URP to check further. DIC reports were produced but the Security Council never found any evidence of foul play by the government of our great country.

As for Likatonia, it NEVER invaded Lodamun (OOC: Sorry but it was a one way RP by you. No one in Likatonia ever cared about it. Ask them if you like. As so, I don't recognize as anything worth looking at). Aside from that, Lodamun was not a member of NATO at the time. Is the URP forgetting that they withdrew from NATO before said conflict?

Before you make any crazy arguments, do your research. You are making fools out of yourselves. Read a history book. Do something but don't waste our time with your out of touch arguments. If they can even be called arguments.

And don't pretend to know anything about the organizations. The URP is not even aware of what's happening ten feet behind them. How do you expect to know what's happening with international organizations?

Our party will not comment further. This Parliament has made its mind and will withdraw from those two organizations. Lodamese citizens will pay for your mistakes. Lucky them, they have us to protect them. We only hope no one suffers because of your inability to see passed your vendetta against us.

Date12:56:09, July 03, 2009 CET
FromRadical Nationalist Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageOur party is considering making a request for an investigation into the statements by the LP, we fear that their comments could be treasonous. Clearly the Liberal Party disagree with Democracy, the people gave our parties a majority with the full knowledge that we intended to withdraw from international treaties so it is their will as well as our own. The Liberal Party should learn to respect the voice of the people.

Date13:13:14, July 03, 2009 CET
FromThe Liberal Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageAre the RNP members also not paying attention? Should we request the transcript of our speeches once again to prove that we have nothing against anyone?

No one is arguing anything related to democracy or anything even close to that. Perhaps, the RNP should stay on topic and refrain from making extraneous comments.

And why is the RNP so sensitive to our comments? Is there anything we should be worried about? Nuclear war? A revolution? A military coup? Please, we would like to know.

Date13:15:44, July 03, 2009 CET
FromThe Liberal Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageOOC: As a side note: You threw me off base with the word treasonous. I had never heard it before, to be honest. In the United States, we usually use traitorous. Just thought you would get a kick out of that one.

Date13:32:19, July 03, 2009 CET
FromRadical Nationalist Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageWe feel that the comments by the Liberal Party could be construed as them having intent to negotiate with foreign powers who have intent or will invade on their own accord or on the behalf of the LP. The Comments by the LP point that they would ensure protection of their own people and even aid any such actions by foreign powers. However any such attempts will fail as the forces of Lodamun will defeat anyone that tries such a course of action.

OOC: Surely the LP has heard of the legal concept of Treason, hence treasonous. More or less the same thing as Traitorous, but I think from a British perspective Treasonous is a more commonly used term in the concept its being used here.

Date14:04:38, July 03, 2009 CET
FromThe Liberal Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageIsn't the RNP assuming too much? We never mentioned we will aide anyone in doing anything. We are free to negotiate on our own behalf with anyone we see fit or are we incorrect in holding that belief? We did indeed state that we will offer protection to our own people but that says nothing besides what it states: we will offer protection to our people.

OOC: Of course I know what it means, I just had never heard it before. It's just one of the many differences between the American and British English. Trust me, traitorous to Americans means what treasonous means to you.

Date15:47:28, July 03, 2009 CET
FromUnited Republics Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageLikatonia did invade Lodamun. In fact there was a nuclear exchange resulting in millions of deaths. It'd be nice if the LP familiarized itself with Lodamese history before it claims that the URP is unaware of Lodamun's past.

OOC: I agree with the RNP about LP's comments, but I feel the LP is impotent and his threats are meaningless. He can cause whatever trouble he wants, but we can simply ignore his RP if he attempts to cause a war.

Date16:55:47, July 03, 2009 CET
FromRadical Nationalist Party
ToDebating the Foreign Relations Reform Act
MessageWe are not saying that is fact what I are worried you may be planning, we are saying that its how we think you will act and that is why we want it investigated so we can establish the facts.

OOC: Treasonous sounds better :p

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