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Bill: Power to the People Act


Submitted by[?]: The Royal Union

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This bill asks for an amendement to the Constitution. It will require two-thirds of the legislature to vote in favor. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: December 2786





These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date00:52:49, July 14, 2009 CET
FromUnion Hosienne-Démocrate (UHD)
ToDebating the Power to the People Act
MessageWe must disagree. Each region of Kanjor should be treated equally given that each is unique in character, culture, tradition, and government.

Date01:27:21, July 14, 2009 CET
FromThe Royal Union
ToDebating the Power to the People Act
MessageWe refuse to believe the sparsely populated regions of Kanjor should carry as much electoral weight as our greatest cities. Yes, the votes of the rural areas are just as valid but the electors of larger regions statistically represent a greater diversity of opinons given their size, and this must be taken into account.

Laurent Blanc (UR)
Justice Minister

Date17:03:43, July 14, 2009 CET
FromUnion Hosienne-Démocrate (UHD)
ToDebating the Power to the People Act
MessageThe people of the Isle of Tondola have unique circumstances, interests, and issues compared to the people of the Mainland. They also have only two reasons and a smaller population. This bill will deny them of their rights; allowing the interests of the Mainland to dictate to the people of the Isle.

Under the current system, the people of the Mainland already have more votes, but this bill will widen that gap, disenfranchising a whole group.

Date17:05:06, July 14, 2009 CET
FromUnion Hosienne-Démocrate (UHD)
ToDebating the Power to the People Act
MessageOops, regions*, not "reasons"

Date20:09:43, July 14, 2009 CET
FromThe Royal Union
ToDebating the Power to the People Act
MessageLet's look at the statistics here:

The region of Zanyal has 27% of Kanjor's population but is only represented by 20% of seats in Government. The region of Vagderra has only 14% and the same percentage of seats in Government.

So the argument that "the people of the Mainland have more votes" is true by virtue of sheer numbers, but they still remain dangerously underrepresented.

Laurent Blanc (UR)
Justice Minister

Date01:49:19, July 15, 2009 CET
FromUnion Hosienne-Démocrate (UHD)
ToDebating the Power to the People Act
MessageThat still doesn't change the argument the MO has made.

What this bill will do is cut seats from the Isle of Tondola's regions, and give them to the Mainland; therefore disenfranching a unique area of Kanjor and giving it to the other area. If Kanjor was like Alduria and had no unique regions with special intersts or issues we would support this, but because Kanjor is separated by the Channel we cannot support this.

Remember, at one time, Kanjor was one the "Republic of Kanjor and Tondola", the "Confederation of the Two Kanjors", the "Advocacy of the Two Kanjors", the "Kanjorien Confederation". The point being that Kanjor has a long tradition of federalism as a collection of semi-independent regions and not as a unitarist state. Therefore, representation of the equality of regions was important, not the equality of individuals withing those regions.

Therefore, let's continue this tradition of equality of the regions and keep the current legislation.

Date04:36:32, July 15, 2009 CET
FromThe Royal Union
ToDebating the Power to the People Act
MessageThis is not a matter of 'cutting' seats from any one region or another. This is a matter of equality. This bill actually makes true representative democracy possible by taking into account the simple fact that more people should equal more representation. By voting against this, you're saying the people of the mainland deserve to be underrepresented. Romantic notions of the past aside, we are now one Kanjor. and we cannot support such grossly disproportionate systems dictating the politics of our nation-- especially given the strong waves of nationalism Kanjor was experiencing at the time of the UR's founding.

Date05:51:48, July 15, 2009 CET
FromUnion Hosienne-Démocrate (UHD)
ToDebating the Power to the People Act
MessageWe disagree profoundly on the purpose of the Estates-General. The UR, and many others, believe it exists to make representation equal for all people. The MO, and apparently the PRT, believes it exists to make all the regions equal. Given that this will undoubtably pass regardless of what any of us say here, we can only supply our viewpoint and move on.

We can all agree to disagree.

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 319


Total Seats: 281


    Total Seats: 0

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