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Bill: Income tax proposal of October 2999


Submitted by[?]: United Liberty Party

Status[?]: passed

Votes: This bill proposes to change income taxes. It requires more than half of the legislature to vote yes. This bill will pass as soon as the required yes votes are in, or will be defeated if unsufficient votes are reached on the deadline.

Voting deadline: January 3001


From the Finance ministry, here is a taxation bill. We will allow for debate until mid-3000. It eliminates the lowest two tax brackets. It raises the minimum income before having to pay taxes from 3,000 COB to 10,000 COB. After the passage of this bill, the poorest Coburans will no longer have the burden of paying income taxes. This is just the latest bill that the ULP has sponsored with the aim of reducing the burden of the poor regarding paying for government.



These messages have been posted to debate on this bill:

Date14:55:01, September 14, 2010 CET
From Neo communist party(TROTSKYISM)
ToDebating the Income tax proposal of October 2999
MessageAlmost a reduction in surplus of aabout 60000000000COB
Do u think our economy can absorb it ULP?
If u think it can absorb it dont u think this fund could have been directed for better welfare.?

Date15:06:09, September 14, 2010 CET
From United Liberty Party
ToDebating the Income tax proposal of October 2999
MessageTo your first point: It's actually closer to 80,000,000,000 COB. It will leave a 30,000,000,000 COB budget surplus remaining for a "rainy day" fund.

Secondly: The money is not currently being spent by government, it's just sitting there. Allowing the people to keep their own money so that they can spend it will only improve the economy.

Third: The Finance ministry under the CRP already increased the government's budget perhaps two or three years ago, which increased government spending, including on the poor. If you had not noticed, this tax break is exclusively for the poor, and actually provides for small increases in the tax rate on wealthier Coburans. If ever there was a tax-lowering bill for you to support, this is it.

Date15:12:06, September 14, 2010 CET
From Neo communist party(TROTSKYISM)
ToDebating the Income tax proposal of October 2999
MessageJust one more--
Can i see in this game our average salary people in COBURA?

Date15:14:26, September 14, 2010 CET
From Neo communist party(TROTSKYISM)
ToDebating the Income tax proposal of October 2999
Messagewhat is our average salaRY?

Date15:22:58, September 14, 2010 CET
From United Liberty Party
ToDebating the Income tax proposal of October 2999
MessageI don't have those figures, but I can tell you that per capita GDP is 5,480 COB.

Date19:29:56, September 14, 2010 CET
From Neo communist party(TROTSKYISM)
ToDebating the Income tax proposal of October 2999
Messagegenerally per capita income tends to be much lower than it.Ok ur change in tax is needed i support.

Date22:20:38, September 14, 2010 CET
From Liberala Partio de Koburo
ToDebating the Income tax proposal of October 2999

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Vote Seats

Total Seats: 260


    Total Seats: 0


    Total Seats: 241

    Random fact: In cases where a party has no seat, the default presumption should be that the party is able to contribute to debates in the legislature due to one of its members winning a seat at a by-election. However, players may collectively improvise arrangements of their own to provide a satisfying explanation for how parties with no seats in the legislature can speak and vote there.

    Random quote: "The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward." - John Maynard Keynes

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