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Bill: Nuclear Arms Act of 2782


Submitted by[?]: Liberal Party of Beluzia and Bailon

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This is an ordinary bill. It requires more yes votes than no votes. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: April 2783


COMMENDING the good intentions of the previous government in banning nuclear weapon,

BUT CONCERNED that without international cooperation, Beluzia and Bailon would be left defenseless,

THIS ACT seeks to re-allow the use of nuclear weapons under extreme circumstances where there is no other alternative.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date17:25:44, July 06, 2009 CET
FromPeople's Populist Party - Zogist Mafia
ToDebating the Nuclear Arms Act of 2782
MessageWe intend to conquer all of Terra, not a nuclear fallout wasteland!~

Date17:44:00, July 06, 2009 CET
FromLiberal Party of Beluzia and Bailon
ToDebating the Nuclear Arms Act of 2782
MessageSo this government's policy is to simply capitulate to other nuclear powers then?

Date22:50:27, July 06, 2009 CET
FromPeople's Populist Party - Zogist Mafia
ToDebating the Nuclear Arms Act of 2782
MessageObviously not, Grand Emperor Zog never capitulates!

Clearly you have a lot to learn about Beluzian culture!!

We use knock-out gas and traitor redemption serum to round-up and reprogram the foriegn devils. They can be quickly re-orientated into unskilled labor or shock troops. More time can be spent cultivating them into skilled workers once the war is over and their country has been conquered. None of this can occur with a "kill 'em all" "take no names" approach of Nuclear missiles and other civilian killing environmentally damaging bombs.

Date22:53:33, July 06, 2009 CET
FromPeople's Populist Party - Zogist Mafia
ToDebating the Nuclear Arms Act of 2782
Messageooc: consider Hiroshima / Nagasaki! Consider what a useful ally the US and Japan became after the war. What good does it serve us to have modern japanese still dying of cancer in these cities? What good does it do us to have wiped out untold number of German civilians in the bombing of Dresden?

We are not weaker because we have higher standards. Virtues do not handicap us, they lead us to a higher purpose, a greater victory.

Date05:13:20, July 07, 2009 CET
FromLiberal Party of Beluzia and Bailon
ToDebating the Nuclear Arms Act of 2782
MessageOOC: but you see, it is precisely because the Japanese had no nuclear weapons that they had to capitulate! Otherwise, the war would have continued on for at least a few more months!

Date16:16:56, July 07, 2009 CET
FromPeople's Populist Party - Zogist Mafia
ToDebating the Nuclear Arms Act of 2782
Messageooc: that sounds like an argument against nuclear weapons. If the US didn't have them, we could have ended the war another way. There is no doubt we would have won in time...

bottom line: bombs kill civilians, even when used to their intended purpose. Nukes continue to kill for generations. That is evil.

Date16:56:22, July 08, 2009 CET
FromLiberal Party of Beluzia and Bailon
ToDebating the Nuclear Arms Act of 2782
MessageOOC: How so? The other way would have cost even more lives! The only reason that the Japanese surrendered so quickly was because they knew they were powerless against the unknown atom bomb. Any invasion would have surely been met with fierce resistance, resulting in much greater casualties in the scale of the millions and causing more damage.

Date17:24:35, July 09, 2009 CET
FromPeople's Populist Party - Zogist Mafia
ToDebating the Nuclear Arms Act of 2782
Messageooc: we had lots of options. How about a naval blockade? How about trained assassins kill Tojo or bribe the emperor?

If we were going to nuke anything, better it be Moscow. Stalin was a far greater threat than the japanese. You might say that is easy to say in hindsight, but Patton knew it at the time:

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