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Game Time: July 5619
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Bill: Withdraw Bill of 2788


Submitted by[?]: Christian Democratic Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This bill proposes the withdrawal from a treaty. It will require half of the legislature to vote in favor[?]. This bill will not pass any sooner than the deadline.

Voting deadline: May 2789



The other nation hasn't ratified this treaty and the nation Quanzer does not exist anymore but has been replaced by Istalia. This treaty is void.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date01:07:02, July 19, 2009 CET
From Christian Democratic Party
ToDebating the Withdraw Bill of 2788
MessageFPP Why do you oppose? The treaty clearly reads:

This economic alliance is binding and shall be considered null if one or both parties opt out of the agreement.

Date04:48:11, July 20, 2009 CET
From Christian Democratic Party
ToDebating the Withdraw Bill of 2788
MessagePlease someone explain to me the logic of opposing this bill?

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 92


Total Seats: 59


Total Seats: 49

Random fact: In cases where players have failed to clearly and accurately reference their nation's RP laws in the "Bills under debate" section, Moderation will rule them invalid if a challenge is made to their validity.

Random quote: "History is made by angry minorities, not by passive majorities." - Fareed Zakaria

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