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Game Time: July 5619
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Bill: Budget proposal of November 2951


Submitted by[?]: New Democratic Party

Status[?]: defeated

Votes: This bill proposes to change the allocation of funds in the budget. It requires more than half of the legislature to vote yes. This bill will pass as soon as the required yes votes are in, or will be defeated if unsufficient votes are reached on the deadline.

Voting deadline: July 2952


The New Democratic Party propose to adjust the government's spending budget to better address the economic and social situation of the Free and United Country of Kalistan.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date18:34:41, June 10, 2010 CET
FromSocialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK)
ToDebating the Budget proposal of November 2951
MessageWe would support this proposal but we are committed to the long standing principle that only the finance minister should advance budget and tax bills. This is, after all, enshrined in the International Kalistani Laws Regime, Article 5.

Date18:56:25, June 10, 2010 CET
FromNew Democratic Party
ToDebating the Budget proposal of November 2951
MessageYou hane to be open-minded

Date22:40:52, June 10, 2010 CET
FromSocialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK)
ToDebating the Budget proposal of November 2951
MessageI support the law.

Date23:13:24, June 10, 2010 CET
FromLibertarian Party of Kalistan (LPoK)
ToDebating the Budget proposal of November 2951
MessageBeing the head of the Ministry of Finance, we cannot condone these kinds of infringements on our privileges. The law is paramount in Kalistan, and we try to abide whenever possible.

In terms of the financial changes themselves, we do not think that a reduction in our Foreign Affairs budget is a wise decision. Our FA ministry should actually be looking to expand their budget, to accommodate the bills that will soon be decided upon. Also, the financial district is not in dire need of additional and unnecessary funding. In that spirit, we cannot agree with the budget you have laid out.

Date09:07:30, June 11, 2010 CET
FromNew Democratic Party
ToDebating the Budget proposal of November 2951
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    Random quote: "Isn't it about time that the US government stop supporting dictatorships and avaricious oligarchies with our tax monies, munitions, and diplomacy?" - Ralph Nader

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